Feign Death + Trap

lol… “just a few qol changes”…

then proceeds to say remove the deadzone


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What hotfix?


Yes I would like some elaboration on this so-called hotfix

I’m guessing an unannounced hotfix during yesterdays restart that also helped with the DDos?
IDK for sure when or how, just that its working much better now, and it wasn’t before, it works with or without a macro, the only trouble, and i can deal with it, is you need to be not moving.

I totally freaked out when i realized it was bugged, spammed the forums.


/Cast Freezing Trap
/Pet Passive
/Cast Feign Death
/Cast Freezing trap

Spam Button Fast Fast Fast.

I have been stopping every 30+ hunter I see, asking them to duel so we can both test it…and picking fights with every melee i see…90% success rate, then I usually run away.

I have played the hunter in this game for 15 years. I know how to maintain a pet. Have done so on many hunters. Despite feeding at level food, despite leveling with this pet, despite doing everything right, the pets just disappear. No message … no notice… just GONE.

This is not a ME problem, it’s a bug. And it has been reported by many many people. Pet is not gaining loyalty levels despite spending hours killing stuff (yes at level or higher).

Try not to be so smug and snarky. Bugs happen.

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It’s an annoyance that never made sense. IRL there is no “dead zone” for firearms or bows. Also, dunno if you have noticed, but it seems larger than eight feet. Coupled with the GCD, this hunter is more sluggish than she was in Vanilla or any iteration of 1.12.

It’s just a wish list item, no big deal.

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…they didn’t fix anything.

Feign Death will 100% fail if you turn your character during the animation as it interrupts it. This is super easy to test.


I played a hunter in vanilla and am playing one now.
First of all I never had to put my pet on passive in order for FD/trap to work properly. That just shouldn’t even be a option in a macro. Its way too slow and unnecessary and will cost your life if a rogue is on you. In vanilla FD was instant cast and would take you out of combat in order to drop a trap, this was all instant. This always worked in pvp. In PVE if a mob or mobs were higher lvl then you sometimes FD would not work. Honestly I recall FD working in dungeons most of the time and once in a blue moon FD would not work against npc’s.

To me the hunter feels very broken in classic. My pet has extremely low response times if any at all. He is not doing what he is supposed to be doing which is defending when I have him on defense. Or he will sit there after killing a mob and not return to me for a good few seconds. Also some pets came with bite back in vanilla such as cats and I can’t seem to find any with that ability. I tamed a semi rare cat that only has claw.

The dead zone seems massive compared to vanilla. I recall it being no bigger than 1 or 2 feet from the target, now its at least 4…Which is another thing that will make hunter broken in pvp and pve.

I’m sure there are more things I am forgetting. I hope blizz takes a serious look at hunter and how it was back in vanilla. If these issues persist. I don’t see myself playing classic much longer. I should’t have to reroll due to a broken class. Also I never used a macro in vanilla wow. I should not have to use a macro that puts my pet on passive sorry but that is just not how it worked back in the day.

For example. I would be out in the world farming mobs and if a rogue stealthed sapped me/stunned me I would use my trinket to get out of it. Hit FD then freezing trap. He would be trapped instantly. My pet did not have to be on passive. If that was the case, it would be a much slower process and I would have never been able to take on warriors or rogues.

This needs to be looked at, and pretty much all the hunter and pet abilities. Also the taming of one pet in order to gain that ability and teach it to another pet in case something is broken there as well.


I just want the gam eot WORK LIKE IT DID in vanilla

Here’s my report I cast FD OUT OF COMBAT and auto got back up didn’t hit anything

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I’m not arguing that. I’m just mocking the notion of removing the deadzone in classic.

As far as I know, no cats actually come with Bite already learned. You need to go tame a pet with Bite and use that pet until you learn the spell, then you can use beast training to teach it to your cat.

Here’s a good source for pets in classic:


Specifically, this page here lists all the pet abilities and which beasts you can tame to learn them:


There are no cats listed under any rank of the Bite ability. You’ll need to tame one of the beasts with Bite to learn it before you can teach it to your cat. Hope that helps.

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Agreed. Classic hunters are broken. The dead zone seems larger in Classic than vanilla.

Pets not functioning properly regardless of what stance you use (aggressive, passive, D).

I just now was able (finally) to tame a pet and have it gain loyalty levels. As I mentioned before, two pets just disappeared despite being well fed and despite being leveled and playing for a few hours. Never gained loyalty levels.

This morning I gave it another try and happily (so far) pet loyalty gain is working and the pet is still around Huzzah!

Blizz needs to fix this mess… hunters have enough liabilities without this nonsense.

I do wish pets leveled with you… sigh

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Thank you, after 15 years I’m older now and memory is a bit off. haha. I could have sworn some of them came with bite , oh well, and yes I am aware I have to tame some pets in order to get the ability. Are these websites from vanilla wow or later?Thanks for the links. :slight_smile:

I know that broken tooth had an issue sticking around with another player here on the forums with full loyalty. What pets were you trying to keep? I haven’t had that problem yet.(thank god)

People can disagree all they want but hunter has a steep learning curve over other classes due to many restrictions such as the dead zone. However I don’t want it out of the game, but it needs to be the proper distance. Also the fact we can’t just lay traps whenever needed…

In vanilla you needed to know what you were doing to get far with a hunter. I recall getting very good at my class that I could beat every class but everything is timing with a hunter. If the timing is off by a second we are dead either by bugs or our own misjudgments.


Yeah Petopia has been around since vanilla. Seems pretty accurate with classic as well, at least as far as I can tell. Haven’t had any issues taming a beast only to find out it has different abilities than what was listed or anything like that so far.


The hunter is easy and always was imho.

The dead zone is a PITA and a stupid “feature” that never should have been part of the game, but we all learned to live with it back in the day.

I never minded carrying ammo or pet food.

I didn’t even mind that stupid train pet mechanic (you tame a stray, learn the move, release, then teach your pet).

Classic’s start was rocky with hunters, I lost two pets because loyalty gains were not properly functioning (i.e., you should gain first loyalty level after about 5-10 minutes and I had the pets (both saber stalkers) for quite a while (first one an hour, second one two hours and three level gains) but they both disappeared. No message, no “your pet ran away” — just VANISHED.

I parked the toon (Classic Vel) and waited for a few patches.

This a.m. set out to Teldrassil and retamed my saber. This time, after a single feeding and one kill BING… loyalty level ONE. She is now at four and has gained five levels.

I was so thrilled that I ventured to tame Vel’s second pet, Angelus (a Strigid Hunter). Angelus is now one level below me at loyalty level 3.


HELL YES I am happy :slight_smile:

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Petopia has a classic page… very good 411! And yes, back to taming strays for skills you want to teach your pet LOL


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This is how hunter abilities always worked in Vanilla, you figure out where to do and what to tame for new abilities. Train it on a few mobs and it puts it into your pet spellbook.

Also the deadzone has always been 8 yards, pretty much exactly what it is right now. You probably are just recalling this information incorrectly.

Dead zone was wider radius from launch till today’s patch… was not right but now it is fixed.

yes but I feel like something is missing. lol