Fel Orc skins?

Any chance we’ll see any of the Fel Orcs of Outland have a change of heart and rejoin the Azeroth Horde? I mean manari demons did so why not Fel Orcs?


It would be nice to have the fel orcs and fel belves also the fire druids and the grimtotem for both versions of tauren. Manari and darkfallen have been added so hoping they’ll add in more skins like that.


I genuinely don’t see why not. After all we had Man’ari reunite with the Draenei.


I’m expecting those customization options for Orc Demon Hunters when they finally become available.

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You really want Pink Orcs that sound and act the same as invader Horde Orcs?

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They can hang out with the red draenei.
And the sand gnomes.
and angry jungle gnomes.


I hope not. Never liked the trend of yesterday’s bad guys becoming tomorrows allies.


manari are to dreani what green orcs are to maghar.
Fel Orcs are a further mutation.

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Draenei getting man’ari customization does not equal fel options for everyone else.

The schism between the draenei and man’ari is a major part of their history, their reunification is a development in that history, and said reunification sort of made sense to include in an expansion that had overarching themes of family and mending broken bonds. There also have many notable eredar NPCs.

Fel orcs are zone filler. They have no notable characters on the level of Kil’jaeden or Archimonde and mostly just exist as foot soldiers and lieutenants in the Illidari (Outland) and Fel Horde (Draenor). Plus, we’ve had villainous orcs turning good twice already. At most, the devs would enable orc characters to use the current red skin tone for chaos orc NPCs as part of another huge barber update, but then they’d probably get lazy like they did with Dark Ranger customization and not remap it to every face option.

Honestly, same. Both factions already have several races that started out entirely or mostly villainous and we’re not exactly hurting for more, but people still want to ask for races like k’thir that would be unlikely to join either faction. Adding man’ari customization made it even worse, because a lot of people decided they’re now owed fel orcs, felblood elves, and Feltotem tauren (but oddly not felborne, a customization I was in support of until nightborne didn’t get it with their update in SL).

This isn’t true.

But that doesn’t mean Fel Orcs should join the Horde.

Orcs have traditionally split into sub factions, and have gone to war with each other. The Fel Orcs are no different.

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I see no reason not to do it, since lorewise we already have a handful of Fel Orcs in the Horde.

This guy and some guards around the Dark Portal were Horde Fel Orcs.


When I think of man’ari, I think of those two and some other notable members like Malchezaar, Alythess, Sacrolash, Jaraxxus, Socrethar, Velhari, Thal’kiel, Rakeesh, Talgath, and Arzaal. When I think of Outland fel orcs, I think of NPCs that I mindlessly burn through while doing dungeons during TBC Timewalking. Even if they had a few notable members in TBC or WCIII, they’re still dwarfed by what man’ari have. I’m pretty sure the ones with the piercing red eyes, chin spikes, and long tusks are all dead by now, anyway.

I mean…

Not having characters on the level of Archimonde and Kil’jaeden didn’t stop some full playable races from being added to the game.

Think of Vanilla when they added Gnomes without ANY previous lore characters whatsoever.

Or more recently the BfA Vulpera, who are also light on lore characters.

If not having big lore characters didn’t stop new Races from being added, it sure shouldn’t stop an NPC skin from being given to players on an old race.

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Kargath Bladefist doesn’t count despite the WCII credentials?

You’re just listing raid bosses with little build up, and a minor character in a book. The most noteworthy member of this list is Jaraxxus and that is purely for bottom of the barrel Reddit memes.

Your entire series of posts here have been nonsense & spin. Your standards are totally arbitrary and inconsistent. You’re not making a serious point, you’re just dressing up your awful opinion as fact.

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Like look at this. This reunification does not make sense at all. The Draenei were actively genocided by the Man’ari, who then went on to go on a millenia long interplanetary genocide spree.

The Fel Orcs, on the other hand, are basically the same as ours. The only difference between Grom Hellscream’s Warsong Clan & Kargath’s Fel Horde is which side of the Dark Portal they ended up on after WCII was over.

