Fel Scars : Warlocks in SoD

All of the warlocks in my guild except for me have quit over this mechanic. I didnt play opening weekend so I didnt understand their frustration until about a week ago when I tried doing these scars non stop multiple hours a day and I get it now… I’m getting ready to hang it up this is so demotivating and leads to burn out.

We feel like we need to farm these as meta locks (not to mention I only have two of the orbs) for the dagger and rune… and I’ve serioulsy lost all motivation to play now its so badly designed.

You run around in circles for hours to find a scar, you find it and send your imp in. Then you need to stand there and stay logged in for 20 minutes then it comes back as low level half the time.

Its horrible game design, it doesnt incentivize group play, it forces you to just stay logged in not playing or doing other things, its such a short amount of time that you cant go do antyhing else.


Sounds like someone is going to have dibs on those lock drops :+1:


Wait…are you telling me they put in the Garrison Table, and somehow made it worse??? :rofl:


Not that I don’t believe that sounds a bit hyperbolic.

I don’t think these were meant to be camped and farmed. I look for them when I’m in a zone where I know they spawn but I don’t go out of my way.

It’s not like the Weapon is that much better than anything else (like the Gizmo Blade) and the Rune you can get by joining one of the Raids that are always forming to do a tour for Locks and Priests.

Well, it’s only 3 people not like my guild had 20 warlocks but it is true, and like I said now I 100% get it. To make it worse I never won Gizmo I lost it 5 times, which really compounds how bad the design for warlocks has been for this phase.

I now feel like I have to spend my time doing these scars because I still do not have gizmo (since they put the armor on the dagger that was bis for everyone in phase 2 it was highly contested)

So now I have to spend all of my time trying to get this dagger while waiting for my lockout to lift for Gnomer. I’m really feeling the burn out and feel like throwing in the towel as well.

Its further compuonded that now the people who run Gnomer are mostly alts so my competition for Gizmo is through the roof. SIGH I hate this game sometimes.

I too have farmed this for hours, and the grind is god awful if you want this BiS dagger. Same .02% drop rate as the mara dagger.

I will say you are wrong about one thing though. It 100% incentivizes group play because it works just like the songflowers in felwood. I usually run with a raid of 10+ warlocks looking for it and we shout out when we see one, we help each other farm kills to reduce the cooldown on the imp. That is one positive thing about this grind.

It just needs to be changed from a .02% drop chance to a 2% drop chance to just become a bearable grind while keeping the item semi rare.


So I am not sure how widely known this is, but it only takes 20 minutes maximum for the imp on a mission to wear off. He can actually come back faster if you kill mobs in the meantime. I get my imp to return in 8-10 minutes by farming cloth.

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There’s a guy on my server with the dagger. I dunno why its labeled as a dagger, that thing is clearly a sword.

Why are you guys working so hard for it though? It looks amazing, and its got ideal stats, but you will replace it in phase 4 immediately with the exalted AB dagger.

Not only is it bis this phase, it also looks amazing.

It’s really good for meta locks, especially since I’m still using the BFD dagger due to poor luck during p2, and it just looks really cool.

The extra armor combined with the offensive stats make it a really balanced option, where a lot of gear for meta tanks right now sacrifices one or the other.

My lock is around 200 in rn, still nothing.

I’m trying for the aff trinket. It is pretty bad right now, but I guess you can run everlasting affliction and use the trinket to snapshot a 25% more powerful corruption.

I put imp in a portal afk 20mins and do it again. Best farm in WoW you don’t even have to play WoW! 10/10 blizzard design (Nothing worth killing around portals so I don’t bother pushing timer down just go watch a tv series)

Only 200 pal? Breached my 400th last night and nothing.

200 10 days ago…

I farmed crowd pummeller in classic for MCPs over 1100 times, just to be viable. 200 fel scars is a rookie number.

Okay I’m going to admit that the fel scar mechanic sucks. You can’t log out and you can’t go do anything else (since as soon as it’s done you’d have to fly back to Azshara to do it again) so you’re forced to just afk for 20 minutes.


I think you’re looking at this wrong. This fel scar thing is just a bonus. Your class isn’t balanced around getting that epic drop from it. I don’t know why you think you are entitled to the epic.

if you want BIS or a good pvp dagger, then u have to run it.
i know the next thing you will say is most people dont need it.
in pvp yes we do. atm you need every edge we can get.
its a bad system, put a toy, a sub par dagger, just not BIS…

Why can’t they just let us trade Worldcore Fragments for the rare BoP drops.

While I agree that BIS isn’t something you need to feel like you always need to get, the Meta buff to armor from items makes this dagger significantly better than any other option, so people who care about optimizing their performance are bound to feel stiffed.

In a for-fun seasonal mode where we’re essentially just playing beta ideas for devs, they don’t need to also make gear grinds so painful as to seem impossible, like this dagger or BoED.