Feedback: Warriors

Agree on both counts.

Snap induction is meant to jumpstart the rotation, but Avatar of the Storm always does that, and while Recklessness is used more often (thanks to Anger Management), it still significantly devalues the talent. Plus Flashing Skies is extremely good at helping increase the value of those Thunder Blast procs. If anything were to change, I would just change Snap Induction to something more useful (like reducing the cooldown of Thunder Clap/Blast by 1.5s to better align with Bloodthirst?).

The Reckless Abandon suggestion would smooth things out, and for that reason alone I’m a fan, it’s just worth considering the potential inflation. You’ll probably also end up wasting a lot of those Crushing Blow charges, since you will still prioritize Bloodbath & Rampage, which may upset your sensitivity to resource waste though! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just highlight the text and click quote, like this.


Yep, this works, thank you.

When I played my Fury warrior in season 3, even with slightly less haste than I ran with in other seasons, I got A LOT of SD procs, and it was only the fixed rotation we had that made me not execute all the time. So I am wary that having 30% more procs would be a bit too much.

Also Thunder Blast isn’t a PPM proc but is chance based and occurs solely from Bloodthirst, additionally in AoE you already use Thunder Clap rotationally so it feels fine.

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That’s a lot of very good feedback and ideas.

However is something I disagree with. Thunder Clap having a cooldown helps justify its higher damage. And if you use 3-4 single target abilities between each attempted use of TC you will always find it off cooldown when needed.

Making Unhinged cast Rampage seems like an interesting idea, it would definitely help maintain Enrage while bladestorming.

This assumes the player picks Armored to the Teeth, which locks the player into using the inferior Champion’s Spear. Also a 5% is a very nice thing to have.

I agree its not a problem for what its worth. I was mostly just pointing out that it was one of the largest complaints about storm of swords and once the masses start playing, they will probably begin to echo the same complaint. It didn’t matter in practice for Storm of Swords either, but a considerable segment of people still hated the cooldown regardless.

Armored to the Teeth is the single strongest talent in its row. At least on the current iteration of the tree, it will always be played. You can also take Armored to the Teeth without Champion’s spear and lose nothing.

EDIT: Silly me, you already know it.

I don’t know what your definition of “A LOT” is, but I do know what the actual numbers are and how they work, and your fear that Sudden Death is going to become over prevalent in the rotation is currently unfounded.

For the record, here’s one of my higher ranked Season 3 logs, in which I got 10 Sudden Death procs over 3:33, which is roughly 2.8 procs per minute - precisely on par for my ~70% haste (counting Enrage). I certainly wouldn’t call that “A LOT.”

My linked sample was also single target rather than multi, and you also use Execute rotationally, so I’m not sure what your point is here. In this case, it doesn’t really matter if it’s PPM or % chance, Thunder Blast is still being used 2x as much as Sudden Death, so I don’t see why Sudden Death’s proc rate is an issue.

Given that you were just complaining about having to potentially use Slam/WW as a filler if you run out of everything else though, this feels very contradictory. More Sudden Death just means less WW/Slam/Raging Blow, though as stated, the bigger issue isn’t the raw number of SD procs so much as how they align with Marked for Execution… and they currently don’t.

The cooldown is fine. The best change would be reducing it to 4.5s in order to align with Bloodthirst, because it is somewhat awkward to press Bloodthirst, trigger Thunder Blast, and not be able to use it due to the cooldown desync, but it’s not a major problem.

Fury’s Bladestorm is short enough for a fresh Enrage to cover the whole thing, and it generates more than enough rage to follow up with a new Rampage. The triggered Bloodthirsts also have a chance to proc Enrage or can be guaranteed to extend the current one with Deft Experience.

Trust me when I say you do not really want Unhinged to cast Rampage instead. It would be a major loss of synergy (try playing RA Slayer or just use Enraged Regeneration followed by Bladestorm and you might get a sense of how awesome the Bloodthirst synergies are).

Armored to the Teeth does not lock you into Spear in any way, it just doesn’t allow you to take Avatar + Torment + Roar + Uproar + Words all at the same time.

Given that Words does nothing for Fury and Warlords Torment does nothing for Arms, so this still isn’t really an issue at the moment though. As I’ve said before, those +stat talents desperately need to be rebalanced, because Armored to the Teeth is insanely overpowered.

I’m talking roughly every ~4 globals.

I didn’t complain about having to use WW as a filler. I was interested to know if Blizzard’s intention is for us to use Slam as a filler as well.

