Fel Blazecycle Step Five

This needs a bump so hard… they need to patch and fix this… who on earth was thinking this is a great Idea? You need specific pets yet alone level 25…? r u srs…


Oh you could not be more wrong on that one. May take me 2 seconds longer but in you go.

Who are you?

Yeah, this was a terrible thought put into the game. Why would they ever do this?

Got those, still no luck. My point stands—it’s way too hard. They need to nerf the pet battle.


Deos it work in Party? if you join someone who has the pets and finished it? or

its bugged atm some are getting it and others are not

Nope, doesn’t work in party.

I just want ppl to be able to express when something feels forced.

I dont think the pet fight is that bad, but it does suck it you don’t have the pets, and they’re not leveled.

Wait till you get to the owl puzzle…

Got 2 of the pets last night and got them to lv 25 in 5 sec

I’m looking forward to the warden puzzle myself. Not there yet. At work, and when I return have to grind out getting Spyrogos.

Tried with…
Spyro, wicker pup, terky,
and Spyro, wicker pup, jenafur in varying combos. 24 losses.
I know because I had 1 Pet Bandage left from a stack of 25 purchased from the garrison.
Decided to go get the easy peasey Aug Evoker pet Nelth.
Spyro, wicker pup and Nelth.
3 battles and done.

I don’t really care about the mount, but the list of pets you have to use has helped me get a lot of pets I never had. Also led me to useful information - super squirt week starts tomorrow. Gonna do some pet battle power leveling this week!

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Ya’ll just a buncha crybabies. A big chunk of that list is easy to get.

And step 6 is an even bigger doozy, but this mount is the big anniversary mount with 20 years of context put into it. If all you did was dungeons, raid or pvp for 20 years you didn’t play WoW as an MMORPG, you played WoW as a glorified lobby game. I’m missing a few things for the next step but I’m not crying about it, I’m gonna work on getting them.

So your options are either to man up and get it done, give up and cry about it or drink mountain dew and get the red one.

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I am someone who has a pretty healthy pet collection, and I think it’s garbage they would make this part of it. So many people have never pet battled and have no desire to.


Every part of the quest requires some type of player to “Step out of their comfort zone”. If you want the mount, you’ll have to get over it.

It is. You have to do specific attacks at specific times. :stuck_out_tongue:

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and at its core, a puzzle is merely an activity designed to test one’s creativity/innovativeness. it doesn’t necessarily mean ‘putting interlocking pieces of a two-dimensional picture back in the correct location’ :upside_down_face:

By that definition, everything is a puzzle lol

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