Feral Druid Nerf when?

Live is irrelevant. The damage is boosted because of covenants legendaries conduits, Secondary stats are maxed out .

The moment you level in DF ur damage is going to take a huge dip.

Then your damage goes up again once you get gear and tier sets.

The only borrowed power in DF is tier sets that’s it .
There is nothing like covenants or legendaries to further boost ur damage.

If you want to test
Then remove your soul binds conduits and legendaries tier set and see what the damage is like

Perhaps you can test it for us… and take screen shots!

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Okay bro move on and stop trolling.

Why are you so obsessed lol this is getting sad

No way! This is getting good! Please, continue. Tell me more about how a lvl 60 does more damage than a 70.

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Keep going ur low IQ is showing hahahaha
Mr lfr raider lol

Also where are classes doing 100k on a 5 pack in pre patch. Because if that’s the case end of dungeons overall should be 100K since pulls are usually 8-10 packs

Your inexperience is showing again.

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You literally can’t talk you raid lfr and barely doing 20s in pre patch

Still higher than you :slight_smile:

Stay mad!

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I’m not the one that keeps coming back to a thread to troll. :slight_smile: stay happy

lol this entire thread is a troll made by you.
Im multiple forums…

Y u mad?

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I’m not mad at all. I know a feral nerf is coming . You’re the one whose going to be mad when it happens :slight_smile:

What was the name of the feral that killed you?

Did you write it down on your excel sheet?

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Lol you keep coming back haha. You really have nothing better to do than troll people .

Testing anything on Val right now is a complete joke if you are trying to compare meters. Being able to easily go to heroics with 400ilvl, heck my holy priest can hit 100k on big pack pulls on beta right now.

Testing mythics is sporadic at best so its very difficult to do comparisons consistently as I’ve been trying to do that every time mythics are available for testing.

Tical and I are RARELY on the same side of any issue…just look at our history. However, I agree with him on these points:

  1. Feral is strong, but not OP. They are strong in AoE right now, but relatively mediocre on ST. I don’t see blizzard making changes to that anytime soon based on some random 100k trash pulls in a heroic on an overgeared server.
  2. You need to stop trolling the druid forums unless you actually have something to contribute.
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Val is the only realm you can test lvl 70 stuff. What are you talking about lol.

Feral has very good ST and AOE, Utility.

Let me be clear to you in case you haven’t got what I’m trying to say. I want feral to be in a good spot.
When DF comes out people will complain about feral. I’m worried it will get nerfed to F tier. That’s my concern hence I will settle for a BTier class

Why does that matter to you though? Youre not running anything worth mentioning.


Keep trolling. Your life is so sad. No wonder you get mad so easily

Not trolling. I genuinely want to see your druid. As do others.

Why are you being such a coward about it?


I rarely type anything but my eyes…how can u all guys be so stupid feeding this nobody’s agenda? it is clear he has some IRL issues, personality disorder or similar…just let him be and stop feeding him he wont stop no matter what u say or do…


You’re just not educated lol I can’t help you I feel sorry for you