Feral Druid Nerf when?

You’re a narcissistic gaslighter. GTFO.

Nah….to gaslight he actually has to convince me.

Only thing he’s convinced me off is that he’s an idiot.

No Druid.
No beta access.
No ksm.

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No ksm hahahahaha you say that like ksm is this big hurdle haha I feel so sorry for you

It is for you.

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You’ve got to be the worst debater I’ve ever seen. Scrolling through this, you just straight up ignore valid responses entirely. And if you do respond, it’s not to the claim whatsoever. You just throw out some random insult and that’s it.

You’re either very obviously around 12-15 years old, or you’re older but your mental state got locked in at that age range.


Post your main please?

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As much as I hate to say it, I’m kind of with Tical on this one…


Arguing aside, I’m pretty sure feral is one of those classes that scale pretty well with gear. Maybe wait until it launches and see how we’re doing once all the SL stuff is stripped away. I’d like to be able to kill quest mobs at the start of an xpack without having to have my bf tank things for me. I remember BFA launch being particularly brutal.


Nah it’s for you.

You claim I throw insults and you do the same thing . How very not hypocritical LOL

You read into it wrong. It’s not that you throw insults. It’s that you supplement a response with only insults.

You kind of need to actually make a case as well…

I did make my case but some people just assume I want feral to be FTier lol


The whole intention is asking for a small tuning change to bring use out of nerf radar. I’ve been in most betas where ferals have been good and they end up nerfed into FTier. At this point I would happily settle for Btier

Do you know what forums will be like when DF releases and Feral is seen on top ?

No you havent.
(watching YouTube vids doesn’t count)

Feel free to prove me wrong at any time.

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I don’t need to prove anything to you. You are just a sad little troll

You need to prove the statements youve been making.

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Not to you I don’t. Stop trolling and move on.
Why do you keep coming back to this post. Just move on

Why wont you post your druid?
Its oddly strange that you suddenly have something to hide after making all these statements. Surly a big bad above average druid like yourself would be proud to show off your accomplishments.

heres an easy question for you then…

What level are ferals on beta?

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You are a troll and just want to waste people’s time. Please move on

Whats the max level on beta?

Surely a person who frequents the beta so often should be able to answer such a simple question.

I play on val where you have level 70 toons. I really don’t know why ur asking basic questions like this please stop trolling and move on

Im glad you asked!

Why does it strike you as odd that a lvl 70 feral can reach 100k , when a lvl 60 feral can do the same on live?