Feral Druid Dead Last in Raid DPS

It’s funny how you spew your discontent on here all day every day. Then someone challenges your methods and you twist it into some plea for help from the mods (oh, the personal attacks - lol). Imagine, a world where the great tical tries to paint anyone else as the source of negativity. Dude, this is laughable. You are a cancer on this forum.

Like I told your bully partner in his [I’m quitting thread] (which if it were real would be a catalyst for celebration around here), how about you educate people for real versus your faux attempts. You are negativity personified. You don’t prove your point. You seek only to discredit anyone that thinks differently from you. That is not how you win hearts and minds. That is how you troll an entire forum and mask your bully tactics.

If you don’t think feral is in a bad spot put something together like Babs did in the Monk forum and prove YOUR point, not discredit everyone else. The problem is, YOU CAN"T.

Oh yeah, btw, why don’t you read through this real careful like, you might learn something.