I will test it soon, thank you.
You are absolutely right, Bugs happen, and it was wrong of me to dismiss it so casually.
I experienced a bug where my pet run and attack any mob named the same as the one I wanted to attack, for example, a Rotten Skeleton, pet would TEAR off across the countryside, or dungeonside and attack a totally different mob named Rotten Skeleton up to 200 yards away, happened in Dire Maul and Strat where there are lots of same named mobs causing spectacular wipes, and making me look like the biggest huntard on earth.
So I understand how frustrating rare bugs can be.
I talked to another hunter that mentioned he was having trouble loyalty leveling pets all the time, I thought has was new, and was grabbing a fresh pet for each upgraded abilities instead of stabling and learning to book.
I was wrong, his pets are running away, he wasn’t keeping them at 125% happy, just the 100%, I think i read after 30 min at RED unhappy they run off here.
On a private server I lost a Shadow Bite ing , pre 1.9 Lupos , fed to green, in the time it took me to make a “feed pet from bag” macro, it ran away immediately on turning red.
I freaked out until a Dev (or someone who said they were) explained the way it was set up, as soon as a pet is unhappy there is an increasing chance for it to run away, despite loyalty level, something like a 5% chance at 1 min red, 10% at 5 min, increasing. He also mentioned there was a slight chance for pets to run away at 100% happiness, below 6 best friend.
I don’t know how it works here, but i imagine its similar, and anytime RNG is involved…
Someone said they had a pet at full happiness run off when using Eyes Of the Beast as well.
Do you get the yellow “your pet has run away” message?
All i can suggest is to overfeed it, maybe there is something wonky between what happiness level it shows and what it really is.
On private vanilla, (think of it as Beta’s Beta) we were able to boost out dps by over feeding pets 2x with Roasted Quail, so I believe (at least in OG vanilla) that there is a 4th , hidden happiness level.
I use a pig and feed it mage food, any pet that eats bread will.
I hope you get that sorted out, here is a feed your pet from bag macro that will save time, put food in 1st slot of backpack.
/cast [nocombat][pet] Feed Pet
/cast [nocombat][pet] 0 1
or you can do it this way, replacing the name of the food.
/cast Feed Pet
/use Conjured Rye
Let us know if overfeeding helps.
I believe it takes longer to raise loyalty levels as you level higher, it look me over a played day to raise a Son of Hakkar to 6.
Again, that is Private Server experience.
2004-06 Blizzard > 2019 Activision Blizzard.
Blizz please say that you’re fixing this. give us hopeee
Thanks for acknowledging that it’s not always player error.
Yesterday, for the first time in over a week, I got on Classic Vel and re-tamed her saber. Happily, after the first feeding and kill, it dinged loyalty. Now at loyalty 4.
However, I have heard horror stories that some Classic hunters have lost pets (they just disappeared) with full loyalty.
Someone camped Humar for hours and hours, tamed him, fed him, but he vanished after 1/2 hour.
I can’t say with any reassurance that the bug has been fixed, because this happened yesterday.
There are several anecdotes about this sitch here on these forums.
However, I don’t remember any iteration of 1.12 (live or private) that had this type of problem.
I am beginning to wonder if this is attributable in any way to layering.
Thanks btw for the macro, but I’ve never had any problem keeping pets well-fed. As I noted above, my specific problem was that loyalty levels were not developing. Now they seem to be. However, that alone may not prevent runaway pets.
Is FD fixed yet? It’s nothing like it was back in vanilla.
FD used to drop combat the moment you hit it even before the falling animation started playing.
I spend 6hrs+ today testing on this
/Cast Freezing Trap
/Cast Feign Death
/Cast Freezing trap
put it on ctrl+scroll down mouse down so u can scam it
it seem work like 70% but YOU CAN NOT USE ANY MELEE AUTO ATK is this important.
if you use Wing Clip or Raptor strike macro make sure you put /cleartarget at the end of it.
ps. still need blizz to fix this
Or Warriors not being able to charge in combat. That’s getting hard to manage.
Context? This is 100% normal and intended.
Just saying that not being able to charge for initial rage generation because you got thrown into combat is just as annoying as not being able to trap in combat.
Ah, right. As annoying as I am sure that must be, the main difference is that one is very much a bug, and the other is not. I do empathize with my Warrior brethren though.
I just want to commend you for not responding to that Warrior in a toxic way. That made my day. I read his response to your response, and was like, this warrior means well, but someone is about to roast him. lol
Well it’s actually pretty interesting.
