Feisty Corner - Predates Agriculture

Greetings friends, old and new! Nothing says new and popular like dredging up the past. I am Feisty and this is my Corner. Please feel free to post random things here and listen to people tell stories of Vanilla WOW where it was perfectly normal to not wear pants under robes, or to engage bosses with fishing poles.



And here I am, posting in Feisty’s Corner, because tradition.

What I’d like to know, is how to post as my classic character’s avatar? I see other people in the forum posting as a resident of the server, so I assume there must be a way. Unfortunately, whenever I go to my account options to change character, it only shows me my retail list.

I mean, I did pick the same class, name, and general look… so it isn’t like some kind of strange secret WoW identity that I’m blowing here. Not to mention the fact I’m enabling Feisty and his Corner. This is why I’m neither new nor popular. :slight_smile:

Log out, then in again. That’s what worked for me.

Also, your classic character must be at level 10 or above.

In so far as Vanilla stories go, I have none. I started playing WoW just before Cata dropped so my memories of the old world are tinged with modern conveniences. That said, I loved it with the time I was given to explore, and though it can be a tedious experience, I find the general plot and aesthetics far more appealing than the changes that followed. It’s wonderful being able to see Darkshore restored; first thing I did after hitting ten was running to Menethil, taking a boat to Auberdine, and collecting fish for Gubber Blump. Ashenvale without the volcano is fantastic and beautiful! Restored Stranglethorn is just as I remember it, and Booty Bay isn’t undergoing perpetual repairs.

I love the old world, and I’m glad it is available for exploration once more.


Ahah! Logging in and out again. And again. And again is what did it! Thank you all.

I agree with Maliserion, I love old Ashenvale and have many fond memories of it. My first character was a little Tauren on a pvp server, and I loved the beauty and danger of going there and fighting or dodging the alliance I found.

I do find the female human model to be much improved in posture in retail, however.


I was told there were female night elves and mailboxes in this thread??

LFM Cat Clans RP

I for one am simply looking forward to helping Lard find his lunch.


Today I learned that rogues can NOT learn how to use axes. It took an hour of taking getting the Menethil from Duskwood, taking the wrong boat, waiting for another boat that was not at the dock I was at and then to Darnassus. Learn from my misadventures.


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Feisty, I don’t know if you remember me from long ago, I just want to say how happy I am to see your cheerful, positive presence still alive and well on this forum.


Feisty!!! <3<3<3


Many years ago when Dungeon 1 sets were a thing and people were pushing through BWL. There was this mid level dwarf who decided to attack Freewind Post by his lonesome. He made some noise on World Defense and I went there on my 60 druid thinking it was a 60 rogue or something.

Well I got there, saw the dwarf, and after he healed up I hit him with Rank 1 moonfire. He saw 60 druid and started running so I chased him and kept firing Rank 1 moonfire at him. All through the mesa and out on the Shimmering Flats it was Rank 1 moonfire every other second or two.

Finally he reached the hill to cross over in to Tanaris and climbed with Rank 1 Moonfires hitting him again and again. As he crested the hill and saw Gadgetzan the last Rank 1 moonfire hit and he fell over dead.

Thus ends the tale of the Rank 1 Dwarf.


OMG, Lorith, I certainly do remember you! You use to set up a ton of RP events. <3

How have you been? It’s been years, hasn’t it?

WRAINEPOOOOOOOOOOO, I miss you a ton! The find-a-friend thing is faction-y so I wasn’t sure if searching for you via forums was gonna work, but I made the Corner and you found meeeeee! <3 <3 <3



It has been years, Feisty! I think I closed shop on my last regular RP event in 2012 or so since no one was showing up for tavern RP anymore. My raid group fizzled out after Cata and we all seemed to go our separate ways. It was kind of good to have a break from it all, but when I heard about Classic I was overwhelmed with good-old-days nostalgia and had to get back in, hopefully for a fresh start. I’ve been hopping around on alts a lot but the RP scene here looks promising – and the Park is back to what it was, with that empty tavern that was Lorith’s home for so long.

It’s been great to see such a lively community here, such nice fellow players, and also some familiar names from times past. <3

I think what did it for me was the destruction of the Park District in Stormwind post Cataclysm. EUGH. And I think it took 4ish expansions to get it repaired! I’m glad to see you back! Altitis hit me really hard so I may have a ton of characters running around:


I decided to have most of my alts have F-names because it’s a fun challenge.

Hope to see you in game!



On my retail dwarf last winter I discovered the “new” Park, and though it was nice, it felt too much like a memorial, not enough like a gathering place the old park used to be. That’s not even mentioning the loss of the tavern we called The Golden Leaf, or the moonwell with all it’s fishing and conversations, or the open spaces where Lorith would play fetch with her wolf…

But it’s back! I briefly visited on my human warrior just to make sure it was actually there. I don’t know if Blizz ever realized how much RPers LOVE empty spaces and empty buildings. With my dead girl back in action, I can’t wait to visit Brill – I recall some cool events taking place there, as well, when it was a tumbledown village and not a gothic quest hub.

I’ll keep an eye out for you as well! So far I have Lorith, Aswynn, and Listerwick on Alliance and Bhrenne and Bangaal on Horde. Bangaal was my very first character in the open beta, when the servers would hiccup and the world would go weirdly still and quiet, especially creepy in Tirisfal. I can pass on the old server issues but I’m so looking forward to roaming Tirisfal as it once was, getting terribly fatigued of the dim spookiness, and then suddenly seeing that blue sky over the Silverpine trees.


Agreed, the new park is a very cool formal garden, and not really a fun gathering spot!

Look forward to seeing you around!

And hah! A Wraine!


I agree, the new Park in retail looks like a place where you’d go to honor the dead, not a cool hangout. I’ve been adventuring on my mage and the Blue Recluse has been bustling in the evenings which is nice. The only issue is the local mages (myself included) are trying to ghostbuster up the mana creatures periodically.


This classic marketing thing has gone too far. I just was getting some feliway the other day and… there is now feliway classic? Did the cats not like new feliway? Too far!

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I think the Altitis is finally dying down (lol), so I’ve settled with leveling Feival my holy pally which has been a lot of fun. I think when I first leveled him in Vanilla he was all sword and board. 2 handed goes a lot faster.

Feliway Classic is a thing?! What makes it Classic exactly?
