Feign Death + Trap Bug

Feign Death was very finicky in vanilla as well. You can’t move or even look at your mouse while doing it or it’ll break lol. It’s super sensitive. I remember having very weird macros back in vanilla to try minimize the chance of failure. I’m sure it’s a new bug with classic however wouldn’t be a huge surprise.

Any day… Im about to hit 60 and pretty much on a server where World PvP will be drastically worse in Phase 2 in terms of being jumped very often… and not having our literal core tool to have any chance to escape is just stupid.

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you know when people start quitting they will say “oh i guess the nostalgia wore off huh?” but the reality is that we got a broken game that isnt faithful to the original source


This is a huge deal, this is not retail where i can disengage away. FD/Trap is even more valuable because of this.

Still having a blast, the game is a ton of fun but PVP sucks without this.

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blizzzard halp

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can we get a freaking blue post jesus man, how popular does this thread have to get.


The funny thing is, it seems like it was working in beta. I didn’t get into beta myself but was looking at some VODs from hunters in the beta duel tournaments to see how it was functioning and it looks like it was working fine then, with hunters able to instantly trap after feign even with melee on them.


Probably won’t get a blue post anytime soon because as I’ve heard they’ve recently fired the majority of their community managers and have just two game developers working on this project. Wouldn’t get your hopes up for a timely fix on this either as Feign Death has been scuffed for four years now since Legion launched, and given this discount bin paid beta test version of classic runs on the same API? Yeah.


Bumparoo. Don’t let this die.

I was leveling and got Feign Death for which I was so thankful of… its functionality makes a hunter classic.

However, running dungeons, I wondered why traps wouldn’t work like I remembered… I put it down to just not playing very well.

Finally stumbled across this thread to my great disappointment.

I’ll play hunter till 40 for mount and crafting purposes but probably going to change mains without some acceptable response like restoration of original classic functionality.


Bumping for my hunter brothers and sisters


The truth is they don’t know how to fix it or it would have been done.


Pets have been broken since Legion, as well. Wonky ai, unresponsive, etc. It’s why I dumped my Warlock for this Mage 2 days ago.

Hoping the Hunter bugs get fixed but given their silence on a LOT of bugs I wouldn’t hold my breath.

If they let this and pet issues stay then everything is on the table for changes.

Bumping for consistency…

I swear I’m not moving, or even slightly tapping the movement keys when I feign death. The ability will go on cooldown, the animation wont play and the mob will still be attacking me.

Yep, same thing happens to me way too often. Even when being super careful with my pet and movement

This is way too clunky right now and needs a attention (hopefully before phase 2)

just died because FD didn’t work… did not resist, just flat didn’t work mobs continue to hit you.

I have been using FD/Trap as often as possible to try and get it to work consistently but it’s just not possible. Even FD without trapping or pet attacking works sporadically (no resist message) which is terribad as you have to deal with the long cooldown to try again. When FD/Trap works it is very clunky because it takes you about 2 secs to get out of combat once you do FD, so you are stuck spamming the macro for 4-5 secs in hopes that it you can place the trap before you are forced back into combat.

Please Blizzard we need some kind of update, we are basically useless in close combat pvp. There’s nothing we can do to get out of it

You’re right. Working off the Legion build, I can understand how this happened. Hunter was one of THE most decimated classes and I don’t think anyone still at Blizzard has a clue how to rebuild it.

In a Classic Dev Q/A one dev said that the hunter was the most difficult class to reconstruct.

I sincerely hope they fix this because the hunter is not playable as is. It’s a real shame, since the hunter was the single most popular class in Vanilla.