Feign Death + Trap

Please fix this… Feign Death is not dropping combat, meaning we can’t trap. If you have no idea how to fix it, just let us trap in combat.

This is really becoming frustrating, especially in world pvp environment.


This is why it was stupid to recreate classic using the modern API instead of just releasing servers that ran on the existing 1.12.1 code they have. Tons of retail bugs like this scuffed post Legion version of Feign Death are present in the game and it totally cripples the potential of the class, and for what? Social battle.net integration? I have Discord for interacting with friends playing games outside of WoW.


I can confirm, I played hunter in vanilla and feign death trap was in the game and very important to pvp.


I’m very frustrated at this point with how poorly blizzard is handling the hunter class, ever since the beta opened hunters got the shaft compared to everyone else. They have scatter dr with freezing trap on top of this bug making us a free hk if someone closes the gap at all. You can either eat the dr to guarantee a trap knowing if they close the gap again they will be immune or pray that our buggy core ability will go off at all. Even in pve the ability is useless half the time, if i pull too many mobs and try to fd most of the time it just blows the cool down and i die anyways. About to re roll, playing a your class should feel fun and rewarding, but i feel like i’m fighting an uphill battle against broken mechanics that no other class has to deal with.


Yep. Agreed. I hope they don’t make the same mistakes if they ever do other legacy servers (which I would love to see, BC, Wrath…)

As it is hunters are pretty screwed up – I have played one for 15 years and can’t keep a pet from disappearing. Not gaining loyalty levels, despite happiness. Other players have reported losing loyalty levels.

Perhaps not reinventing the wheel would have been a much smarter and less expensive idea.


if a hunter can’t FD+trap then there is zero point in pvp currently… warrior and rogue can sit on them and never be countered if they get the jump.

This needs to be a top priority bug fix.


Please support this post.

As more and more Hunters level to 32, only to realize that our core ability, fd trap, fd drink, fd eat, fd trinket swap is utterly IMPOSSIBLE Blizzard is going to have a mob of unhappy hunters.



Its not JUST the pet passive, while it easier, it still barely works with pet dismissed. Why have none of these posters gotten an answer from a Blue?

Its a nightmare, i was just trounced by a level 29 warrior and 24 priest.

Since we all macro the ability anyway, why not just give us a Feign Death and Trap button…forget no changes, stuff has changed, time to adapt to it.

Ill go back to practicing. find another hunter to duel.


Its been working for me, pet on passive… send pet pew pew, recall pet, FD , drop a trap within the split second of leaving combat

you “can” do it, its not bad in pve, just the timing is tricky. but in pvp you just get pooped opon and laughed at for playing dead.

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Except you have to wait before that “split second” occurs, because there is a delay when casting Feign Death. Yes, your timing can be adjusted to make it work, but having to compensate for a delay when casting your abilities shouldn’t be a thing. It’s like being forced to compensate for lag when you have none.


Anyone tried this since the DDoS? Someone said it’s working now for some reason.

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I’ve still not been able to keep a pet for more than 3 hours. This is not only ridiculous but it’s absolutely game-breaking for me. A bugged FD is also a game-breaker.

And I was so happy to be able to play a real hunter again (since they were destroyed in WoD and never got better again),

Personally, I would have liked to see a few QoL improvements used in Classic:

  • Mend Pet as a HOT instead of channeled (the single greatest improvement to hunters ever)

  • eliminate dead zone, it’s just plain dumb.

  • have pets level with you (locks get this with their demons, why shouldn’t hunters?)

I don’t mind carrying ammo and food; don’t even mind just having 3 pets max. But the other things… gah

Will do some testing when I get home to see if this is the case. It’s been working 70% of the time for me in PvE with macros but I haven’t been able to test in PvP. That’s where it really matters.

Besides it taking to long to drop actual combat, the spell animation is also incorrect. It sometimes bugs if you move your camera angles when holding right click, when on live it used to lock you into the animation for a split second before you were able to “get up” and break the FD with movement keys. I don’t ever remember camera movement effecting FD in the slightest.

Also trap / scatter DRing is completely bogus and was not around at all during classic and further. I don’t really care what they claim their reference client is telling them, they obviously didn’t use their “reference client” or these issues wouldn’t exist. :upside_down_face:


and PvE caue you can’t swap trinkets if your in combat


meanwhile mage gets end game gear in phase 1 and will just forever be OP we should just have all reroll mage



Since todays hotfix it works,AHHhhhhhh thanks blizz!

/cast freezing trap
/cast feign death
/cast pet passive
/cast freezing trap

SPam the hell out of it. Works in PVP, dungeons, when being attacked by multiple mobs, it just works.

I noticed some other odd differences about how macros act now, would like someone to clarify whats changed.

if they eliminated our dead zone we would be the most op class , rival to a geared warrior.

you cant keep a pet more than 3 hours? You have to feed it you silly billy!

put foor your pet eats, go to petopia to find out.

then put that food in first slot of backpack and use this macro.

/cast [nocombat][pet] Feed Pet
/cast [nocombat][pet] 0 1

or just drag food from bag to pet, it will only eat one at a time. feed it til it is green happy, let it finish eating before tossing another piece.

<3 <3 <3 I recommend Raiza the Ravager’s guide for hunters.

edit derp, you are joking. /feed troll /use time <3