Feral button bloat

Button bloat is out of control. Please delete like half of the buttons for feral


What do you think they could prune?

Personally i think they could merge sprint and stamp roar into 1 button and just give it 2 charges.

Then maybe they could merge Survival instincts and barkskin so you can use it while stunned and stops more dam

I also think brutal slash seems a bit weird honestly they could do something thr


Make regrowth procs passive, delete adaptive swarm and bake in more damage to dots, delete feral frenzy, delete moonfire, delete blood talons and bake damage into dots. I’d start with those changes. Also bring back melee range and feral frenzy resets. Feral feels so bad to play on beta


I kind of like deciding between regrowth and roots, and if they made it passive you wouldnt be able to heal other people…

as for the rest i kinda disagree. While i dont really like adaptive swawrm i like feral frenzy, moonfire (generate combo points and pull things from range).


So you basically want to remove all forms of skill expression from the spec? Regrowth being passive would remove the ability to use it on others. Adaptive swarm is already not mandatory for good single target damage, and when it is used, is more interesting than just having DoTs deal more damage to compensate. Feral frenzy is already on a minimum 40 second cooldown and isn’t part of the set bonus anymore, you don’t need to take it. Moonfire hasn’t really been great for most of Dragonflight, and is again optional. You already have a competitive option to Bloodtalons.

Honestly this feels like you don’t really care about what makes feral feel like feral and just want to make it a generic energy using DoT spec.

I’m with you on the melee range but I’m not sure what you mean by frenzy resets. Was it ever possible to reset feral frenzy?

As someone who has mained feral since TBC, I disagree. I’m very excited with how feral plays on the beta since it’s moving back closer to its roots, without going all the way to having 8 second gaps between abilities.


Meant tigers fury resets, not feral frenzy. Feels so bad we don’t have reset on tigers fury after killing mobs any more


Got it. Yeah that’s a necessity to slow the spec down in AOE. It’s certainly no secret based on my reply here that I’m a fan, but I can certainly understand how players that enjoy the faster paced GCD-locked play style feral had for the past several expansions wouldn’t like it.

Even setting my personal preferences aside, however, Blizzard did need to do something about the identity crisis for the spec. Snapshotting as a primary mechanic fundamentally doesn’t work with unlimited energy and 100% Tiger’s Fury uptime. If Blizzard was going to keep feral the way it was in these two aspects, they really needed to remove Snapshotting and replace it with something else for feral to keep its unique flavor compared to sin rogue.


Yeah this one.

While I understand why they did it, those resets were a big reason I level/quest as Feral.


I always wanted Survival instincts to have two charges again, and just usable while stunned at a reduced effectiveness. That way if you were good/lucky you got the 50% before stun, but if you were stunned and used it. Its now idk 30% dmg redux.

Instead they gave feral barkskin aka another button . . when they didn’t need one.

So you basically want an attack button only, no thank you.


No, just no. Try a more passive build and if that’s still too complex then reroll to a chimpanzee 2 button class.


Yea, in arena moonfire might not mean much for feral, but in blitz brawl it is great for preventing node caps at a distance if you are the only one nearby when two enemies approach. I almost think it is mandatory in blitz brawl.

But yea, get rid of swarm and bake the damage bonus into our bleeds. I also think brutal slash needs to go. It’s another one of those skills that can be baked into shred.

They were trying to fix one problem but hurt us on questing solo playability. I feel they made a bad choice.

LI is useful in arena too. It’s great for stopping drinks from range, eating grounding totem, etc. Infinitely useful spell.

About the bloat, I wish I just had like 2 free keybinds and I’m golden. I really think Adaptive Swarm can be baked in and give us 1 talent point back. I’d be happy with that.

Macros…you can put them together and save button space.

I have a solution for you. You can literally just choose not to take those talents instead of trying to oversimplify the spec for everyone else.

Or learn to use your MMORPG mouse to macro a few abilities together.

No, it won’t get rid of the global cooldown. But it will let you click one button to activate numerous abilities in succession with the gcd included. For example, in pvp it’s great for using in bear form to string along mangle, thrash, and strength of the wild on a single keybind. You have to mash the keybind 3+ times to get it to work lol. That’s probably why you hear “pro players” mashing their keybinds in videos.

If they ever brought real powershifting back, this would not be needed. The only other class I need to use it for is enhancement shaman.

This sounds awful.

Adaptive Swarm already isn’t (to my knowledge?) a majority pick talent for Feral. They just took it away from Resto Druid and I’m still mad about that.

Feral does have a lot of DoT damage.

… Why?

Lunar Inspiration is already off on the side by itself, and isn’t required for any pathing.

… Blood Talons literally rewards you with more DoT damage. What?

I’m confused, do you want Feral Frenzy or do you not?

Feral range has felt fine on beta.

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Adaptive Swarm was used frequently for straight ST in PvE and in PvP in all of Dragonflight. Then with the rebalancing of feral to rely more on DoTs for TWW, it will probably be even better in those same contexts.

It’s not picked nearly as often in cleave and AoE situations because you need that point for higher priority things.

I just don’t understand the hate for it, I guess.