Feeling Disheartened by the Trading Post

I definitely cannot relate, but hope things work out for all who do.

Whether you have a murloc outfit or not has zero impact on anyone’s ability to play the game how they enjoy.

Whether you have a toy has no impact on actual gameplay.

Personally, idk how collectors even take this thing seriously. You’re just completing a mobile-esque battle pass or whatever that nonsense is called.

If you have to choose between a finite list of options, choose your favorite. I’m not seeing the problem here

You trolling? I think this is trolling.

Comparing gameplay content and having to choose amongst various gameplay options to “having or not having a non-impactful aesthetic” is pure nonsense.


thats because there is no problem lol


The price of items has gone up, the rewards for the monthly have decreased in value.

We’ve gone from the reward being something like a set or a mount to a pet. For months. Which feels like a cheap reward. And if you want a new mount or outfit? That’ll be 4/5ths of your total monthly tenders in one go. With no way to farm more.

So you end up feeling tender starved, constantly passing on cool stuff and getting maybe one item each month. Which… wasn’t the case when the Trading Post first came out.

Which… feels bad.


Collectors end up having to participate in essentially every aspect of the game, including end game content. i know dozens that are only in mythic raiding guilds for the mog/mounts. We have different goals in how we choose to play the game, and thats ok. but telling people they are wrong for choosing a way you dont is kinda silly.


I’m telling you you’re wrong because that was an awful false equivalency.

You genuinely compared “a raiding guild having to choose between a few raids” and “whether a collector is able to collect all items from a battle pass”

I don’t recall voting for you to represent us.


its literally not though, its comparing a group of players who have a goal with another group of players with a goal. youre just deciding which one matters more.


One is gameplay content.

The other is “do I have this in my transmog screen”

Idk, the fact you’re doubling-down on this tells me you’re wildly disillusioned or you’re straight up trolling. In either case, have a good one :joy:



I think 1 of 2 things should happen to the Trading Post.

  1. Stop increasing prices. If Blizzard is set at keeping the cap at 1k per month then the price increases need to stop. It’s not a fun system when you can buy 1-2 items each month when there’s 20 different things to buy. We’re not going to run out of things to buy. The people hoarding tendies aren’t going to magically spend them all if they had been holding on to them for months.

  2. Increase the monthly cap. Last year during July and August they increased the tender cap to 1500. Why not permanently increase it so we can buy 3-4 items instead of 1-2?

I truly do love the Trading Post, but I do feel the prices have gotten a little ridiculous. It’s not fun to see 20 new items and only be able to buy 1-2. I feel there’s a middle ground somewhere between an increased cap, lowered cost of goods and overall enjoyment. We just need to find it.


you dont Have too. you not getting sally the snake pet isn’t going to affect a 20 man mythic raid team. trinket gear ilvl that not only affects you but other players as well in content. you cant even compare them. me not having my bis healer trinket is far more impactful than player x not gettingv that pet

good thing i never claimed to speak or the community as a whole. literally said our thoughts and opinions are valid. that includes yours! (if youd consider yourself a collector which…)

There’s no reason to get combative. They feel vulnerable to the fact that they wanted to collect them all but aren’t able due to the overwhelming amount of items offered.


Bit sensitive on what constitutes “combative”, eh


This here is your problem. There is nothing to keep up with. You don’t need everything. Even if you feel like you do, they will rotate thru again in the next 12 months. They are digital items with no real value that have no real impact on you.

“combative” dude made one statement disagreeing and he’s "combative. so basically he cant disagree.

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My solution is to treat tendies like money. If you have a lot of excess, spend it on what you want, if you start running low, only spend it on what you need (or in this case, things you really really really want since need isn’t really a thing for these) and never let it fall below a certain threshold to be prepared for the next month.

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There’s one of two ways to approach this:

  1. it’s great there’s a variety of items that have zero impact and are purely aesthetic. Hopefully, everyone has at least one thing in the rotation they like.

  2. I can’t buy everything. I’m stressed and it’s not fair. I want to have everything.

Idk, I guess it’s all about how you internalize things

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I see your point, but I think it’s important to recognize that the collecting community is a valid and passionate part of the player base. Collecting digital items may not have tangible value, but for many of us, it adds a lot to our enjoyment of the game. It’s about the thrill of completing collections and expressing our in-game personalities.

We have a right for our voices to be heard, especially as the prices keep going up. It used to be possible to get 3-4 items a month, but now we’re lucky if we can afford 1 or 2. This shift is impacting our ability to enjoy and engage with the Trading Post. We’ll continue to speak up because we believe that our enjoyment and the balance of the game’s economy are important aspects that need attention.