Why has Blizzard cut the DPS so low? I cannot complete quests in Shadowlands that other toons completed with ease? It sometimes takes a minute to kill one mob. ILVL 250 and Im struggling like crazy to proceed…
Feral is one of the better dps atm. Must be on your end…My feral does fine in all content
what stats you have?
Feral is not one of the ‘better’ dps atm. In fact, the only upside of feral, is their ST. Outside of that, they are the worst spec you can possibly play on PVE end of things.
was doing a alt raid with the guild am on my druid just to get vault slots one guy goes feral shouldnt be doing this much, the raid leader goes dont tell them what they cant do, cause they will find a way to prove you wrong.
there is times where my dps is lack luster, and there is times am fighting for top spot on the meters, its JUST RNG Jesus gotta play in our favor
There is sometimes you have RNG with clearcasting procs which help with bloodtalons, but for the most part, its based on the fights. For example, Sausage and Halondrus are pretty good fights for ferals since you are hitting the boss almost always, but for bosses like Anduin, ferals are just not good because of their AOE output.
The ramp time for feral is a long esp when questing when you want your damage profile to be more instant and fast as most mobs have lower hps.
Questing id go Kyrian, mobs die in 1 good bite crit and every min you can use your cov CD with FF to boost your bites/damage.
Mobs die fast so don’t waste combo points on bleeds. Put everything into bites. Or you can just 1 point rip as mobs will die faster than your rip takes to expire even with 1 combo point.
Longer fights like raid encounters benefit more from ramping and Nigitfae/necrolord.
If he’s struggling with the only upside of Feral, then I’m going to say this isn’t so much of a Feral problem as it is something else
I mean…… NO.
Not even close.
Why do these kids keep trying to shoot themselves in the foot?
Even in m+, Beast mastery ,Affliction, ret, assassin, mist weaver….All these classes are statistically lower than feral.
But noooo. “fErAl iS tHe WoRsT”
Not to mention open world is the one area of the game where feral has NEVER Struggled.
Give me a break.
Night fae feral is burst. You press 1 button and things die. What ramp time are you talking about?
Generally overkill for 1 quest mob
how does that make it not burst?
Like…. What?
Seriously…. Explain yourself.
Is the massive mastery buff we gain from niya overkill also?!!!
Iv seen you give lots of bad advice recently… but suggesting a struggling feral go Kyrian probably takes the cake.
You must have misread what I said. I clearly stated that outside of ST, ferals are very well one of the worst specs you can play. You linking raid statistics really shows how unaware and out of tune you are with the content of the game, especially when the only content you have done is LFR, and basically KSM. If you did have an idea, you would know that most of that “data” is coming from fights where ferals exceed on their single target alone.
The fact that you are arguing and contradicting people’s statements about a class/spec that is less than subpar (outside of ST) is just foolish to say the least.
In m+, I do agree with you that Ret could arguably be as worse as druid. However, the other classes that you stated, have an alternative spec that is meta. Why wouldn’t they play the meta spec? Druids do not have an alternative DPS spec; both are barely viable in AOE and offer almost no utility at all. Also, I’m not really sure why you chose to mention mistweaver, because thats not relevant to DPS at all.
It looks like you just post on forums specifically to argue and pick at everything someone posts, because most of your nearly 2500 forum posts are backhanded or passive aggressive comments. You should at least experience some content first hand (not LFR or a KSM key) before you go making claims about a spec and using raid statistics from a website to back it up.
Note: There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing LFR and keys at the level of KSM; for some people, that is all they wish to do, and all they have time for, but if you’re going to sit here and banter about whether or not a spec is actually bad outside of their one good aspect while only having that type of content done, it’s really just pointless.
Then why are you here?
What was the purpose of your original post? To cry about feral? Go do that in the other 1000 threads. Save the theatrics from those actually seeking advice.
OP is specifically asking about ferals dps in open world content (not raid or m+) which apparently had to be pointed out to you twice already. Pay attention.
This is clearly a case of user error, but now you’ve gone and given OP false hope by having them believe the class is broken and they aren’t at all at fault.
How is that useful?
They are clearly are doing something wrong, as feral has never struggled with world content.
You’re not helping.
Blatantly false.
Pure hyperbole.
/eye roll
Oh my! Here we go……
A nerve was hit!
Now come the personal attacks.
Feel free to use your own data to support your claims. I just quickly posted the wowhead link as it is pretty cut and dry.
Ferals have been consistently highly ranked over the past season. That directly contradicts the garbage youre passing off as advice.
You’re more than welcome to dig deeper and show me these logs where feral is literally “the worst spec”
You can’t.
Because it’s not even remotely true.
Do we have our flaws? Absolutely. There are many areas that need improving, many of which I have been vocal about. But we’re nowhere near the levels you’re suggesting.
Lol. Yeah that was an oversight. I was just quickly naming off all the specs ranked statistically lower than ferals in m+. I filtered out the obvious ones…. Like prot war, disc priests, ext. MW must have slipped through. Get over it.
I correct them (or ridicule them if it becomes a repeat offense)
You guys are embarrassing yourselves.
I’m just trying to help.
Last I checked the vault caps at 15.
There isn’t much reason for me to push higher other than personal enjoyment or in the off chance I have to use my m+ rating to win arguments online. That sounds kinda pathetic if you ask me. I’m more of a facts kinda guy. You clearly aren’t.