In the season 3 build you used execute as a filler between bloodthirsts, you didn’t use it back-to-back.

Yeah, you weren’t proccing SD that much in Season 3. Feel free to show me a log, but I can guarantee that never happened.

That’s because Execute has a cooldown. Sudden Death does not, so I don’t see why it’s relevant here. The PPM system also greatly reduces the chance of repeat PPM triggers like that (it can still happen, but it’s fairly rare).

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I’m sorry, I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t have a log but it was happening to me a lot.
Maybe it was a bug, maybe working as intended but I felt completely swarmed with SD procs.

And I’ve had back-to-back procs of SD, granted they weren’t common but those do happen more than you’d think.

If Reckless Abandon won’t grant a charge of each then it would be better for it to only grant Bloodbath. This would prevent players from messing up and “wasting” it on Crushing Blow instead.

Sudden Death has a 3 second cooldown, so they literally cannot proc back to back. What you’re seeing is one proc immediately after you used the first, caused by delaying the consumption of that first proc.

Would make it easier for the current build, but not necessarily better. Who knows what future interaction will bring.

I was honestly just playing wrong and I think it’s ok for players to be punished for making that mistake. My initial impression was that it was impossible to avoid occasionally being forced into Crushing Blow, but having played with it for a little bit following Archi’s suggestion, it is pretty much always avoidable.

Reducing RA to just Bloodbath wouldn’t really solve anything at this point, especially considering RA probably needs more power rather than less.


Colossus Arms Warrior

Just a few notes here.

  1. Love this hero tree. Big number. Big dopamine.
  2. Anger Management cooldown alignment is ALL over the place and by far my biggest issue with the current playstyle.

Mortal Strike and Resets

As some others have said I do think it’s weird that Mortal Strike seems to be 40% and even higher portions of our damage. Is that a problem? Not really I guess, but it’s just weird when one ability becomes so significant to sideline others.

  1. I love how resets work with Battlelord and the callback there to how it worked in Legion. Other Mortal Strike resets I would propose go away.
  2. This should help smooth out RNG with Colossal Might stacks and cooldown reduction in addition to allowing Mortal Strike to be balanced better both in the overall damage breakdown and still leaning heavily into the aspect that every time you hit it - it’s gonna be big.

TBF I tried it with Spiteful Serenity, and it’s not any better. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Having four independent forms of CDR (AM, SkS Haste, flat Uproar, and MS-Colossal Might) makes it kind of inevitable, but I don’t know a good way to solve it without taking the whole thing back to the drawing board.

That said, you can pretty much just throw everything strictly on cooldown and still perform within a respectable margin, so maybe it’s more of a feel problem than an actual one.

I agree; it’s a little high right now and could probably go down closer to ~30% in favor of some more damage on basic fillers. Things like Colossus Smash and SkS add a lot of damage, but the actual abilities only contributing ~1-2% of my damage is a little odd. Slam probably needs help the most though - the go-to filler only contributing ~3.5% of my damage is not particularly exciting.


Just posting in regards to arms and mainly pvp, I enjoy both Colossus and slayer. They play well and both feel fun. I saw someone earlier commenting about rend and blood/thunder being baselined into the respective specs/abilities and I agree with that sentiment.

I don’t know all the math breakdowns and don’t pretend to know what I talk about with those such as armored to teeth vs cruel strikes and wild strikes but I would like to see champions might turned into a buff, instead of a circle you stand in. I think spear is a far more fun ability than people give it credit for especially compared to roar which is very boring.

Slayer comments
I don’t know where to put this but I wish the slayer buff for ms crits empowering ms was reworked to something else. Maybe a stacking mechanic like lambs to the slaughter from cata. Reason being is crit is heavily devalued in pvp.


Roar has its upsides in PVE particularly because of its uncapped AOE nature, but yeah, most of the hate towards spear is basically entirely on the way Champion’s Might functions (with some hate directed towards how it adds a lot of ground clutter and makes things unclear, again mostly a PVE problem). I agree with the sentiment of it granting a buff in general rather than only when standing in it. That really is the biggest problem, the other for pve being that its target capped at 5.

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Don’t forget the tethering effect during sanguine weeks.
Unless Blizzard has already removed that obnoxious thing and I’m late to the party.

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Nah, it’s still there. Mostly goes unspoken these days, cause you won’t catch anyone bothering with spear in keys, especially on sanguine week.