Felstriker, rare dagger from Warchief Rend in Upper Black Rock Spires (UBRS) the chance on hit states verbatim, Chance on hit: All attacks are GUARANTEED to land AND will be critical strikes for the next 3 seconds. the Felstriker i have ingame does not do this, instead it seems to give you 3 consecutive hits that are guaranteed to land and crit. my details is picking up a buff but ive never seen it and it definitely doesnt last 3 seconds.
is this item indeed broken, with the chance on hit not giving the intended proc ? or is the dagger working as intended and the error in the chance on hit explanation ? any response or explaination would be greatly appreciated.
It does look like something fishy is going on with it.
Let’s first look at Stonechode’s MC from 2020-02-05: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/cmNY39ypC7vdAJWa#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=35119&end=5024806&type=summary&view=events&pins=2%24Off%24%23244F4B%24expression%24in%20range%20from%20type%3D%22applybuff%22%20and%20ability.name%3D%22felstriker%22%20to%20type%3D%22removebuff%22%20and%20ability.name%3D%22Felstriker%22%20group%20by%20source%20end
On Garr, you can see he gains the buff then the next hit is not a crit. This is to be expected, as the Swing at 33.870 is what procs Felstriker, and it would have had the damage roll done before the buff was applied (can’t proc it if it doesn’t hit, after all). You also don’t see the buff falling off, but that is due to the fight ending before the buff was set to expire.
If you next look at the Rag fight, you will see two Melee attacks that happened while the buff was applied did NOT crit. These were not the swings that procced the buff, so they should have crit.
Next, Monkeynews’s MC from 2020-01-21: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tQ3hyKGZqp4kDjAw#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=4904&end=2095553&type=summary&pins=2%24Off%24%23244F4B%24expression%24in%20range%20from%20type%3D%22applybuff%22%20and%20ability.name%3D%22felstriker%22%20to%20type%3D%22removebuff%22%20and%20ability.name%3D%22Felstriker%22%20group%20by%20source%20end&view=events
We see non-crit melee attacks on Mag, Shazz, Sulf, and Rag.
Finally, Khx’s MC from 2020-01-23: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/NzwbTtD1AZHMv4Cq#type=summary&view=events&boss=-3&difficulty=0&pins=2%24Off%24%23244F4B%24expression%24in%20range%20from%20type%3D%22applybuff%22%20and%20ability.name%3D%22felstriker%22%20to%20type%3D%22removebuff%22%20and%20ability.name%3D%22Felstriker%22%20group%20by%20source%20end
You can see multiple non-crit melee attacks in the various trash fights.
I didn’t see any misses, but I also didn’t look super hard for those.
I wonder, is crit aura suppression at play here? It is believed by many that CAS is a flat %, but there is a case to be made that it’s actually a % based on the crit you have gained by auras so the more crit % you have from auras, the more crit that is suppressed overall. The effect for the buff is
Could be with how they handle Critical strike game engine side (server side), we know they’re using the Modern WoW server game engine and Client, so then this asks the question…
Where is the issue?
I have noticed some very odd behavior with critial strikes on certain things being way above what they ought to be while other things are just not working as they did in Vanilla…
I don’t have a good way to test this stuff because the best tool for the job seems to be Recount as WoW Logs Classic is buggy as frig, and tracks the information in a very wonky way…
So given that recount is not really the ideal tool, and wow classic logs is kinda crappy, how do we track and show this stuff in a high quality way?
Perfect example of what I am talking about, PET AI’s are the Modern WoW pet AI’s, not the vanilla… Warrior Charge and Intercept are the Modern WoW ones because they actually get the warrior to his target nearly 100% of the time…
Back in actual Vanilla tho, Warrior charge and Intercept were far less than reliable, additionally warriors did not crit as frequently as they do now in the exact same gear with the exact same stats… Crit strike is not handled by player skill but only by the good will of RNJesus, and it appears that RNJeuss is playing some favorites in Classic WoW 2019.
IMO we need to catalog the nuanced crap so that Blizzard can review and correct issues as we can find them; in turn providing us with the best most accurate and authentic experience possible…
It’s sad to say, but this feels more like what I would have expected of a Private server and less of what I would have expected from Blizzarrrrrrr, I mean Activision…
i have pretty much given up all hope of it being looked at/seriously repaired. i have no real hope of this being adressed before its REALLY outdated. i have the Ironfoe and Felstriker, this dagger is kind of a big deal and it doesnt work correctly… look at the links you posted, those are big time players and they went for this wep when i realized it wasnt working correctly i basically accepted the fact that i spent many hours to farm a wep that is defunct
Some hits won’t crit because they are glancing blows, pretty much the same as when you see white hits with recklessness; it’s glancing blows which are always non-crit.
sooo, after using it a bit more it seems that the proc does work. sorta. he might be right maybe with this felstriker proc it might exclude glancing blows, would explain why there are still some non crits. the proc buff doesnt show up which makes it hard to tell if it really does last the whole duration. i have warcraft logs for this character and have used it OH every raid. i also have an Ironfoe MH.
Yeah, half the stuff on this game doesn’t even work right, i got the diremaul trinket on my undead mage that is supposed to restore 8 mana per 5 sec before even factoring in spirit and other mana regen, i literally watch my mana go up by 3 every 5 seconds, 3 does not equal 8. Bad game design. They don’t have hardly any developers working on this, there wont be any new content, they wont fix stuff like these issues, the whole reason they probably even agreed to do Classic WoW is because it’s supposed to be a lazy cashgrab and in premise a near nonexistent development team.
Yep exactly what I was talking about, ~55% is probably your crit cap at the moment (white attacks only), only way to increase that part is with more Hit%. Specials aren’t affected by glancing blow hence why you have 100% crit, dodge can still happen with Special attacks but has 5.6% chance to happen against a 63 so you kinda got lucky there.
@Bufihimat They missed a lot of small details when reverting back to Vanilla and it annoys me a lot, making sure all mechanics are working properly should be a top priority.
Hit won’t help. Felstriker gives you 100% hit. The non-crits are a combination of glances and dodges most likely (40% glance+6% dodge if 305 weapon skill, so crit cap of 54%). Bonus weapon skill can push you very slightly higher, but even 315 weapon skill only gets you another 1% crit cap.