Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

So you think they should scale stuff so that players don’t feel like they are getting more powerful at all?

Nah, that sounds horrible. Hard to sell “infinite power” if it doesn’t change your power in relation to bosses


I feel they should tune it so bosses don’t die in less than a minute early on. If anything going from instant-death to instant-death is not really progression. Going from 3-4 minutes to 1-2 is.

That’s how classes work, though. Some classes get more value out of certain stats than others. I would love to have had that kind of fun with Evoker with S1 Mastery scaling but after they dumpstered our Mastery values I don’t think even with 30k mastery would it feel nearly as good with our current scaling.

There are no M+ in the event. There are no Mythic raids. The entire thing is get strong, kill stuff, grind things into currency to buy cosmetics. If the bosses were scaled with the idea that everyone would be perfectly gemmed/geared to obscene levels, then you wouldn’t see anyone killing anything.

It’s old content, there is no progression raiding in the event because the raids are leveling content until you hit max and have heroic raids which are more or less daily quests for more currency.


There is technically mythic Soo I think? But heroic is the old mythic.

Read this:


There is no access to Mythic SoO. The raids are using Retail numbers with the main difference being the Raids are reduced to leveling content until 70.

And I disagree that there shouldn’t be “any” progression.

If that’s true then I expect even more changes to happen.
They probably just haven’t got to it.

If the raids used MoP difficulty (which is impossible, considering we are using Retail classes/talents/scaling) then players wouldn’t be clearing the raids, they wouldn’t be accessible for their intended purpose of LEVELING CONTENT.

If you had to progress through the MoP raids at MoP-speed, no one would do them (On my server, no one cleared ANY of the MoP raids on Heroic until a tier after, and I know that because my guild got several of the Realm firsts). It would be against the purpose of event to acquire currency for cosmetics, if you had to progress through them, the time to currency value would be garbage.


It’s rare to see someone so vehemently against fun, and yet here you are.


:roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming:

If you don’t even know how the event works, why don’t you actually PLAY IT before commenting? You sound uninformed and you’re basing your theories and opinions off of what you assume, not factual information.

If you want progression, play season 4. That’s factually not what this short term cosmetic farming event is.

Logic seems lost here.


I’m only expecting some sort of progression which means having to do the boss for a bit nothing tuned as hard as mythic raiding. Just nothing that dies in a minute at least early on.

People have fun differently. You can prefer checkers and I can prefer chess. No one is wrong to.

Do you know how Heroic content was in MoP? I do. Heroic WAS the Mythic raiding before the Siege of Orgrimmar patch.

I’ve explained my point of view multiple times. It’s not about being hard, it’s about having some type of interaction and that can’t happen if the boss die in 30-45 seconds.

Yes but this is not MoP Classic. It’s a grind where you get almost infinite power to smash things to get cosmetics.


And you still don’t get how this event is supposed to work. A shame, that.


And I’ve also explained before that even if there are power gains many games can balance their content on it even if they’re extreme like arpgs do.

There is no reason to have multiple difficulties if you just oneshot everything. We have multiple difficulties so let’s use them. If you don’t want to do heroic because of that then you’ll have normal.

Just going to quote this one more time for you to read. Hopefully.

If you had played it, you’d understand how it works.


But this isn’t an ARPG. If you get enough power where you can super-explode things at the highest available difficulty, congratulations, you won, you farmed all the gems and all the bronze to upgrade your gear to a point where you have godlike power for the event. They aren’t going to add extra difficulties beyond that, and there’s no reason to nerf things into the ground because then it punishes everyone who doesn’t get the same power and if it expects for everyone to be super-powered then everyone who doesn’t min-max will suffer for it.

If you feel like the super-buff part of the event isn’t up to your standards, you are free to use none of the event features like giving a rogue blink or getting the +++ gems to stack your power up or the special abilities that cause ridiculous effects like Soul Tether on a BDK.


I’m not interested in going in circles when I already explained my point. At this point only the futur will tell.

Understanding how the event actually works? We can tell.

Let’s try again.

Raids are for leveling in Pandamonium. Heroic raids are basically like dailies to earn more currency.

This is NOT traditional content. Nor is it meant to be. You aren’t progressing through quests then dungeons then raids as a ladder. The ladder was thrown out the window.

This is Pandamonium.