Female pandaren names

What are some cute names for female pandaren

This one is.

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So’s this one.

Call me cute and I’ll cut you.


aw look at you with your little hood. you’re not just cute, you’re adorable.


Killmae Creepyfur

Careful, that one’s a little…makes whirly finger motion by ear


my panda monk is named Noodlebear I think it’s cute

lobs a spray of daggers and vanishes

I love pandaren threads! :heart:

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I made one called Mishao but idk about it yet. I originally made a kul tiran monk but it feels like monks should be pandaren.

I have two others. A Rogue named Tubthumping and a hunter names Artimists ( :roll_eyes:)

It’s time to make another orc highway.

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Hai, am cute

My favorite way to name Pandaren is to find an English to Pinyin translator, then put in a couple of descriptive words like “golden flower” or “quiet morning” or something that relates to the character I have in mind, and see what comes out.


this one here

How about Pamdaren?

…or Pankaren

I like this name well enough.

I got lucky on a random name generator and got this name.

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