This is my last reply to you, Tical, it’s not worth arguing over this post when I was simply just replying to somebody saying that druid is “fine” in ALL content, which at high levels, it is not in m+.
Theatrics of what? You did not offer a single piece of advice to the person who originally started this forum post. You are solely here to argue and bicker just because you feel like it. You probably enjoy bickering over forums more than playing the actual game. The game isn’t based off of only open world content whether a class is good or bad in open world.
Have you ever seen a feral in a RWF or MDI (that was actually successful)? It’s not just about me, it’s about whoever plays the spec and enjoys pushing keys and or other high end content. Pushing keys is my enjoyment to the game, and getting beaten by almost any class in AOE (sometimes even tanks) and sometimes even ST depending on what fight it is, is extremely disheartening. I should be able to enjoy pushing keys without being told I’m not getting invited because of my spec, or getting removed from the group as soon as finding out I play feral druid. Missing a key timer by a minute just because my overall AOE output is 5-7k less overall is not enjoyable for anyone who plays the spec and has experienced this (multiple times).
You should really stop with the gaslighting. You are not trying to help, in any way, shape, or form. You are here on these forums to argue with people; plain and simple. Collectively, you probably have hours of arguments worth to read across the forums. Maybe expand your key levels a bit and push higher, then maybe you’ll see what I’m talking about and understand. You really need to experience it firsthand to know just how bad their AOE really is.
In raid, they are not the most awful spec you can play, absolutely not. But you cannot just limit your main argument to open world and raid alone. My argument was intended for AOE and m+, as a reply to someone on here, not the OP, which is why I said multiple times, outside of ST. Feral druid AOE is not something you can argue with. It is blatantly obvious that it is severely lacking outside of our 2 and 4 set, and the fact that our main source of AOE burst output is based and locked behind a tier set that only occurs every 1.5-2 mins depending on how fast you can farm it back with a pack.
No. I cannot back up my false statements.
That’s not what they said though.
C’mon. Back your statements up.
Stand by your words.
I don’t care about them.
There are countless guides available to improve gameplay. Pick one.
I came to correct the bad advice given.
Shifting goal posts.
So then you admit it. Your original comment was false? K. Got it.
Took you a while but I’m glad we got there.
I mean…. it certainly keeps me entertained at work. Does your boss let you play wow at work? Sounds awesome.
I have never seen someone so politely and so eloquently lay bare the childishness that is tical.
That’s a lot of words when you could have just said “backpedal”
The way you worded your original reply was, while technically accurate, very strange and unreasonably vague. When you say:
Nobody hears “I’m only talking about high-end keys”, which is what you meant. I know that’s what you meant, but that’s only because I actually do both keys past 20 and Mythic Sepulcher. Any other random person probably wouldn’t interpret it in the same way based on that wording unless they had similar experience.
Is Feral fine for regular keys? Yes.
Is Feral bottom tier for keys once you get into the 23/24 range? Yes. There’s a whole other discussion to be had about how M+ tuning is bad in general for a lot of specs (too high or too low), but that is the short answer.
Is Feral bad in raids? Not by a long shot.
Does, for example, Anduin look like a bad encounter for Feral parsing? Sure. That doesn’t mean you can’t manage your cooldowns to do damage to important targets though.
Does Feral also whirlwind dunk almost every other spec on the last two Mythic Sepulcher bosses (especially without externals)? Also yes.
So yeah, anyone is going to be fine playing Feral in 99% of content. The only thing you’re going to have huge trouble with is getting the 0.01% title for M+.
I think the big disconnect here is that everyone has a different definition of the word “fine”.
This is not true at all. Feral dps starts becoming a liability at around +23, which is hardly the level of difficulty required for 0.01%. It’s become an endemic excuse here to justify feral’s inferior m+ dps by stating the obvious: that it’s fine for lower difficulty content. What is left out is that even when doing said content, feral is still at a competitive disadvantage relative to other specs, which are all themselves also fine for lower difficulty content, but with most still outperforming feral.
Why does this matter? Because group-play is not just about successfully clearing content. Players still care about their performance relative to the group. The ease with which you can get invited to a group also matters, and many players within the 15-20ish key range are simply looking for the easiest path to victory, or want to +3 or +2 their key. Naturally, they are usually going to preferentially invite superior specs when given the option to do so.
For example, earlier today I had a +23 gambit key that was muffed. The downgraded key was not going to increase my score, so I decided to try and join a listed group instead. After spending roughly an hour getting declined to a variety of +21-22 keys, I was forced to–once again–make my own group in order to get my key back up to a more preferred difficulty. So, while feral being bottom-tier doesn’t prevent me from successfully clearing keys, and even though I’m not going for the 0.01% title, it does still negatively impact my gaming experience.
This is further compounded by the feeling of abject uselessness, even in lower keys, when a lock or hunter pumps out 24k dps relative to your 15-16k. Other specs are, of course, closer in balance. However, even if/when locks and hunters are eventually nerfed, there will still be definitively superior options over feral… except then there will just be two less specs to carry ferals through ~24’s.
TL;DR: feral still needs ~10% buff to its overall dungeon dps. This would not only help meet m+ dps checks for top players, but the ease of finding groups and overall gaming experience of bottom players and everything in-between.
Welcome to the druid forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.