Feral Druid Dead Last in Raid DPS

Feral is bad. Sorry my guy. Numbers don’t lie. Outliers exist in data. Just means that particular player is better than their group. Minority doesn’t prove majority.

Also, insulting people and then getting mad when they do it back doesn’t credit your argument.
A melee spec on a class that also has a ranged spec, healer, and a tank.
Talent builds are pretty specialized, struggles to do ST with an AOE build or vice versa.
Everything Feral brings is brought by another spec, leaving it fairly reliant on its tuning.

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And feral is one of the most annoying specs to play in pvp because you are constantly dealing with global cooldowns from trying to shapeshift out of what seems like an endless state of being perma snared. Sure, you can break the snare with a global cooldown induced shapeshift, but you’ll be snared again.

In arena you can get away with it, but playing in battlegrounds felt so clunky. I was literally the only feral in dozens of BGs. Finally gave up on it in favor of the mage and will never look back until they get some kind of snare immunity or global cooldown on shapeshifting reduced.

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Also, even Method has simmed feral druid DPS as some of the lowest sustained. No one is calling YOU bad. But for some reason you’re calling everyone else bad. Especially posting your logs, where you timed TWO +20s in S1 and none in S2. That doesn’t credit anything you’re saying.
YOU might be a good feral player. No one is calling you bad, but insulting people constantly for a perceived slight over a non-targeted comment, shows how emotionally unstable you are.
Good luck to you and your family.


Whos mad?
Im lauging at them while they try and tear me down and attack my grammar since they lack any real argument.

Its quite comical. Its the only reason why i lets this dumpster fire continue to burn.

if by outliers you mean OP and essentially every feral who isnt trash at their spec? yes

yes,… thats exactly what that means.

Meaning that list is irrelevant.

10 points for you!

how many 20s must one clear before they can say they cleared a 20?

Side question… is 20 a bigger number or lower number than 16?
Asking for a friend.

they came lookin for it. they threw the first punch. Dont cry for them now after they found what they were lookin for.

Reading the posts, you insulted people first.
Now you’re crying wolf. Honestly good luck with you man, if this is how you communicate with strangers. I shudder thinking about your personal life.

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:ok_hand: Sounds good sir.

Seeing as Ferals are performing better than the “'good” specs…definitely the players being bad.

But i guess we can attribute that to players like you who jump ship to “easy” classes at the first sign of an issue and still do poorly on those ones as well.

You do realizd weve never argued against Ferals position among the other specs in overall tuning right?

Simply that the balance list means nothing to those who are good at what they play as the majority of players are bad.

The argument has always been: player skill > class balance.

So posting a balance rankings list means nothing. And when 90% of Feral logs have them beating out meta specs, its no longer “outliers” and becomes the norm.

Your average Feral player is better than your average X spec player

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Seems most of your argument is layered in the fact that the specialization does indeed need help. Hence the 17% buff they are receiving in 10.1.5
This isn’t even on overall tuning, this is the rankings amount consistent dps, where most melee are struggling.

This is objectively false.

Please show the proofs to support “on average, they’re above average”. That math don’t math.

Think about the bar you’re setting here. “Don’t worry about it till the best feral is below the worst everything else”.

Cherry picking edge cases and calling that “90%” is crazy talk. Not recognizing how the overall balance affects the individual is just willful ignorance, even disregarding the social aspect that develops once this data hits the public domain, it’s extremely intuitive.


Still unable to comprehend how data works i see. There is no cherry picking. All logs are pulled at random.

Even the random 1100th ranked parse i pulled had Feral beating specs that are supposed to be doing 20-30% more than Feral. But theyre not.

Player skill > overall balance. Not sure how many times this has to be repeated, but regardless of how things are balanced, a good player on a bad spec will do better than a bad player on a good spec.

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So your position is: everything is fine until the 100 parsing feral is below the 0 parsing warlock, then? It doesn’t matter until feral is below absolutely everyone in every log?

Move the goalposts more.

I haven’t moved goalposts once. It’s always been, everything is fine until you’re playing with a group of equally skilled players. Seeing as thats what the data represents. Until you’re able to mirror that list, none of that matters.

Stance hasn’t changed once. You’re just showing your inability to comprehend and follow the discussion at hand.

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No, it’s not. Cause wether your #1 or #1,000,001, your doing ~80% of the damage you would be of the classes were balanced.

That’s not fine. Doesn’t matter what anyone else is the raid, or even in the world, is doing.

Not true at all. Here’s proof.

1558 Parses of Feral, pulled number 779: 93,200 DPS
2084 Parses of UH DK, pulled number 1042: 96,230 DPS

Feral doing 96.8% that an UH DK pulled from the median of all parses. Long shot from 80%. This is with external buffs taken out. No PI for those DKs, and Ferals not getting anything regardless.

Even with UH DKs getting PI, you move to numbers 826 and 2602 and the difference between those two is only 14%. Still doing 86% based off of the first spot and the last spot.

Less than a 15% variance on average between 25 specs. Would be better if it was closer to 10% but that’s not all that bad.

Then why do you so much about a rankings list and where Feral sits? The only thing that matters if that you’re able to beat the content with what you’re given right? Like carrying gray parsers in your raid group?

Thank you again for proving my point

That’s some participation trophy stuff right there. Doesn’t matter what place you come in, as long as you finish the race, right little buddy?

No, it matters. Because every dps compares themselves to every other dps.

I get it, you two obviously don’t have the competitive instinct or drive. That’s fine. But you can’t sit there and say it doesn’t matter.


It doesn’t matter, otherwise people would only play 4 specs out of the entire game.
It doesn’t matter, because you have last ranked specs beating top ranked specs.
It doesn’t matter, unless you’re HoF or RWF level. Anything after that is all participation trophy levels.

Speaking of:

What are you racing against? You still haven’t finished and are ranked 1467th…and dropping. Talk about participation trophy stuff lol.

And what happens when I take Feral and beat out that UH DK? Underdogs are things. And an underdog story is always better than “took the easiest route with the least resistance” story as well.

If you truly believed what you’re saying, you’d be replacing at least 75% of your DPS in your raid…yet here you are, chasing that participation trophy ribbon lol

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Yeah, I’m hate to stoop to validating your stalkeresque persona here, but what does that have to do with the tea in china? I don’t control my raid. I’m not even tangentially related to leadership, so y’all can keep attacking someone else’s record, it just looks bizarre and kinda like an episode of “You”, ya know.

People are not their characters. Characters are not people.

It amazes me how you change your stance every time you say something, and then presented with data that contradicts exactly what you’re saying.

First, it’s Ferals are the worst spec someone can play. Although it’s showing Ferals beating tons of other specs.

Then it’s “Ferals will only do 80% of what another spec would do if they were balanced” - well here’s one saying it’s only 14% behind in the median range, and that’s first place compared to last place with first place getting buffed to high heavens and back. And only 3.5% on strictly spec tuning alone.

Now it’s participation trophies if you’re not playing the #1 spec for given content, and when shown that you’re doing exactly that, now it’s “stalking”.

Sorry that you’re unable to actually use anything factual to present an argument. But GG I guess. Keep being part of the problem