Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

By hardcore players. Your average player isnt going to be progressing that fast.

I made it to level 35 in 9 hours before I gave up.

Whoever this was was grinding hard.


That usually happens the end of an expansion. No new zone came out during Fated season last expansion either. We were stuck with ZM. I died a little inside. LOL

At least now I have bonkers crazy fun to look forward to with Pandamonium. :slightly_smiling_face:

Curious how you would define this.

They were probably doing as most people were to level during the ptr
which was spam the first wing of MSV. Especially post 60, as it was the only way to get any meaningful exp in a reasonable/timely manner.

So constantly cycling through bosses will cause the rapid stat/bronze accumulation. I donā€™t think however that when this goes live they will allow us to pillage raids as insanely as we did.

I mean, we already have secondary stat diminishing returns on live, and they do cap out at a certain point. That point is high enough that you arenā€™t ever likely to actually hit it. In fact, the mastery hard cap from stats for Feral is currently 268% if Iā€™m doing the math right

Someone who levels primarily through solo world content with the occasional dungeon or raid.

The more hardcore players leveled entirely through LFR starting at level 25 and continuing until they hit 70.

That would be sad. I feel like thatā€™s half the fun.

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Currently leveling by questing is pretty slow. People speed run leveling with LFR or dungeons but dungeons can be a bit rough depending of your group.

Yeah, that was half the fun.
A shame it was really only the same three bosses.

Oh I donā€™t need a new zone. Just for them to go do like something, anything more with Vakā€™thros for example.

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That I could get behind. I still donā€™t know what was so important about that darn tower and why we just abandoned that storyline that seemed so important.

Like ā€œOMG hereā€™s this tower thatā€™s so important the entirety of the Isles will fall, defend it with your life!!!ā€

And then ā€œOh well, itā€™s frozen. Guess weā€™re done. Next story!ā€

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Thatā€™s one of the things that kinda gets me, if the raids are really designed to crumple when you look at them after the first week of upgrades, will it really be that interesting?

Like, Iā€™ve nuked Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar a good hundred-or-so times across different toons, if thatā€™s how itā€™ll ultimately be tuned, Iā€™m not sure doing the same thing with a shield effect and an extra Sprint button will feel all that exciting, even if itā€™s getting me points toward a bunch of mount recolors.

I mean, if you put in the work to get that powerful in 1 week Iā€™m sure it will be interesting.

Itā€™s not a fast process early on unless you take a very specific route.

Two tangents would be either a ā€œnew playerā€ or ā€œsomeone who hates running pugsā€. I already know PLENTY of people use the term ā€œhateā€ (people know how strong this word isā€¦ right?) against grouping up for Mythics. Or Heroics in some cases.

I also know we donā€™t get many new players. Lol

Seems like if you stack a secondary stat to be 5x higher than what you can possibly obtain in Retail, silly things happen. Considering it uses Retailā€™s stat scaling, thereā€™s no way to ā€˜balanceā€™ it without neutering the gems or enforcing a cap on how many of a certain type you could have, which would be against the fun of having a game mode where youā€™re more or less encouraged to break the game.


Thank youā€¦

I could picture them attempting to ā€œbalanceā€ the experience resulting in them shooting themselves in the foot once again. I hope that doesnā€™t happen though.


Every character on that first image was doing outrageously crazy dps compared to any of the current games. At this point - assuming no major changes in numbers by Blizz - we will be blasting through the place like game bosses.

I would say (if there are no changes from the PTR) that is their intention. Will be fun to find out.

They can certainly tune the content to have 10 times as much hp if you do 10 times as much damage. Arpgs have done this for long. Itā€™s fine that at some point you feel op, but if a gem is doing 20 times more than the next one maybe thatā€™s not intended.

Sounds awesome, just donā€™t rebalance once it starts so people can figure out what is good and have time to gear it up and enjoy it.

To clarify, balance or donā€™t balance before, I donā€™t mind either way, but donā€™t balance during. Or if you do, do it like retail balancing where you try not to change the meta too much mid-season and only bring weak specs closer.

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