congrats. Imma be honest this fight contributed to the burnout I’ve felt and still feel now. Hopefully the new patch can reignite the spirit of the game for me.
Shadybolt. Currently levelling an alt so I can’t be bothered to try to get the armory thing to reset properly to make it show up, but I can show you I have the feat and that I got it yesterday. You also got my alt’s name so you can clearly see that as they are a Shady-named character, it is me.
I didn’t either. The most help I got with it was talking with some guildmates because I got confused about the portals, since I thought I hadn’t touched 'em but apparently I had, so that’s all I asked to get clarified before I killed him.
You don’t need to know any of the encounters or any of that, what you need to do is remain calm and analyze fights as you do 'em. Since the DoT is a slow it can be cleared with anything that clears slows and after that point you just interrupt the massive heal and eventually… Zekvir dies.
It ain’t difficult. Just hectic. You stay calm whilst doing it, and Zekvir just… falls over.
You can look up the achievement and when I got if your really want to be that concerned and confrontational HPelli.
Never say never, because then we can go back and repost your ‘nevers’ for posterity. Recolors would be fine as a bare minimum, but the models shouldn’t be gate-kept like Naxxramas crap for people like you and your ego (speaking of, how’s it feel to see people in Tier 3 when your kind also said “They’ll never be back”).
See while I earned my Mage Tower weapons the same WEEK the tower was up, I see no point to gate-keeping such items because I confused my personal value with pixels in a video game. Same reason I was glad they brought back the Classic PVP armor.
Certain people said the same about Mage Tower once upon a time. Never say never.
So the question becomes… did you behave like a 5 year old or something on the forums when that happened?
(Reposting this because evidently a small typo correction is currently counting as a full and material edit to a post, which it isn’t. Of course, mind you I know ‘why’ the system gets a wild itch up it and does that, from personal understanding and knowledge of how the system on the forums function. It is because the forum tools have been directed to ‘save’ all copies of the post for review. Please by all means keep abusing that report post button if that’s your only counter. But don’t blame me if you also get cited for misuse/abuse of the function.)
Weapons were advertised as xpac only. Just like the MoP armors which they didnt bring back even in MoP remix. Just like the WoD challenge mode weapons.
Brann uses his abilities when he can. Some have longer CDs than ours.
Room layout is part of an encounter’s design, and an intentional factor in the difficulty. Yes, the ledge was annoying, but once you know about it you can avoid it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad design.
I never had Brann run out the door, but if that’s a thing, then yes, that’s an issue. I know I would have been pissed if that happened to me.
Are you sure Brann wasn’t knocked out and that’s why he stopped dropping potions? He died a couple of times in the second phase during my attempts, but started up again when he awoke.
You knew what the reward for Zekvir ?? was before going into the fight. Zekvir ?? was entirely optional - only Zekvir ? was part of the delve storyline. The only reason to do the fight was for the achievement points that hardly anyone cares about and the mount. If you thought the mount sucked, why did you do the fight?
Personal challenge of course. Beating an encounter with clear design flaws, artificially increased difficulty by using generic rooms rather than rooms designed for the encounter, fights that clearly weren’t fully tested or properly tuned; and yet still winning does give one a certain level of satisfaction. It’s like beating a dishonest gambler at Poker and laughing because you know they have cards up their sleeve and still they lost.
That said, there is nothing wrong with pointing out that the reward is subpar, or to tell Blizzard that they need to step up or reconsider what to offer as rewards for such an encounter. That my friend is what is known as feedback and opinion. Something many people fail to understand and most of the time seek to silence these days, because they became unhinged or otherwise deranged at the idea that their view was not the one singular truth of the universe.
