there are already Fel Orcs in the Horde, there is no reason they shouldn’t be playable…
as customisation for regular orcs though, if Man’ari don’t count as an AR neither should they
Frankly, I dislike both of you, so this has been fun to watch.
But on topic, there’s no valid reason not to add fel orcs. Should definitely just be a customization though, no point wasting an allied race slot on them.
I think the updated fel orc model that doesnt have their traditional fel orc face ruined it for me.
It was a lazy thing to ignore but can I blame them when they had no narrative importance since burning crusade?
Im down if they get their updated fel orc face but I feel like it would break alot of helms.
I heard Fel Orcs move faster because they’re red like Ferraris
All for it as soon as Worgen get optional tails. Oh and just like Man’ari who joined the Alliance you only get red skin none of the cool stuff like fel horns or fel effects on hands/feet. Such a missed opportunity Blizzard such a shame.
Felrrari lol
You guy are talking stuff you don’t know, there are good felorcs allied with the horde already like this guy:
And this is back in the TBC days
Because you don’t want it? the manari are literaly demons, fel orcs are just mortals corrupted, some of then didn’t even had the choice and were forced by maghteridon and illidan forces
They don’t deserve a second chance, but literal demons who willingly joined the legion, burned worlds across the Galaxy can have a second chance?
ah, but their genocidal leader is dead, and they are not going in a genocidal war across the universe they need a new home
lets unite with the group we hunted down for thousand of years
Never noticed him before. The copy under his photo says it is unknown if he is a fel orc or a developer’s error though.
If it was a Dev error, they would have had over a decade to fix a simple wrong texture assigned.
The fact that they didn’t fix it in all these years implies it’s not a mistake.
Most likely, the Fel Orcs in the Horde were regular Orcs that were corrupted by the copious amounts of Fel Magic irradiating from the Dark Portal over a long period of time.
It’s probably not a coincidence that all of them were located directly in front of the Portal.
AU fel orcs? Probably not
Red ones? They already have multiple in the horde
Exactly this. Keep in mind, his model and skin has been updated since this NPC was originally put in the game. The fel orcs in Outland are still the same old skins and models. If this is not intentional, why was this one updated?
I agree with you about fel orcs, but I will say that many Eredar were left behind on Argus when Velen evacuated, and for those left behind the choice was the same as the orcs: drink the fel juice or die. Now, they’ve almost certainly done plenty of awful things since and don’t get a blanket forgiveness, but the ones who want to repent and try to do good should be given the chance. That’s Velen’s take, anyways.
If it was an error there would not be more of then:
and it would be fixed by now, ince this is TBC stuff
I just, personally don’t think the demons would ever want to repent after thousand of years doing awful stuff, its not like they were mindcontrolled, but hey, they did anyway, so its silly to say it can’t happen with others by now
not even vegeta?
I loved using Grom Helscream as a fel orc in that one mission in WC3!
I definitely think they should make it a skin option for Orcs.
Also, Grom was one of the coolest characters in WC3, his storyline was BA.
I’d love to see them add the Fel Orc skin, and then make Demon Hunter available for both Draenei and Orcs.
You should check their post history, you’re in for a treat.
You’re far from a saint, either, but go off.
We’ve ‘technically’ had them since Burning Crusade …
There’s a friendly (to the Horde) fel-orc quartermaster @ Blasted Lands, named:
‘Quartermaster Dekrok’
- At the time it was speculated as a bug or accidental — However it’s been 17 YEARS, and they didn’t bother to change it - so take that as you will.
I’d argue the fel-orcs who simply became fel-orcs due to severe radiation when stuck in the more fel-suffused areas of Outland in all sorts of different ways – or perhaps even Shattered Hand Horde spies dedicating themselves to infiltrating the enemy at any cost (and drinking the blood of the demon pit-lord Magtheridon) would be pardoned.
Also keep in mind, if there were Horde spies who grimly drank the blood of Magtheridon — Would had been released from much of the additional amplified bloodlust side-effects when we slew them (akin to what happened with the orcs and Mannoroth – but without the pact).
Ideally it’d be cool to learn some loyal Fel-orcs helped us slay Magtheridon to both tie the knot of their espionage efforts & release them from their burdens … Getting a fel-orc representative amongst the orcs who was there & did such a feat would be preferable too.
Yes Red skin (Fel Orc skin) for Orcs mostly when we already have some Fel Orcs in the Horde since TBC