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Fel Orcs are associated with Kil’Jaeden and Archimonde. As well as Mannoroth and Illidan and Gul’Dan.

Did he have a cinematic in this game on the level of the Tomb of Sargeras cinematics with Kil’jaeden? No, no he did not.

Rakeesh is not a “raid boss with little buildup”. He was Velen’s kidnapped and brainwashed son whose death sparked him to take the fight to the Legion.

Socrethar very much did have buildup. Him going from Exarch to Legion member was part of the Alliance campaign on Draenor before we fought him again in HFC.

Thal’kiel is the Demonology artifact, meaning warlocks in Legion potentially spent a lot of time around him.

Arzaal is the current leader of the man’ari who rejoined the draenei, which is a pretty big deal.

Talgath was fought near the end of the Argus campaign, which you would know if you played during Legion.

You’re completely ignorant about notable draenei and man’ari characters, got it.

The man’ari are lost and leaderless following the Legion’s fall, some of them want to rejoin their estranged kin, and it seems that Velen and most of the other draenei are on board with that. Sounds much better than fighting for another eon.

They’re filler. Add them as an orc customization for all I care, but don’t expect them to get an iota of the fanfare that man’ari customization got.

Oh, look, more arbitrary standards being pulled from nowhere. Sorry, I have decided seniority matters more than slop-tier cinematics!

Here’s a challenge, go find a mention of Rakeesh prior to Legion.

Ah, so you’re citing Lorelol AU characters now?

“We made him up in Legion, but he’s really, really important!”

A character added in 10.1 was it? Just dropped out of the nether with no explanation, but he was given a very important role so that matters?

Not really, you’re just being an absolute child about this. Many of the characters you cited were invented right when they took these minor roles in the story. They are not significant movers & shakers. Many were invented to progress the stories of other characters or just stock raids.

Among that list, Rakeesh & Talgath are the notable individuals. Rakeesh, because of his relation to Velen and literally no other reason. Talgath because he at least appeared in a book before finishing a quest chain…

Frankly, given the inclusion of Talgath here, there’s no reason the Fel Orcs can’t claim someone like Tagar Spinebreaker as an equivalent. He was a chieftain and a book character.

This entire line of argumentation is ridiculous.

“Well, uhhh… Tyrant Velhari has a name, and Blizzard introduced this character in the same patch he was killed off in but he was super important, that is much more important to me than anything else.”

It’s frankly baseless and these standards are pulled from nowhere. This literally boils down to “Man’ari are important because I like them, Fel Orcs are not important because I don’t!”

I would suggest you would have to be fantastically stupid, ill-informed and belligerent to make the case you’ve made, but I actually think there’s another reason: Pure bad faith, see

This, to me, seems like the only valid explanation for these ridiculous posts of yours. “People didn’t support me on this one thing I wanted, so now I’m going to invent arbitrary metrics and pretend my opinion is fact to prevent them from getting things they want.” It’s a very childish kind of resentment, and that’s embarrassing.

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Moving the goalposts.

The irony of calling me a child when you’re having a neurotic, vitriolic meltdown over someone suggesting that man’ari and fel orcs don’t have the same level of importance, and that the former was added as customization before the latter because Blizzard gave them priority based on that importance. Boy, I wish I had your vigor.

You mean the killable elite who roams around Hellfire Peninsula and has no quests associated with him, or his Draenor counterpart that you’re sent to kill as part of an Alliance campaign quest in Talador?

It’s not my standards, it’s the writers’. They’re the ones who decided one race would have their backstory involve a schism between those that became demons and those that didn’t, while another race would have a similar-looking subrace as a mutation but it wouldn’t play a major part in their story. I said nothing about not liking fel orcs as a race, just that their existence is not intrinsic to the orcs’ current story.

In a short period of time, you’ve already proven yourself to be a vile and condescending person, so I think I’m just going to mute you to spare my sanity, and I hope others do the same.

Fel Orcs still have the cruel bloodlust.
It wouldn’t make much sense for the Horde to accept them.