Warriors were top in classic and quickly Fel down to average if they lost or didn’t have all world buffs
In tbc warriors were trash for most of the expansion. Most warriors rerolled to another class before The end of phase 1 , becoming decent by the end of bt good if they got glaives
I wrath. Fury warriors without shadowmourne will be mid of the pack at best, since shadowmourne has at the very least a 1500 DPS value it’s the only thing that will.push em up
The only evidence he is interested in is memories from 15 years ago and sims in which he inputs a bunch of random gear from a spec he randomly selected.
While others went from avarage to crap in the same scenario.
Fury was super good on phase 2 already (meaning they were good more way more then half the expansion), you can just check the logs. Too bad they couldn’t handle 3 months of being crap like Ferals were for 4 years and rerolled before the end of P1.
So what you are saying is that Fury is good with the possibility of being great. No changes needed therefore.
Furies really don’t need a buff. I would argue that Rets and Ferals also didnt need to be honest, but we now live in the world where Blizz dug a hole for themselves with the changes. Even on that paradigm BM hunters, Frost mages, Sublety rogue and ARMS WARRIORS all deserve buffs before Fury (and that Fury REALLY doesnt even need).
The biggest problem that I have faced is that I can’t get into a raid as a warrior, period. So regardless of how well I am geared or play, the reality doesn’t matter to these people.
You are absolutely right that Blizzard has painted themselves into a corner with making any changes at all. People know now that as long as they complain on the forums enough, they will get buffs. I guess we’ll see how far it degrades before WotLK ends.
Exactly, warriors are struggling the hardest to get raid spots out of any class. We have low utility outside of a single buff (commanding shout), that you can get from having a single warrior in the raid. Having more than 1 is a hindrance as warrior damage is on low end. Both druid and pally can be stacked and their utility is a huge help the raid regardless of how many you have. With weak dps and no reason to bring more than 1 warrior, warriors as a class are easily in the worst spot of any other class.
So in like 3 fights they MIGHT move into the top 3-5 if it actually is any sort of 10% increase, which I doubt honestly. It’ll probably be a 10% increase for people who don’t already bear or flower weave.
A 99% feral would be top 2 on 4 fights, top 3 on 3, top 5 on 1, and top melee on Vezax if they gain 10% damage from this buff. And feral actually performs better relative to other dps at lower percentiles where this buff will be even more impactful.
Yeah. Warriors were good with glaives. For what 3 months out of a full expansion. They still were not Top tier just decent.
It’s not like warriors are gonna be top 1 on every fight Day 1 in ICC.
Warriors are gonna be good once overgeared with H LK gear. Great with shadowmourne.
Anyone not in that position will be average at best. I guess that’s a good perspective considering we’ll be bottom for most of the expansion ? 3 month of decent when the last raid tier hits. Nice
Yea idk wtf this guy is talking about, a decent fury started blasting the moment they got dragonstrike and a decent amount of crit in T5, and they owned so hard in BT they got stacked.