Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

It can be fun without it being so strong the fights are 10s long. I like the silliness of it, but I think this currently won’t hit the sweet spot of this is broken and this is fun. I just… I go and press W through panda land now. I don’t see how this is an improvement.

See above I guess. I’d be super bored if there’s no challenge at all.

Yeah maybe, probably easier to tune the things causing players to do 10M dps than it is to add in keystone modifiers to everything and just creating other problems. Ex. You can do 10M dps! Then since they have they modify to mobs to accommodate that, now they 1 shot you.

There are significantly more people in this thread saying leaving it how it is would be much more fun.

See how sample sizes work?

And yet people consistently call out wording used such as that all the time. If you have friends that feel thst way, fine. But it’s incorrect wording to claim such a generalization.

You have a very strange view of “many.” But you and your friends have at it. Enjoy season 4. I’ll go one shot stuff in Pandamonium happily.


The point for me is to have an arpg season of world of warcraft in Pandaria and for people to level alts for the next expansion in a different format. I don’t see anywhere anything that says that there can’t be some type of decent endgame. I’m not saying to have 200 wipes boss, just maybe being able to see a boss fight and a couple mechanics with boss fights lasting a bit more than 1 min.

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In my eyes, the point of Remix is to solo the dungeons and raids. I’m not progressing in there so I can run in parties the entire time. If I get a lot of power, I’m going in solo. I want to experiment and push myself, I don’t care about groups with this.

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If you want to provide a list of these people, feel free. Let’s see how many is “many”. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.

By the time I had the fire and ice shield both equiped along with a few healing gems I was pretty much invincible.

It was just that giant first step going from not having those gems and getting destroyed to not even needing a healer

Who said it was supposed to be some sort of improvement? It’s Chromie Time on steroids. To be uber powerful. If I can go into a raid that’s scaled to my level with Uber powers and kill stuff… that sounds fantastic fun to me for a short term event.

It’s whacked out silly fun. Not serious progression. Insane levels of power. Like we got in Torghast. And people seemed to like that.

Taking off all of your gear would probably work for that :dracthyr_shrug:

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Would it change anything if I provided it?
I don’t expect people to agree with me even if provided a list.

It could. Otherwise, you are seemingly talking out your own rear.

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So the point of that new game mode is the power progression and you’re asking people to remove that. :thinking:

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No, the point of the new game mode is to grind currency and buy stuff from vendors. Power progression just facilitates that.

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Meanwhile you’re having a fit over something that doesn’t need to be balanced in a limited time only thing that’s supposed to be overpowered :dracthyr_shrug:

This is pretty much what my central point was when I posted in here.

People don’t even know you can upgrade your gear on the vendor and they don’t know you can buy the gems.

People are gonna be handicapping themselves and griefing because they’re trying to instantly jump into dungeons, saving ALL their bronze for mounts, when in reality they need to be spending a little to get a lot, aka, spending some bronze to upgrade gear and get necessary gems.

I see content creators already telling people to save all their bronze and not buy power. I mean sure, if you wanna go quest for 5 hours before doing dungeons.


I’m having a fit just for stating that I prefer content to be tuned. Okay.


Asks for tuning to remove the large amounts of power progression… then calls someone else out for wanting to remove power progression.

Pretty sure my brain just fell through the floorboards. I’ll see y’all later as I try to go locate it.



I’ll help you look for it. :sweat_smile:


Not sure you understand that you can have power progression and content can still be tuned around it.

It’s not one or the other.


Ideally when installing an entire patch around it, they would improve upon what I can currently do in the game right now.

idk, we’ll see what they do with the tuning. If they leave it how it is I’m sure I’ll still enjoy the patch, but I foresee and would prefer if they don’t let us pretty much 1 shot everything. I was looking forward to seeing how things shook out with 10 man raid being available again.

Quite bit of mixed reviews on that one. I personally enjoyed it though.