Out For Blood (Stormrage- US) AOTC/M+ Looking for DPS- T/Th 8:30-11PM EST

Hi! We’re Out For Blood on Stormrage-US. Currently 6/8N after one night in Liberation.

We’re a AOTC/Keystone Master/Hero guild based on Stormrage that really kicked into gear with Season 1 of Dragonflight. We’re comprised of a tight knit and chill group of adult gamers who like killing internet dragons in our free time. With AOTC for season one in hand and offseason turnover hitting our roster, we’re looking to refill the ranks and proceed into Undermine and seasons beyond fit as a fiddle. Culturally, we try to play the game well and knock out content as best as we can - but I personally do not have any interest in making demands of players beyond attending, playing your spec to the best of your ability and maintaining a positive gear income stream to keep up with the demands of content.

Here’s the nitty gritty:
-We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-11 PM EST.
-We typically knock out AOTC anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks depending on the tier.
-We are actively looking for folks interested in DPS who love flexing in general whether that be as different roles or flexing literally with DPS numbers.
-While ultimately for the progression and content we anticipate, class specificity is not of too big of a concern for us.

Thanks for reading! If you want to give us a shot or have any questions feel free to add me through Nix#12259 on BNET, nix1183 on Discord, or leave a message in this thread.

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Come join the fun

Bump for awesome people!

Come check us out!

Need a few more DPS!

Looking for any and all DPS!

Still looking for DPS!

Looking for a few more dps