Female pandaren names

Hay, that’s specist! :wink:

I exist specifically for the pleasure of roundhouse hoofing people and things that desperately deserve it.

Keep one at level 17 and name her Wai Tu Yung.


Heee hee :laughing: I’d upvote that but I’m afraid of the mods

Cutest one I saw was Panpanda, I just found it adorably simple. c:

I like to go for names that are short and sweet. Some examples are Lin, Yeia, Xula, stuff like that. If you can get a hold of them, that is.

Lap pillow

I’m rather partial to mine.

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Hehe, I know what it means, too. Fits a Pandaren in meaning, at the least.


I got the name Xiu is that pronounced like shoe?

I called my female Pandaren DK Expanda.



This is shockingly perfect

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I gave her the Honorable title so now she’s The Honorable Xiu (Shoe)

I know mine doesn’t exactly stick out, but all of my toons are named after my dogs.


Ooh, posting in a pandaren thread.