Way to summarize a list of supporting sentences and miss literally every single point.
At this stage I have to assume you’re just running chatGPT to try and guess what the next post should be?
Balance affects everybody. Every dps is competing with every other dps for a spot in group content. Not that hard to rationalize. It’s pretty intuitive to anyone who
Cares about competition. You don’t have to play for the Patriots to care about how good your ground game is. It matters to everyone.
Plays the game. Obviously you guys stopped actually trying to get anywhere, so maybe you just don’t see it, but even if you don’t, it’s affecting you.
Yeah…about that…Top 10 Guilds are running Ferals…so they must not care about competition either then eh?
Every spec is TUNED (read that as BALANCED) to complete all content. Even the worst ranked ones. Know what that means? You can take the worst specs in the game and still beat all the content the game has to offer.
Weird concept, I know. Must be hard to wrap your brain around that when all you do is look for the easiest path huh?
Let’s look at that first part shall we:
Ferals are in HoF guild Runs
Ferals are in title position in M+
Ferals…well, have always been good in PvP
I don’t think they’re worried about being competitive or not.
Second Point
Game is about having fun. What’s the point of playing if you’re not having fun. You can play to have fun and play to be competitive. Even with Feral, as shown.
Just because YOU can’t do it and lack the skill and require Blizzard to hold your hand and buff you beyond reason, doesn’t mean they’re not capable.
Again, this goes back to: git gud. Even being “last ranked”…they’re more than capable of being competitive. Just depends on if you wanna work for it or not.
Something else to consider, almost everyone that’s in the 99’th is going to be close to BIS. So just by virtue of their gear they’re probably going to be top 1% of everyone that’s logged a run for that spec. When comparing 99’s you got to look at the iLvl % parse for any differentiation.
They’ll try to smuggle in a parse of a 99% druid that had a 99% iLvl run to another 99% that had a super low grey iLvl run and call it apples to apples.
As long as you beat the timer, you’re good.
Edit: ah sorry, I wasn’t aware you were talking about yourself. Don’t worry little buddy, maybe you’ll eventually make it with all those meta specs and their grey parses!
Already proven false, but keep spewing your nonsense
By your own admission, you’ve pulled around 40 logs out of roughly 1,600 samples. I’m very curious how you can assert that 90% of the logs say something by sampling 2.5%.
Not when measured by damage output. I know you put zero stock in the aggregate data, but that data is by definition showing us the average data. You don’t calculate the average of a population by sampling a small percentage of them and averaging that. The DPS number in the aggregate is the calculated mean. And that mean shows feral as dead last. Regardless how many samples you pull and compare against the competition in their raid, average feral DPS is dead last this raid tier.
I get that your initial underlying point is that each player should focus on the actual circumstances facing them and not what some statistical analysis across the entire player base says. And in many respects I do agree. At the end of the day, this is an opinion which you are certainly entitled to; other people might try to change your mind and you can try to bring others to your position, but at the end of the day it is still an opinion.
But when you bring up points based in fact that supposedly demonstrate your position as a way to convince people that are based and that you verifiably misunderstand (or intentionally mislead), it greatly hurts your credibility.
It does. You just don’t like the fact that your made up numbers don’t hold up to your argument as they were easily proven wrong.
I showed you the numbers, and your 20% was horribly wrong. As #1 was only 14% ahead of Ferals who were “dead” last. Know what that means? Each and every other spec is less and less than that 14% from the spec before.
Because you can go down to the that 10% log mark (roughly 1440), and see that even parsing greys, with a 13th percentile, they’re still beating Demo/Destro locks, Fury Warriors, DKs, Ret Pally’s, etc etc. Even at this rank, they’re still not #deadlast. And every sample on your way up to that #1 spot will reflect this too.
We can do the same thing I did with Kaercha and look at the median parse between Demo Locks and Feral Druids.
Less than a 4% difference. Even when Demo Locks are getting PI’s throughout the entire fight, they’re still only 12.5% ahead of Feral.
None of this information is misleading. At least not on my end. I’m not the one pretending that my Blue parse that is topping my raid in damage is somehow reflected by a rankings list that is unable to be duplicated in any fashion.
If you can find me a log that represents that rankings list. That all the DPS are in the corresponding spots according to that list…I’ll concede the point.
“You’ll do 20% less than every other spec!!!”…well if that’s true, then why isn’t Feral at the bottom of every single log?
Oh that’s right…because that rankings list doesn’t matter UNLESS you’re playing in an entire group of equally skilled players, which doesn’t happen.
ERGO: nothing to worry about. If you can complete the content with EVERY spec and not be a hinderance if you’ve got half a brain.
Like why isn’t your 441 ilvl UH DK (who’s supposed to be #1 on Mythic Kazz), not number 1? Why did I have to scroll down to parse number 625 (filtered to the same ilvl bracket), to find a Feral druid doing as bad as the meta spec for that fight? Why is he doing 43% less damage than Ferals when he’s supposed to be doing 20% More?
What happened to Ferals doing 20% less than every spec? Maybe that’s because personal skill trumps class balance. Perhaps you need to focus on players gitting gud before worrying about class balance being what’s holding people back
Im not for or against either side of this argument, and as a 400~ish iLVL druid ive been at or near the top of every 2-5 m+ group (that mostly FAR out-gears me) ive been in. The update also feels good. None of that matters because that was a great golf analogy and because of this Tical by default wins the internet cookies today. GJ Tical!!