I agree with everything in the OP. Fun fight, terrible reward besides the sense of accomplishment. The platform killed me so many times and it genuinely makes me think no one tested this because its an obvious issue. The dispelling/timing of health pots was a large hinderance. The only thing Bran was useful for was dropping pots because his dispells were way too unreliable and I just settled on making sure I used Hand of Freedom every single time Zekvir used his enfeeble.
i got him to quite literally 1% yesterday and a portal spawned ON THE EGG…rather than burn him down i decided to respect the mechanic and it killed me. I almost broke my monitor i was so pissed…the following 10 pulls didnt allow me to get past phase one because of potion placement and brann not dispelling the third go…i can get it off me once every three minutes if brann doesnt dispell i die. getting the slow off me is easy as a warrior i have several options but the spittle is impossible to live even through bitter immunity and a healing pot combined…the frontals are random and sometimes make it actually impossible to kill the egg when he cycles three or four of them on top of the egg…yea, the entire design of this fight is questionable at best…im good at complaining for no reason but this fight is pure lottery with rng…in the videos ive watched of it being done …almost none of the crazy stuff that happens when ive tried it happens to these people, getting stuck on the stairs like you mentioned for instance…i one shot this fight on ? it wasnt even a challenge…the ?? is sadistic and troll… yes. bad design indeed.
There was one other gripe I feel is fair to point out but forgot to mention earlier.
Winners and Losers are a thing due to Blizzard’s balance. There are many classes that because they do not receive proper development time, are impacted and forced to engage in a significantly harder fight; simply because they picked a class that was not a Developer’s pet.
Anyone who has seriously mained a Shadow Priest and used it to fight ?? Zekvir, knows what I mean.
One reason I prefer Mage Tower, and felt it was easier than Zekvir is due to the fact that item level is capped. Classes all are carefully tuned to correctly function in the encounter they are expected to clear. This is not the case with Zekvir at all, and is a major reason I say that Mage Tower Weapons / Druid skins etc. should be obtainable if the player beats the seasonal boss. It is really the same as reaching a certain rating in PVP. The reward potential should follow the same formulae, not cater to people with low self-valuation and who rely on pixels to determine their worth.
I will bet you there are plenty of people who did Mage Tower and never once since then have tried any of the new challenges, ditto with MoP CM armor. So really I think bringing those armors and weapons back would incentivize new players to ‘go for the gold’ as we did. Nothing is worse for a business than a new player seeing something amazing and then being told “You will never get this. It’s mine! My precious…”
Especially if they are a great player and the guy with the armor / weapons bought a carry. Which most likely did.
You aren’t supposed to use Brann as a tank, not yet at least, so everyone who had issues because Brann got feared and Zekvir followed after him were messing that up. Ain’t a problem with the fight.
The room was designed for this encounter because it was generic. There’s no line of sight requirements, there’s no pools on the ground that requires more space, there’s nothing but you and the boss. A generic room is fine when you step into what’s essentially a boxing ring.
Safe to say, they fixed the issues. You not being able to do it because of “tuning” or “testing” issues is quite literally a skill issue.
No, you aren’t getting mage tower rewards from this and no - your critiques of the fight has been irrelevant since at least September of last year.
This is the reason you and others have had issues with Zekvir; the entire point of the fight is that it was a rhythm game. If you stayed calm and did the mechanics, and you get the kill. It may take longer and sometimes you get unfortunate overlaps.
That happens. All that happens is that you try to deal with it and if you can’t, you go again. Not every pull is going to have a bad overlap, so staying calm and just doing the mechanics is how you were supposed to do the fight.
I tried a few times on my BM Hunter and Spriest before settling on my Ret Pally.
Hunter could handle everything but the margin for error was so tight and the pets were pretty much useless. Spriest could also handle everything but the positioning always felt awkward, and having to break casts to move all the time was annoying. Pally could clear the egg so easily with Execution Sentence and Wake of Ashes. Then they brought 2 charges of burst movement, are able to clear every enfeeble, and are always well positioned to dodge claw smash. Plus divine shield if everything goes completely wrong.
The real kicker though? When playing Paladin you can switch to Healer and back to Ret to get Bran to drop his 5% buff fire. You can do this with Spriest but for some reason when you eat at Bran’s fire with an Spriest it doesn’t regen your mana, so you have to wait a few seconds to get your mana back before starting the fight (if you don’t have any water).
I’d love to see an option to prompt Bran to drop a fire without having to cheese mechanics. Also adding some sort of Heroism ability to Bran would be cool.