Feral Druid Nerf when?

Yes, and its a joke right now. There is no way to really compare right now.

And you can level up and play the content on the other servers as well.

Val is for testing 5 mans, tier sets, etc. Its a joke trying to draw conclusions from running heriocs that are gears towards 330-340ilvl with 400+ ilvl with tier set bonuses, full crafting bonuses, etc, it place.

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M+ and Raids

Classic player posting on an alt, claiming to main a class that they refuse to prove. Despite proving it being only 2 clicks.

You could literally reply on the Druid and win the “argument.” You not doing so 100% proves your a liar.

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There is no winning when with trolls.

Except M+ and Raids are not available all the time right now.

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You’re again just proving that you are the troll. The ease of disproving this entire thread is a ball in your court.

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That’s the only place where conclusions are drawn from. M+ weekends have been quite revealing on class performance

I’m aware. I’ve been there every weekend they are up testing multiple builds across multiple classes.

Again, you could gain a little bit of traction if you’d actually show us that you have actually played a druid at some point. Otherwise all your posts seem to indicate is that you are afraid that whatever class you are maining might not be top spot anymore just based on cheesy class design.

No one can tell who will get nerfed. Not everything that is S tier gets nerfed. I don’t expect VDH and Prot Warriors to get nerfed. As much as I prefer druid and paladin for tanking, I don’t go wishing VDH and PW’s get nerfed. Instead I hope other classes get brought up to their level.

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Okay so the way i see it is I dont need to prove anything to anyone but blizzard. the post was directed at blizzard not player base. I really dont care what some random guy on a forum thinks about me.

Then you can leave now. If you actually cared about what blizzard was thinking, you’d post it on the Beta feedback forums, not here.


They’re a troll, report them and ignore them

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…and yet here you are claiming to be better than us.

But you do care. Why else did you spend the better half of a day creeping my armory and raider io?

Why else did you make this personal and attack my experience?

Most importantly… If you truly are who you say you are? why not prove it?

We all know why
Because you’re a liar and a troll.

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Bro just ignore them/block them and report them for trolling, stop feeding them. Move on.

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How can you be so wrong all the time lol. I feel sorry for you

Yeah, you’ve said this. Its meaningless.

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Just like everything you’ve said

Fixed that 4 U

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Again wrong as usual. It’s just funny at this point how wrong about everything you are. Either you are trolling or just really unintelligent

Wrong about what?
That you have no druid?

If only there was a way to prove me wrong instantly.

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Just stop trolling and move on man. I hope you have a nice day