Feral Druid Dead Last in Raid DPS

I’m not sure what is wrong with the 3 peopel you are discussing with, but you should do like most of us and just stop feeding them.

They are just trolling. Or maybe some misunderstood whiteknighting?

Save your energy for someone worth it :wink:


Hey silvertramp, How many times did you roll over and just die on entangled week?!!

I’m curious how that worked out for you.


Outlaw isn’t hard it’s just high apm. The rotation is easy you just need to be fast. People overcomplicate Roll the Bones when you just get a weakaura that says roll when you need to

You new to feral?

There’s really no point in arguing with those two.

Feral’s great, nothing to see here. That’s all you get.

Either put them on ignore or stop coming to druid forums. It’s sad, they often have very useful insights but as far as they’re concerned the only problem with feral is the people that play them.

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It’s true, I’m always right……

But what?!!!

Did you not read the thread? We posted multiple logs of ferals who are out there living their best lives. Some logs from the very people who claim they aren’t, yet remain at the top.


That’s not exactly true, now is it? We have both stated our concerns and qualms with the spec.

It’s just those doom and gloom and the sky is falling people need a little dose of reality. And that reality is that these tier lists or rankings mean nothing outside of the .1% of people who play them. And even then, the rankings aren’t holding true.

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We tried to tell em.
They will never be happy despite being completely unaffected by it.

Look at Thequote.


You’re doin just fine for your group.
What’s the problem?!!!
Even with a 49% parse youre still at the top.


You’re all trippin hard if you think that list has anything to do with you. Youre playing with grey parsers while comparing yourself to the 1%, meanwhile… the ACTUAL 1% are doin stuff like this…


Do you think Cheeseys guild gives a good god damn what that list says?

Grizzie, You’re ridiculous. Care to spend another 45 minutes with yourself? No one is listening lol. You are so bent on arguing you dont even know where you are half the time. You could be a champion for ferals but you cant get over yourself long enough to get through to anyone. Good luck on your 10 million post count goal of nonsense, contempt, elitism, and vitriol.


Tical, you’re the other bad taste in the mouth that scares constructive and supportive commentary from these forums. You and grizzie should get a room. You’ve been on here spewing your nonsense for so long unchecked. Nothing but opinionated drival leaks out of your mouth. Wait, that isnt accurate. My bad, it pours from your mouth like Niagra Falls. How did we get stuck with the two biggest, most self righteous know it alls playing feral. If I buy you a 6 month pass will you go play something else and spew your garbage on another forum? I bet I could start a go fund me that would make you rich just so people dont have to sift through your trash talk 24x7. What a joke.


So no counter argument, no evidence, nothing to support nor continue the discussion? Just ad hominem? Got it. Good talk.

You’ve added so much to the conversation with your posts! +1 for no hypocrisy

Except logs and data and proof. Glad you can read things

This guy just made 2 full posts just to make personal attacks. Sad.

Grizzle and I are discussing Druids.

If you have anything about Druids you would like to debate. I’ll happily talk about those ideas and agree or tell you what’s wrong with it. Otherwise…. You’re sending out bad vibes and I’m just gonna have to ignore your negativity.

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How did I miss this thread, it’s been a minute since the “experts” have laid waste and slung personal insults like they were badges of honor … man you two are the BEST FERALS EVER!

The true pillars of the feral community!

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We enjoy the class . That is all.

Every single person in here who has complained about “low” dps has a log posted by me showing them at the top.

“bUt tHaTs nOt tHe 99%”

K…. We posted logs from the top ferals in the world also playing at the top.

All you guys want to do is cry and play the victim, despite most signs pointing to feral performing quite well, including yourselves.

It doesn’t make sense.
It’s sad.
It’s pathetic.
It’s embarrassing.

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There is generally a reason why the majority of ferals end up on dreamgrove or elsewhere for advice on for feral.

As much as these two think they are doing any service to feral all they end up doing is pushing them to actual places of discussion.

This place is completely dead and void… Just these 2 vitriolic chuckle fs cosplaying.


Well im on Dreamgrove right now and they said youre all idiots


Summary: claimed AoTC guild, top 4-5 damage for the guild as Feral. General consensus was WCL is irrelevant when you’re doing that well, take the player not the class and that you’re all trying to make something out of nothing

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Looks like they are saying the exact same thing we’re saying.

Weird, right?!

What discussion is that?
That feral is “dead last”?

Oh look…. It’s you…


No argument, just another clown :clown_face:
Tell us more how you’re “dead last”.

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whole lotta

everytime I look at feral forums


I’m baffled why you two think you need to be the feral police?

I mean really?

This kind of dialog does nothing positive for the community.

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Correcting bad/misinformation is a good thing. Not sure if you’re aware of that or not?

Isn’t there a saying about a kettle and black? Did you not open up with:

Those who cry the loudest are usually the ones without anything to say. Would you like to actually add anything of value to the discussion at hand or are you happy spouting off hypocritical things?