Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon
Hi Kalbeast
Celestial Advocates is recruiting dps for our raid team. Last season we were 8/8 heroic and this season we are 8/8 normal Undermine. We will be starting heroic undermine probably next week. We raid 6pm to 8:30pm Pacific time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are a casual group with no drama. Here is a link to our guild recruitment post that explains more about our guild [NA] Celestial Advocates – Raiding, M+, Achievements, and Having Fun - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums.
My tag is Eiene #1217. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to join us next week to see if we are a fit for you.
Good luck finding your new wow home.
Salutations Kalbeast! Please have a look at our recruitment. Look forward to chatting with you!
Hey Kalbeast,
Bunny Slippers Cult is a group of friendly misfit toys, looking to add to our AOTC focused raid team and Mythic+ teams. We raid Wed. 7-9 pm and Sat. 7-10 pm Est time. We are looking for DPS to fill out our raid team. We are working on getting AOTC for this season.
What can we offer, you ask? We got the auras that make the girls cry and our feasts taste like despair. We got mogs for days. What we expect from our raiders: attendance and willingness to improve. Not looking for perfection, but kindly giving each other tips is on our list. Most importantly, don’t be that guy, no one likes that guy.
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If you are interested in trying us out, please contact Slippersocks at: Slippersocks#11591 or discord: slippersocks, Nix would also love to hear from you at btag Gimmicks#1671, or myself at: Interfector#2377.
Hey we raid Raid Times Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-10:00Am PST, 10am - 12pm CST, 11am-1pm See you there!
aotc guild want to get more people to push into mythic raiding we run mythic + daily add me for more information herwordskill#1655!!!