Female Gnomes are sexy

Some say they are too small

Others say they are “fun sized.”


Sorry but the title of sexy female races in WoW shall only be placed upon the big buff Orc, Tauren and Zandalari Troll ladies.

This is Blizzard’s fault.


I’ll take Mechagnomes but not sure about regular Gnomes.

I dont know what map means. Im pretty sure its pervy… i want to maintain this childlike innocence as long as i can


It’s disgusting is what it is. Maps are also known as another word that starts with a P and harms kids.

You can put 2 and 2 together on that one. I figured I would break the innocence that way you don’t post something as a joke and someone takes it the wrong way.


pretty sure that this isn’t new information, they’ve always been sexy

I never joke I don’t have a sense of humor


Fair enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

And you thought right.
It stands for “minor attracted person” which is something these freaks keep trying to normalize. Some of them even scream harassment and say they are being discriminated against due to being members of the LGBT community (something that those who are part of that community hate as it causes major problems for them)

Sad part is, they sometimes get away with their crap because everyone is so scared of getting labeled and dogpiled on the moment someone claims harassment.


There is no connection between them and lgbt. And it’s offensive to automatically go there


There isn’t. What he is saying is MAPS try to shoehorn thier way into LGBTQ communities when LGBTQ folk want nothing to do with em.

Reason they try that is folks that know nothing of the LGBTQ community, will shy off and back away to avoid conflict. They will then think MAPS are part of LGBTQ and then a false association is made.

You get what i mean? LGBTQ folks want nothing to do with MAPS, but MAPS will falsely claim LGBTQ status in order to push thier views as “the norm” when they need thier heads checked.


No if you’re attracted to gnomes legitimally, you belong in real jail and on government lists if/when you get out.

And in jail, I wouldn’t even be opposed to it being slipped to general pop why you’re there…

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Had no idea that they gave Gnomes that skin tone. There are a broad range of sizes, shades and shapes to virtually represent a lot of women in game now!

This strikes me as a “sus af” post

O ok. Thats cool.

Oh, I know there isn’t.
But, try to explain that to a MAP that identifies as such and attempts to use their “status” as LGBT+ (they generally claim that’s what the plus is for) as a shield when they are inevitably called out for their sick degeneracy.

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truturtureutruetureu female gnomes are sexy. compact and cutie but they still got the sexy curves and big ol ehads hehehaha i love them. i can be a gnome druid hehe haha i can be everything i an shapewshifter.

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Gnomes are food and if you want to keep one as a pet, they belong in the garden.

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And here’s me thinking you graveyard pedestrians were not so picky with your noms.
Still, you keep yourself in check, or Gen will be playing fetch with your femur!