Another thing wrong with our Order hall... why is our meeting table not round? Seriously!
I got to see the order halls for other classes and while Paladins isn't at the bottom (so much wasted space with pews!), I think the rogue order hall is the worst. As in, I feel like I have to decontaminate myself after leaving it!
Of the ones I saw that I liked most, I think the priest order hall is the coolest because of how open the space is. Mage looks cool but I kept getting lost (that's probably more on me than the designer).
Happy Monday, folksies!
I have to say, the Suramar quests are REALLY cool! I love the estate quests because everything is so pretty and the masks and illusions are fun. And it's a little oasis free of demons and instead has hoity toity elves that need killing. <3.
I saw the raids that will be patching soonish and I'm so excited. I've been excited about the Emerald Nightmare for a good while so I'm hoping it's fun and Lovecraftian!
-Feisty Lovecraft.
09/20/2016 09:11 AMPosted by
I have to say, the Suramar quests are REALLY cool! I love the estate quests because everything is so pretty and the masks and illusions are fun. And it's a little oasis free of demons and instead has hoity toity elves that need killing. <3.
I saw the raids that will be patching soonish and I'm so excited. I've been excited about the Emerald Nightmare for a good while so I'm hoping it's fun and Lovecraftian!
-Feisty Lovecraft.
The world quests in the elite zone are the worst and I hate them! They also patched out my stealth and disguise thing. I used to be able to sap the things with stealth vision but now if i get even near them it pops :(
OMG it's a Sauura! How have you been?! I think it's been like...years since I last saw you! Years!
Zulzali, I stumbled upon the elite area a few days ago on my paladin and LORDY things are hard to kill. I died a few times, not realizing that the mobs I was running through were not giving up but I managed to 2 man the elite boss I needed to kill (okay this is a lie; there were 2 other people who joined halfway in). I don't know how THEY got to the tower but they seemed fine. I didn't realize they could detect you while in stealth! Yikes.
I had a pretty crazy allergic reaction at work. I got sent home but I have a physical therapy appointment so I have to stay close to my office so I'm teleworking from a coffeeshop. Thank goodness I had my inhaler in my bag!
But this is how you know it's Friday.
09/23/2016 08:32 AMPosted by
I had a pretty crazy allergic reaction at work. I got sent home but I have a physical therapy appointment so I have to stay close to my office so I'm teleworking from a coffeeshop. Thank goodness I had my inhaler in my bag!
But this is how you know it's Friday.
.... Most people are allergic to Mondays, you know. :)
.... Most people are allergic to Mondays, you know. :)
That's too mainstream for my allergic sensibilities! #hipstermustache
I feel kind of guilty because it involved a lot of paperwork to file. :(
I have been trying to stir up some stuff on top of the Warden Assault Towers. I like helping out my NPC frens who are just doing their job for Syvanas.
Loving the game what can I say. I play it too much.
I've been trying out my different alts to see which alt I should level up now that my paladin Feival is 110. I tried Mage? Nope. Warrior? Lol, I'm terrible with warriors, nope. Cleric? Oddly, not as satisfying as I was hoping for, nope. Rogue? Their base is terrible and I'm vain like that, nope.
But monk? Oddly I'm having a ton of fun leveling my monk. Of course of all of my alts, he's one of the few that isn't 100. Blerg. I'm stuck in Draenor like a chump while you guys are doing cool stuff!!!
09/28/2016 07:27 AMPosted by
I've been trying out my different alts to see which alt I should level up now that my paladin Feival is 110. I tried Mage? Nope. Warrior? Lol, I'm terrible with warriors, nope. Cleric? Oddly, not as satisfying as I was hoping for, nope. Rogue? Their base is terrible and I'm vain like that, nope.
But monk? Oddly I'm having a ton of fun leveling my monk. Of course of all of my alts, he's one of the few that isn't 100. Blerg. I'm stuck in Draenor like a chump while you guys are doing cool stuff!!!
09/26/2016 05:45 PMPosted by
I have been trying to stir up some stuff on top of the Warden Assault Towers. I like helping out my NPC frens who are just doing their job for Syvanas.
Gah, I need to keep scaling towers till I find the secret Tauren level. :D
Of course, that'll end badly for me.
I just escorted the slowest tauren grandmother EVER. She spent the entire time complaining that I was moving too fast or out of sight. *grumble grumble*
Don't make fun of Suul's grandmom. ;)
So, I made my druid tanky and the artifact weapon seems cool...but grinding levels is SOOOOOO sloooooooow.
What level do you get your second artifact weapon? 101? 102? It had better be soon.
Slow grind is slow.
Level 102 is the second artifact quest, I think. Is druid tanky that much slower than dps druids? I found being a protection paladin not really any disadvantage to ret. Frankly, I think it is a better gig.
I found that nothing was tremendously challenging killing things as a tanky drood, but good gravy it was slow. Slow slow slow. I think if I wasn't scared of tanking, I'd agree with your assessment of Prot pally over Ret pallyness.
I hate my armor. :( Someone lobby for WOW to make awesome CLOTH armor. Chop chop!
10/13/2016 11:42 AMPosted by
I hate my armor. :( Someone lobby for WOW to make awesome CLOTH armor. Chop chop!
Hah, that does look a little silly. But what do mages even want their robes and wizard hats to look like?