Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

What did the players do when Firewhirl was COMPLETELY OP in Plunderstorm?

Blizzard delivered the nerf bat.

Are you to think that one class with that massive damage output shouldn’t be nerfed? Better question: am I the one throwing a fit over that? Those numbers are completely mind blowing!

That’s a big number. I wonder if it’ll causes problem for tanks? Taking threat due to DPS.

lol see there’s no issues with enemy threat if the enemies fall over right away XD


If they intend on people to be doing the raids solo, then I don’t think we need to be tuning.

The point is smash n grab, get as much Bronze for the vanity stuff as possible. I don’t care how fast everything dies, I want it dead for Bronze. I think you are missing the point.

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See: the first encounter of MSV.

And how quickly they tended to explode.

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Just keep in mind that nobody will be doing that damage right off the bat.

They have to grind levels, currency, gems, threads, etc before they get to that point

I figure at some point, anyone that keeps farming will become similarly powerful

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It’s not an entire patch. It’s an event separate from the patch that may get implemented around the same time.

It’s a fun side event using existing assets to create a ball of murder hobo fun for cosmetics. Nothing more.

I think the issue is the perspective on what this is, tbh.

Yep, some people loved one shotting stuff in there. I hated Torghast myself. Not because of the insane powers, those were actually fun. But just the entire thing itself. It wasn’t rewarding and it was repetitive.

I don’t think I’ve seen it said that they intend for all content to be solo.

If the goal is to one shot everything for Bronze, then everyone will pick the fastest one. A thing they promoted was bigger rewards from more challenging places. One shotting isn’t what I use to define challenging.


inb4 nerfed into the ground.
buff ret.

I’m not that concerned about something being hilariously OP in PTR build 1.

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Why do you need it officially stated for you in order for you to test yourself??? I mean you might just be trying to win an argument online, but I’m actually giving you a solution.

If it’s too easy, try soloing it, it’s called Remix.

I don’t think anybody would be concerned about “who or what” is OP. It’s a testing realm.

… at least, that’s what they should be used for.

If something’s busted when the PTR build is labeled as release candidate: different story.

But I expect that tuning will happen later in the PTR cycle.

I’m simply someone that like raiding. And I think it’s fine that raiding feels like raiding even in Pandamonium. This means bosses not falling in less than a minute and playing with a group because I find that fun. This is not really an argument, just stating what I like or not.

I don’t even know what your position or point is anymore. Whatever.


They have 233% mastery. If they are going to ruin everyones fun by capping stats/gems just to keep feral from doing to much damage its going to suck.

I still vote no changes


TBH, I’m waiting for the tuning to occur when the PTR goes live. KEKW

A bit disheartening and shoddy work, but heck, it could potentially add to the challenge.

This Pandamonium mode sure causing a lot of pandemonium in the forums… eh? … Eh?

I’ll see myself out.


Fair enough, this was done over the weekend though.

Hopefully we get a good deal more of content than what they have so far, but we’ll see.

So far we have the feature event of panda remix, minor character customizations, I’m assuming a main questline, 2x heritage armors, and a NE questline. Am I missing anything? So far it’s very very light on actual retail.