Feral Druid Adjustments Coming Soon - April 3rd 2023

I was referring to all of the weird classes on warcraftlogs like warden, lichborne, etc. Either way still a bad number.

Yup agreeing with you, just adding that it’s even worse than you said. Over the last two weeks at least from wcl aggregate tank data.

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I can’t speak for the other #somechanges people, but I’m pleased with this change, it’s in line with what I wanted for Classic in general. Small tweaks to keep the lowest performing classes functional but not better than average.

Stop being a battered victim. Flower weaving and bear weaving are not fun.


Bearweaving does add a whole other dynamic to the game that I agree is very fun. I think it’s fitting to as feral to use multiple forms to do dmg.
Maximize DMG while managing threat is a dynamic that no other class has to face like like feral do with bearweaving… but in the end it only means that when the you need to manage your threat, you don’t get to maximize your DMG. AKA not being bale to bearweave cause of threat.
And that isn’t fun.
Pressing cower is not fun instead of producing combo points either.

Also you assume all the salvs can and will go to you as if locks or mages totally don’t need them either.

10% damage buff puts 99% feral in the top 3 on a bunch of fights. I get making it less jank, but how can you possibly argue against buffing the real underperformers when you’re giving such a significant buff a spec that isn’t even weak?

People are saying it’s actually that much, honestly i don’t see how unless they also tweaked OOC in the background. I guess I’ll get to try it out after work

So the evidence that fury will be top, is 2 og charts, in which fury isn’t top in either? Should warrior be constrained to the least desirable class to be bought along to a raid with next to no utility and some of the weakest damage in the game, until they get a legendary in the last meaningful raid in the game because of some old charts that don’t even show it as the top performing class just because a bunch of people say, “fury scales well”, with 0 actual evidence.

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I mean I’m glad I don’t have to waste a GCD using Salv on our feral druid anymore.

The legendary isn’t what pushes them toward the top, its arp.

And warrior has been top for 2 expansions, they don’t need to be top top for a third, they’re doing fine.

buff warlocks

I mean fun is subjective my guy. Just because you don’t find either of these enjoyable doesn’t mean that they don’t.

ARP isn’t some magical stat that doubles warriors dmg output :joy::joy::joy: show me the Sim data showing warriors are going to be top in ICC.

In what world? They’re middle to low in almost every fight, highest fight they have is something like ignis

More specifically ARP cap, which Smourne does help you achieve, but that doesn’t mean just having Smourne without the other pieces is going to get you to that point. Fury requires a lot of gear to be able to get to that point.

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Rough sim of Assassination vs Fury in Normal ICC gear with no Smourne has fury about 1k ahead

Show us the Sim, and then show us the Sim for every other class in full bis too.

Nah, you can do it yourself, that’s too much work.

Fury in just normal ICC gear was about 11.9k vs Assassination at 10.9k

Wasn’t even bis and I didn’t check for ArP cap

So you just put a bunch of random gear on both and simmed it?

No, I put normal bis on, not bis bis.