Female Gnomes are sexy

Ummm… you said the quiet part out loud.



Not that kind of MAP lol


Is this what happens when the orcs don’t have a Warchief? They go crazy?


yep they go bonkers

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Oh trust me, I’ve met the trigger happy on the report button plenty of times on these forums, typically when I state the obvious and it pisses someone off.

The kicker? This isn’t the first time I’ve even used this video as a response around here.

EDIT: OH! The J&SB video! Sorry, I didn’t check the reply and thought it was the South Park video I sometimes like to use.

Point still stands however. There’s plenty of stuff I’ve posted from YouTube that no one has tagged.

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Lucky duck.

I’ve reported once or twice for something? I try to do this adult thing of moving on or muting a whole thread if it’s not my cup of tea. It’s crZy yo

So tired of ppl flagging for literally nothing. Wish I knew who it was so I could put them on ignore. Ridiculous.

Wow I posted a Southpark clip before and it got flagged. :angry:


Censorship infuriates me. If I were a vulpera IRL, my fur would be on fire thinking about censorship.

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I thought you liked to cuss? I don’t see you swearing much on the forums. Isn’t that self censoring?

Don’t know what to tell you. Just lucky I guess.

Pretty sure they’d have an aneurism if I found a reason to link one of Nick Rekieta’s rants over here.

I’m a rebel at heart. Here comes another week vacation I bet.

I say this to anyone who reports me.

This is dedicated to the Karen’s of the forums.


I like profanity, but I don’t use it that often online. Primarily because I have communication “modes.” I’m not particularly used to typing profanity because I write fiction and prefer to maintain a neutral voice with as few idiosyncrasies as possible, although I freely share memes and videos with profanity included. Profanity is usually something that drifts out of my mouth without me being aware of it, but I am usually aware of whatever I type, so profanity rarely surfaces as something I want to say in this medium.

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OP - I respect people who know what they like!!

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He’s a GAP.

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You misspelt Tauren in the title.

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Man of culture detected

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I was just thinking the same thing! The sexiest feasible proportions possible! All the fixins of a sexy woman condensed into that lovely nugget of a body!

Heaps of love and body positivity for the women that resemble them IRL too. They’re often overlooked.

I mean . . . your not wrong . . .


I’m glad you people finally realise we truly are the sexiest race. Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? :hot_face: