Feral and Druids in general are in an eerily similar position to early WotLK and needs to be addressed

Yes they should. Why put work into a class that ends up at the bottom, unused and unloved and unwanted. That’s pure stupidity. A waste of time and effort. Why have the class even exist if it’s bad? Every class and every spec should be able to stand shoulder to shoulder together. You pick the class and spec you like and enjoy, not the one thats top meta cause there’s bad spec.
Simple damage rebalances fixes so many things and yet people with low standards what others to wallow in the much just cause. Your attitude is horrible all around and is very close minded.

Perfect balance in an asymmetrical isn’t possible and attempting it creates more problems than it solves.
Like let’s start with a simple question. What kind of DPS should a damage class be doing and at what gear score? You already have the issue with the question but let’s say at full 359 should be doing 28k dps with a perfectly executed rotation of their abilities. Gear, so now every class has their base dps manually adjusted statistically to have an output of 28k dps at 359.
So what about if you’re not at full 359? How does it scale above it? Why do classes with easier rotations have the same output as those with harder rotations? Why wouldn’t you gravitate towards classes with the least risk or easiest obtainable bis?
And this is just the tip of the iceberg here. Artificializing a meta never works in an asymmetrical environment.

The correct answer here is that if you care about meta, play meta, if you don’t care about meta, play what you like.

Feral DPS is currently ranked 20th out of 22 in terms of DPS specs and 21st out of 26 in overall damage among all classes. Even Blood DKs, a tank spec/role, is outperforming Feral DPS. This indicates that the call for a buff to Feral is not an exaggeration; the goal is simply to be competitive.

I guess going by the Cata damage to boss scores Ferals average 57 while the rest of the pack averages somewhere around 63. Feral does about 10% less than average. Is that reason to leave them out? Assuming a ten-man raid with five dps that’s an overall deficit of 10%/5 = 2% less overall damage to boss compared to average. Also they bring a brez, innervate and 5% crit no? Maybe that 5% is baked in. I don’t know someone check my math.

Innervate was nerfed its trash unless used on yourself!!!

Bres forces feral to shift out cat to cast and loose even more damage/dps

The other utility the class brings, the 5% crit or the benefit of Stampeding Roar, is nice but still doesn’t change the fact that the class is underperforming and being beaten by Blood DK damage output in overall damage at a 99% parse level (where top-tier players play at peak performance).

Rank 15 guild for BWL clear time has TWO Feral DPS and a Feral tank:


Feral topped DPS for overall in the 15th fastest clear in the world.

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Linking 1 run doesnt change the fact that the overall data proves otherwise.
Blood DK beating Feral dps in overall damage

[Blood DK beating Feral DPS in overall Damage ](https:// classic.warcraftlogs .com/zone/statistics/1023#dataset=99&class=Non-Healers)]

Feral DPS ranking #20 of 22 in damage from DPS classes!!!
[Feral DPS ranking #20 ](https:// classic.warcraftlogs.

Stop trolling posts with your intention to derail the conversation!!!

Feral Druid topped DPS in the rank 15 BWL speed run in the world. Feral is fine, they even decided to take two of them! You can give that WCL link to your rank 500 guild and tell them to let you play Feral.

Posting facts (opposite of you) is not trolling.

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You are presenting isolated instances to challenge the comprehensive statistics. A single occurrence represents less than a percent of the data and is considered an outlier.

Just play the game and stop crying about your completely viable DPS spec you’re not even posting from. Make it a motivating factor for your guildies to not allow themselves to be outdps’d by the “bad” spec. Maybe your guild’s overall performance will increase with the prospect of being embarassed by the cat.

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The spec may be viable, but it’s not competitive. The purpose of this thread is to highlight that ferals require a buff to compete with other classes.
Blood DKs should not outdamage a DPS class.
PvP specs (sub rogues) should not outdamage a feral.

Now again, I’m going to ask that if you’re not going to contribute constructively and insist on derailing or trolling the thread, please refrain from commenting.

You’re asking for Blood nerfs now too? Do you just want a complete rebalancing of the classes?

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I did not call for nerfs to Blood Death Knights; by highlighting the fact that Blood DKs are outperforming Feral DPS, I was simply stating the current situation to emphasize that Feral needs a buff. So, don’t try to misconstrue the facts to fit your narrative.

If you’re not asking for Blood nerfs then you’re asking for Fury, Frost Mage, BM and Marks Hunter buffs alongside Feral buffs. If you’re looking at 100 percentile damage, Blood passes even more classes.

You’re asking for a complete rebalancing of the classes.

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The straightforward issue is that Feral is underperforming and should receive a boost to perform at a competitive level. We’re not asking for it to be S tier, just to be on par with A/B tier where other classes are competing.


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Blizz just needs to revert This nerf
“The reduction from 415% to 340% weapon damage for (cat) Feral Druids” ( 18.07% nerf to all damage)

Then after they do that they should increase our bleed damage by 100% and our mastery by 150%

Make feral druids great again

Hey blizz this needs to be addressed!!!

So, warriors got nerfed and buffed the same day.
All casters got buffed through the hit buff
Shamans t12 got a giga buff
and feral druids are still worse than any other class?..

If your goal is to make feral druids quit the game, it’s clear you are achieving it.