Feedback: Zekvir ? ? Mode

So I beat ?? Zekvir. Despite doing so and feeling a sense of accomplishment at it, there are a several issues I noticed while grinding it which I really think need to be addressed as they honestly made things far more difficult than the encounter had any right to be.

While I was able to make up the difference with pure skill and planning, I can see several legitimate gripes on this encounter that honestly should of been corrected and reported by Quality Assurance Testers before this fight ever went live. What follows is a list of these issues.

The Good, The Bug, and the Ugly


1.) Zekvir’s Model often displaces the add you have to kill or stands inside it forcing players to make macros to target the Egg Sac. This seems a bit on the over the top side. If a player is actively trying to target eggs but Zekvir’s mass is preventing it, that is not a player issue, that is a design flaw.

2.) Brann’s Dispels are too random. I think players would do well in having the ability to command him to do it. I died far too many times to Enfeebling Spit not because I wasn’t dispelling it, but because Brann’s randomness forced me to burn my dispels at janky times. Finally I stopped trusting him and just ignored him outright. Another issue that is not of the player’s making, as they do not and cannot control this NPC.

3.) The webs as decorations on the roof of the Room obscures vision. In a fight like Zekvir, most players will zoom out completely to have a good view of the whole room. Having these decorations feels like a deliberate Troll move, especially when walls and webs block your vision completely at critical points. Poorly designed.

4.) Collision on the ledge with the stairs. Another very bad design decision, as not only does it block movement in a high movement fight, but it also completely hides the telegraphing of Zekvir’s moves. Given Zekvir’s preference for dropping Egg Sacs here, one can assume the Devs just didn’t care enough to remove it since it was a part of a pre-fabbed map and thought to artificially increase the difficulty by blocking a crucial part of the encounter in this one area. Poorly designed.

5.) The Door Corridor should be totally sealed off. Not a hallway with the door. Zekvir’s got a habit of despawning randomly when he enters it thanks to Brann Dead Brann jumping around and often jumping out of the door to make Zekvir follow him and leading to a reset. This happened to me at 3%. Should not be a thing. Poorly designed.

6.) Want to know what kept killing me? Well aside from human error on my part in trusting Brann knew how to dispel, and getting killed by Enfeebling Spittle; when he did not… The main issue was Zekvir’s Melee. Also before you ask, no obviously that wasn’t happening when I was actually getting the potions.

The issue was that more often than I care to remember, Brann would suddenly stop dropping potions entirely. That’s your NPC which I have no control over. Honestly… Brann’s Healing style makes a strong case for him actually being Donald from Dark Legacy.

There’s a solution to that also. As with his Dispels, can we either have the ability to call for the potions or at the very least get a bar where we can see a cooldown for when he’s actually going to drop them? Because I believe that this is bugged.


Overall, the fight was fun, but would of been far more enjoyable to learn if these issues were resolved.

As it stands, I feel like I beat it in SPITE of the above design flaws.

Unfortunately, when I couple it with the shop offerings; the fight felt less like it was tuned well or designed to be a challenge, and more like it was designed to be a brick wall for players to beat their heads into; and to get players to buy tokens on Flasks, Runes, Potions, etc. more than anything else.

Which brings me to the final bit. The rewards for surmounting such a thing…

A void zeppelin is a trash reward, and you guys know it full well. Try to make such fights worth our while by giving us the Mage Tower Weapons. Zekvir was easily a harder encounter than anything I faced in Legion’s Mage Tower.

As I see it, players who beat a superior challenge should be able to access those rewards the same as those who got it the original way. Anyone trying to hold pixels hostage for the sake of their uniqueness, is a detriment to the game.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully Underpin is an interesting one.


Yeah healing Brann tossing all three pots immediately when the fight begins has always been a pet peeve of mine


You beat it. Be happy.

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There are only 2 targets in the room. Hit your tab key.


So, basically, the biggest problems with the fight are the RNG from both Zekvir and Brann?


Apologetics for bad design, are neither an excuse nor solution.


Yea, branns RNG was annoying.

Start the fight and no potions thrown out, keep the fight going thinking maybe he will throw some… Nope.

Get spittled, branns dispell is off CD yet he refused to use it, dot ticks, melee auto crits.

Eventually I just played like Brann wasn’t there, that’s what eventually got me the kill on evoker.