So like, previously in live you could say something like “X ability should work this way” and it’s your opinion, but classic is a unique situation where we all know how x ability SHOULD work. We decided on a reference point and we are going for it, knowing full well some abilities are broken.
So when a rogue says something like “well sometimes vanish doesn’t work” it’s “yeah but we knew that already, feign is supposed to work” There’s a whole plethora of issues each class has, and that’s the point. It’s also true that Feign death is not one of those issues that we should have.
There isn’t much argument to be had. We have reference PvP videos that show how all kinds of abilities work, it’s just a matter of finding differences and reporting them… and getting blizzard to actually acknowledge the issue…
Except that hunters have a built-in method of dropping aggro in order to lay a trap. Warriors are designed to draw aggro and keep it. It’s been a long time since I played a Vanilla warrior, but I think there are talents down the line that provide in-combat rage gen.
Please fix or let us know what’s going on
This bug has 2 distinct pieces and here is what I’ve observed on why:
- Feign Death goes on cooldown, no animation happens, no drop of aggro/combat.
This is not a RESIST - resists do happen and can be seen in floating combat text and/or the combat log. This is happening far more often and is not a resist.
The cause of this seems to be character rotation. If I take my finger off the RIGHT MOUSE button (which causes character rotation with camera) I drastically reduce this issue. HOWEVER - there should be SOME leeway in your character rotation. Yes, if spinning the character around Feign should fail, but we should be able to rotate something like 30-60 degrees while using the ability. This is how it worked in VANILLA. This 0 rotation tolerance makes it extremely clunky and finicky to use.
- Feign Death does not drop combat immediately (or ever)
When Feign actually goes off (see bug 1), it often does not drop combat for ~2 seconds, meaning we cannot trap for 2 seconds. Often, we are put back in combat before we can ever trap.
This may be caused by spell batching, 200ms “delay”, and/or server-client authority changes. Regardless, a workaround NEEDS to be added to allow Feign death to IMMEDIATELY drop combat, regardless of these mechanics! Anything else is GAME BREAKING, especially in PvP.
This could also be due to combat interactions with our Pet. However, I have tried about a dozen different macros that all include pet passive/follow etc, and still have issues. I have also seen multiple reports of these bugs still happening when pets are dismissed.
Actually the biggest reason the API change happened was for modern hardware and OS support. If you followed the development posts, this was noted by blue several times, IE: hardware not compatible and not able to even run the game.
Sure you can make the claim private servers did it, however they did it with emulation, which is not a reliable way to do it, which is why they had their own share of inconsistencies and bugs.
Granted they could have started with an earlier API that had at least Windows 7 support, but it would just mean more issues down the line for Win 10 and beyond as well as the Mac client, which was available day 1.
What matters is how well they hold up their vow to maintain a popper Classic Experience and find a way to fix bugs that exist because the modern API was not designed to function with dated mechanics.
Min Specs from my 4 disc CD-ROM Original WoW Box:
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Intel Pentium III 800MHz or AMD Athalon 800MHz
- 256 MB RAM
- 32 MB 3D Graphics Card with Hardware Transform and Lighting Such as NVIDIA GeForce 2 Class card or above.
- DirectX 9.0c (included) and latest video drivers.
- 4.0 GB HD space
- 4x CD-ROM drive
- 56k or better Internet Connection.
Then you can take into account how big servers were back then, their technical stable capacity and ask yourself if this game that grew to over 15 million had even 1 million return… How many small servers would they need to have and how many groups would be SoL trying to play together?
That’s why a modern API had to be adopted and why they have a bug report forum to document and attempt to fix these.
So still no blue post or response eh? I’m gonna need something soon or I’ll just quit my Hunter and go to a rogue who appears to be working well enough.
Blues policy in the past has been they do not reply to every post but they read every post.
They usually keep quiet till they can say for sure it can/will be fixed in the future. I suggest keeping an eye on the known bugs thread as that’s likely the place it would be noted and not in an individual thread.
They really need to say something soon tbh. There’s nothing about Feign Death + trap in the known bugs thread. They haven’t even updated it since the 27th of August. At this rate, I haven’t even played the game in a week because my class is gimped and I don’t really have any hope for a fix. Canceled the auto renewal of my sub for now. If they haven’t said anything by the time my sub time runs out, I dunno if I’ll be back because I probably won’t be checking these forums everyday to see if it was fixed…