Feedback: Zekvir ? ? Mode

All good suggestions.

You mean the Black Proto Drake that was on the Black Market a couple of times? That Black Proto Drake?

It’s Plague that can be on the market, not Black.

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I’ve seen the other one a couple of times as well. Could of been a bug of course, but the point stands that under the other fellow’s logic neither should of been on it, yet were; which of course makes the entire point semi moot. :person_shrugging:

It has been on the black market, and it doesn’t support your argument. I have no idea why Zanther added the Black Proto Drake to the list of AOTC/Gladiator mounts since they aren’t even remotely the same category of mounts.

The thing is unavailable because the achievement was removed and it was made into a rare and semi-prestigious mount. Not because it actually took skill under a limited period of time to obtain it.

So they aren’t the same thing. The Mage Tower appearances fall into the category of items that were available for limited amount of time with the skill criteria of the time to obtain. Which means that the MT-appearances and just like with the AOTC and Gladiator mounts will remain unobtainable.

Their point is not moot, just a case of Zanther using the wrong item with the Black Proto Drake to argue their particular point.

Edit: Ignore what I said about the Black Proto Drake, the drake isn’t available on the BMAH and even further emphasises Zanther’s point.

Try adjusting your spec slightly. The following abilities will remove Spittle either by default or with talents:

  • Bladestorm
  • Odyn’s Fury (when you take the talent to grant 4 sec of Avatar)
  • Avatar
  • Charge (when you take the Slayer hero talent to make it remove snares)

You can even spec for 2 bladestorms. That’s not a great option if you’re undergeared, but you are way overgeared.

If your reaction time is fast, you can get most of the spittles with Charge, and just use Bladestorm for the rest, and you won’t even need Brann’s dispels at all. I found this to be the only real option for my first kill. You’re right that even taking a couple ticks of spittle hoping for a dispel is a horrible idea. Best to just handle them all yourself.

Honestly, you might even find it easier to use Brann as DPS, as he will frequently interrupt Spittle (not heals though). I was able to kill Zek as Fury with Brann as DPS at ilvl 619. Between Bloodthirst and Impending Victory (which resets every time you kill an egg), you can mostly self-sustain, and you can use Enraged Regen in a pinch.

These are good points. Having Brann’s buff limited to certain classes and specs seems odd.

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No you havent, Black one is not on the BMAH. You can even google it if you think im lying.

Originally rewarded by completing the [Dungeons & Raids achievement] Unlike the Plagued Proto-Drake, it isn’t available for purchase in the [Black Market Auction House]

Straight from the wiki

Way to embarrass yourself.

I know I’m nitpicking here, and maybe this was true in previous expansions, but right now WHEW it did not feel that way when I did the challenges over the past several days. For mage, Agatha as fire felt like a joke, but I feel like Sigryn’s HP was tuned around a level of mobile arcane AoE that doesn’t exist anymore. Meanwhile, I almost beat the worm boss as a level 70 WW monk (so no hero talents at all). The incoming damage generally feels like what I remember them to be like in Legion, but I’m not so sure about their HP values.

I did Zekvir ?? as fire and that felt somewhat harder than Agatha, mainly because the timing to move out of claw smash feels a smidge too tight, and sometimes I couldn’t get the cocoons down simply because I didn’t get enough crits off. My winning run ended up with two hatches just because my instant Pyroblasts in between Combustions wouldn’t crit.

Personally I think it’d be fine if the mage tower weapon skins came back, if only because Legion is somewhat light on having weapons to farm at all outside of your class.

They are under the category: These are limited items and will not return when the time is up.

The specific non-AOTC/Gladiator mount you used with the Black Proto Drake though does show up on the Black Market Auction House. Just like other rare non-“skill based for their time and time limited” mounts and rewards.

That’s why your argument is correct, just not the inclusion of the Black Proto Drake to that argument.

Edit: Correction, Zanther’s example of the Black Proto Drake seems to be correct so their argument and examples are both correct.

Black prot Drake does not show up. Its been confirmed. Your wowhead link was someone mistaking the plague drake. it

warcrftmounts also has an option to show which mounts are no longer obtainable that are excluded from BMAH.

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Oh I don’t know, being overly hostile and aggressive on a gaming forum seems a lot more embarrassing…

Not as much as crying for 9 years for something and still not getting it.

I had a look at the wiki and I double checked the sources I had and, I think you are right.

My bad!

I finally got around to killing him last night and I agree with most of these points. The ledge was a nightmare to accidentally blink into. That and him casting his big cleave from across the room when I had just blinked making me unable to move in time were the big issues.

The stuff on the ceiling getting in the way of the camera was annoying too so I turned on the silhouette mode.

Overall it was harder than mage tower by far. I’d like it a little more caster friendly next time honestly.

I honestly had no idea those things removed spittle. Thank you. Lmao. I feel foolish now. I’ll give it another go. I appreciate it.

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I did finally get him down after 200 tries (it was 197 i think) I got him to 3 % a few times. But man… just my gear holding back my dps and cast times and Brann being random as heck on what he does. I made a lot of macros and timers and everything to help keep track of things I wasn’t used to tracking as a healer.

The fact Sham has to hold their main movement and talent into it to get rid of the dot I think hurt a lot. =/

My biggest complaint is that some classes 100% had an easier time of this compared to others. Even if we had tank Brann for this I don’t think it would have changed me from putting him as a healer and me going dps.

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You must of missed the memo where I ‘did’ in fact get the CM armors I wanted, and the Mage Tower items I wanted. I just am different from you and don’t justify my existence by behaving like Gollum and obsessing over ‘my precious’ and trying to gate-keep it out of a deluded need for self-validation. I believe all new players should have opportunity to get older rewards. This is the difference between us.

I have no reason to be confrontational, nor do I doubt you. I’m just genuinely shocked you find Zekvir “??” Harder than doing mage towers in Nighthold. Especially given how much the fight’s been nerfed and how little gear is required to do it.

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Still crying i see.