What gets me the most are the collision on the ledge, the concealment of the telegraphing, the fact that Brann can leap out of the room causing a despawn; and of course the webs on the ceiling that blocks the view of someone zoomed out to see what is going on.

I feel like someone in QA must of seen that if they were doing their job. I say that because I used to do Video Game Quality Assurance in another lifetime. So for me, the fact that it was left in, feels like intentionally antagonistic design to artificially inflate the difficulty. Or to wit my gut tells me that the mentality of the lead who must of seen this was…

“Oh let the player die, swear, and be screwed a few more times so we can kill them financially and force them to buy our WoW Tokens. That’ll make our supervisors and our stockholders happy, even if it’s a bullcrap move on our part that has no place in intelligent game design.”


I was only unlucky enough for Brann to exit the room once, it was due to a fear though. (I’d start the fight by circling around him first, so Brann wouldnt be near the door)

The platform killed me a few times, either from poor jumps from me or hidden frontal effects.

I’m kinda used to decorations on the roof obstructing my view now, so I didn’t even notice that.

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Right, I think my point on the floor is that it blocks you when you jump in a way that no other obstacles actually do. I tested it a few times before I mentioned it, and the fact is, even when you jump that’s not always going to get you over it, even though similarly sized obstacles will let you leap over them. That is why in addition to the blocking of the telegraphed attacks I take issue with that ledge.

No, sometimes the dino egg would spawn too. I’ve goofed a couple times with that already, so I would just focus target Zek, and actively try and target the egg whilst keeping an eye on Zek’s heal.

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I took 400 attempts at the fight and bought a total of 4 flasks toward the latter part of the grind. Between repair costs and the flasks, I sunk maybe 50k gold into the fight as a generous estimate. How does this supposition make any modicum of sense? I got 20k from leveling my rogue from 32 to 80, and made back what I lost just by doing weeklies. If I get a token, it’s going to be from gold, not cash.


This problem isn’t a problem with Zekvir, but with Brann’s potions in general. The potions should last LONGER than the CD (not by much, 3-5 seconds would be plenty).

I have died (or come uncomfortably close) many times trying to run to a potion only to have it not heal me, and disappear a moment after I get to it.

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I figured I better get it done if I was going to before the season ended so I went in there on the weekend. The fight wasn’t too hard really. Took me about 8 tries. I did have to make a kick macro to target my focus though. Probably would have one shotted it if I went in there with the kick macro off the bat. Of course ret pally is one of the easiest I hear and that’s why I did it on. Not this ret pally my other one.

This happens to me also.

oddly in a lot of the videos floating around of the encounter I’ve noticed thats not happening in their videos.

They have either a full clean line of sight, or they are zoomed in almost to 1st person and don’t even need to see the egg or anything else to ace the encounter while taking little or no damage.

That one of the hunter running thru the portals in phase 2 had me scratching my head.
I get even close to those and I get shuffled around the room into all the bad swirlies.

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It took me a number of attempts, but I figured out the portals are part of an empowerment for Angler’s Web. It makes the very narrow cone that extends in front of him normally for Angler’s Web extend through a radius around the portals. You get yanked if you’re near one when he casts it. But, his voice lines desync in P2, so it’s really easy to miss.

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ah, ok.

great catch.

I hope S2 nemesis isn’t so wonky.

Feels bad to miss out on limited time stuff like this cuz of wonky RNG and just general encounter bugs

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That is something I agree with the OP on, that this encounter was made artificially more difficult due to the number of RNG issues at play. Enhancement (the spec I completed it on) is subject to RNG to deal damage (Maelstrom weapon charge generation), Brann has RNG whether or not he feels like damaging the cocoons, or tossing pots your way, and Zek on where he decides to place the frontals.

He’ll also occasionally whip it around at you despite initially targeting Brann, which means you’d have to have something like a Heroic Leap or other instant movement ability to escape it. I could have taken Gust of Wind, but wanted Spirit Walk as a backup, because I found out that Thunderous Paws is bugged and doesn’t work to clear the spittle 100% of the time.

I just let the Souls player in me rage and brute forced it.


The only thing that annoyed me was when he spawns an egg and you go over to dps it, and zek waddles over to follow you and then does his AOE fear before you can finish.

I believe you only miss out on the achievement?

The back piece and mount appearance become a 1% drop, which you can go back to and farm with a higher ilvl.