are ferals going to change at all for tbc classic when it comes to energy? It feels so bad knowing shred is a dps loss with the current energy. I really hope this isn’t what the devs wanted… to mangle and combo spenders only.
How is Shred a DPS loss?
What? Shred is not a DPS loss. It scales naturally higher with attack power/bonuses than mangle does. Unless you’re talking about the powershifting into the 40 energy for a mangle and back out/in, then I could see it being a DPS loss. But for flat out otherwise, it’s not.
That is exactly what he is talking about.
Translation: Blizzard recently NERFED power-shifting. It’s been almost 3 weeks now since they did that? Are they going to reverse that change “at all for tbc classic”?
Answer: probably not. They wouldn’t change something if their intent was to NOT change it.
Oh, and it would only be a “fix” in your mind. To Blizzard, the change was an “improvement”. You don’t fix an improvement.
Blizzard already made a statment on Twitter. They have at this time no attention to address the feral energy situation. The change was part of tbc and they view it as correct to be there.
While they said they will keep further eye on it (blizzard speak for keep hoping so you don’t quit but it’s not going to change save for everyone not playing feral at all and that’s not going to happen as feral tanks will make it look like people are playing no matter what).
yeah I’ve been messing around in dungeons and I average higher dps just skipping shred unless maybe ooc procs
Mind providing a link? The only mention of this i saw was from interview article.
Powershifting is an annoying gimmick. Good riddance.
Powershifting is still a mandatory DPS gain regardless of the status of shred. Any change that removes powershifting would require actively buffing Feral DPS significantly to compensate, much further even than the current shred state requires.
lol, this doesn’t magically make powershifting not work anymore
If it doesn’t work well, it’ll be less important. I’m cool with that.
…absolutely nothing.
If they were to remove powershifting in its entirety it wouldn’t require Blizzard to lift a finger. I don’t know why you’re under the delusion that Blizzard would feel the need to make compensation for changing a mechanic Blizzard didn’t support in the first place.
Nothing is mandatory.
Jesus Christ, piss off you stalker.
The mechanic has worked for 15 years, furor was left intact, wolfhead helm still exists and works right up to 70. What Blizzard say and what is reality do not always align.
Something can work one way and not be intended or supported.
Jeez this isn’t complicated. Calm down child, you aren’t the only forum user.
IIRC powershifting effectively dies after you’re geared in T4 anyway. The tier helm and set bonuses along with AP weapons finally make cat able to sustain without the need to shift. If that’s true, and my source is vague pserver conversations, then it should be nothing more than a weak P1
The fact that it isn’t intended or supported changes nothing in the way that the players experienced the game. Players play the game as it is, not as Blizzard intend it. If Blizzard want it to be the way they intend it they need to make changes to actually achieve that goal.
I’m not the only forum user, yet you find like 50% of my posts to respond to. Do you actually work or sleep or anything? You are really quite creepy.

changes nothing in the way that the players experienced the game.
What does this have to do with Blizzard?

Blizzard already made a statment on Twitter.
Couldn’t find the tweet just a unsubstantiated news article. Can you link the tweet?
While this means Druids will not have an official resolution to their issue for the foreseeable future – Birmingham stating that there’s “not a lot of hope” right now as Blizzard is intent on maintaining patch 2.4.3’s systems when the Dark Portal opens – he also says that the studio is “definitely aware of the discussion”, and is monitoring the situation.
For a full primer on the system change, how it affects Feral Druids, and the Weak Troll’s Blood potion method currently being used to circumnavigate it, check out this post from Wowhead’s NerdEgghead here.