Fel Warden - A Demon Hunter Support Spec

Hello fellow players. After the introduction/testing of the Support Spec for Evokers, watching the forums for a bit, reading some stuff put out by Blizz, and filling in the blanks along the way, I think I see Blizzard’s plan for the future. Support specs are going to be the way Blizzard seeks to fulfill those “dream specs” for each class.

For Demon Hunters this would a Buff/Debuff DPS spec. Through infusing the target with Fel energies, to buff allies and debuff enemies, and using fel magics for ranged DPS, Blizzard can give a spec that players have been asking about for years to the Demon Hunter class. A mixture of felfire bolts, thrown glaives, and demonic circles that allies can stand in for buffs, the Demon Hunter can, like the Dracthyr Evokers, become a mid-range support working at 25 yds.


Going to need a couple of support classes otherwise evoker will always be a guaranteed spot.


Support spec does not fit dh.


It does not fit DH because…?

Because it’s not what you’re used to?
Because you don’t like it?
Because you say so?
Because it hasn’t been done before?

What exactly is the reason? And why can’t every single one of those reasons be overcome by Dev design teams just simply doing it without concern for the answer to any of those reasons?


When blizzard brought out DH’s they stated they did not have a healing spec because it didn’t fit what DH’s were. Healing is a support role. Tanking to some aspect is a support role but its more of a I will take the hits you kill it. But in same games its called support.

DH’s at least imo are not the type to say here let me sacrifice what I do by not doing it as much but buffing the dpsers or healers or tanks.

And I have played Shaman back when they had totems that supported the group they were in. Hell I used my Paladin once horde got them to support my group by off healing (same as a shaman) by using seals(when we had them) to benefit other members of the group. That felt right for those classes.

But a class that literally is a jump in get beat on while the other team members kill your targets. Or jumps in and just starts slashing and eyebeaming doesn’t feel like a class that should have a support. I would say the same about warriors they do not feel like support class. What does feel right for support classes Shamans, Paladins, Druids, Monks, Mages and Evoker(which already has support). Priest could get a support class but considering they already have 2 healing specs and a dps spec IDK just didn’t feel like they need one.

I have no problems with support specs but they should be on classes that make sense not just be given out like ophra giving gifts you get a support spec, you get a support spec and you get a support spec. No it should be on classes that make sense.

And I have been wanting blizzard to bring back more support oriented parts of Paladins/Shamans.

Support class just doesn’t fit the mentality of DH.


Thank you for your rather polite response. It is appreciated.

I don’t disagree about most of your points. In all honesty, I feel that DH Support is one of the least likely to manifest. However, Blizzard has been doing a lot of fan service of late, and they’ve been adding in things that people have been asking for. The catch is that they’ve added it in ways that seemed to work for THEIR designs, not ours. Which is completely understandable. This is a huge part of what leads me to believe that if some classes are going to get those specs that have certain play styles that have been asked for, those specs are going to have to fit with what Blizzard wants, which is going to be more support specs.

So while its true that Demon Hunters aren’t really a “support” class as is, as time passes, the in-game story may evolve that the Wardens and Demon Hunters, which share similar goals and levels of self-sacrifice, may merge a bit. Each training the other, and thus giving the “Warden” spec, which has a focus on ranged combat with fel-fire and glaives/chakrams. The sigil system would be the main source of their “support” functionality. They create AOE, stationary buff/debuff zones. There could also be fel-barriers that they could channel to reduce incoming damage to tanks.

So while I understand what you’re saying, and where you’re coming from, I disagree. DH’s don’t seem like a good candidate for Support -RIGHT NOW- but even Illidan worked alongside Velen, Khadgar, and Maiev. I would like to think that Maiev perhaps gained an appreciation after Legion for what the DHs were willing to do to defeat the Legion.

I try to be nice and treat people as I want to be treated unless they provoke me. I was almost going to be snarky but was thinking I read you’re post to be more aggressive than it was maybe you were trying to be how it first sounded but no need to fight when we can talk and I can show you why I feel the way I do.

So I have also responded to this before I do not think DH’s would have anything to do with Wardens. Considering how we were hunted/killed/imprisoned by wardens and it wasn’t until the legion invaded that they were ok with us being free to do our thing.

I again this is imo do not think we would have anything to do with wardens even in name. Unless Maiev did something major to make up for what was done to us by the Wardens. And just saying sorry wouldn’t do it. I would also think it would take a major event like another legion invasion or worse for DH’s to accept anything to do with wardens. Now what I could see would be something like Leigon 2.0 and where Wardens are made a class on their own. But the Maiev and Illidan come to some kind of understand or hell they start hooking up and become a couple and he has a few dh’s go to the wardens and offer to train them for a DH themed spec and vise versa where a few Wardens show up to train dh’s in a warden themed spec.

Again this is just my opinion as the only way I can see it happening. But then it would open up something for dh’s and wardens become a class I can see DH’s and Wardens if they do this become supports for each other like branches of the military helping each other on the battle field. And if this happens I could see DH’s 3rd spec being a ranged spec.

But again this is what I could see happening and would 100% support it. It just has to make sense as to what they are doing. Just like I would love to see a quest that changes paladins holy color to something other than golden. And having undead paladins could do that where its still has the same effect as a paladin but shadow magic or something. How they did the warlocks green fire quest could be an option to customize our classes even more maybe have mages convert one of their elements to pure lighting.

Again I am not against anything. But it would have to be a major event to happen to make it make sense. Just like I could see blizzard giving warriors a ranged spec. Just has to make sense as to why it was done. Why a warrior would want to give up being melee. Kinda like what they did with Surival Hunters where they gave up ranged.

Sorry for the long post but yea these are my thoughts.

I would be fine with a support tree if it was a ranged glave throw play style.


Why are we talking about a new support spec for DH when you already have one with Havoc (chaos brand) :slight_smile:

Fel Warden sounds more like a in-between with tanking and DPS, something we dont need, we need Momentum to be its own spec, that way people who like that playstyle, have a spec to play it with, Havoc is just… a mess

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We don’t need a 3rd spec, we need havoc to be good again.


Blizzard can’t even get our 2 specs right, and we get the least attention from our Dev (Rogues included) and until they can get our first 2 specs at least not being garbage, i do not want a 3rd spec!


Supporting this idea, especially with the new Warden transmog coming out

Im late to the game, there is a warden transmog coming out ?!

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Yes!! It’s the reward for completing the Trading Post objectives for 12 months (it doesn’t have to be consecutively).

No. Support specs are boring af. Just give us a second dps class.

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I want a 3rd spec a Ranged dps spec.

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This guy gets it…


Then play hunter or something.

And you can go back to your warrior forum and troll there once you reach max level