Feedback: Warriors

Isnt it better to push Mortal Strike regardless of stacks? Or am I doing it wrong for years?
Maybe in PvP there is some big brain thing where you want to burst or something but when do you need to pay attention?

Agree with the rest, I don’t play Fury either. Havoc DH/ Rogue zoomer pew pew spec.

To kill two birds with one stone here and also push my agenda again.
I feel shouts are an underutilized aspect of the class. They make a change from melee strikes and you can add pretty much any effect to them without messing with the class fantasy. But I thought Warrior was pretty good with utility though, I mostly PvP but Intervene can be amazing clutch save in Arena. We have two stuns and an interrupt.
Different in high M+ keys I guess?

Warriors bring a really good amount of control; the problem is that VDH exists, and when you have a tank that can lock down the entire instance by themselves, tools brought by the rest of the group are kind of superfluous.

When people say they want more “utility” what they typically mean is that they want more unique utility, which is a fine sentiment… but easier said than done. There are only so many unique niches in WoW, and there’s a very real fear of creating something new that ends up feeling mandatory for every group to have. On the other hand, they might also end up with something like Champion’s Spear, which has a decent semi-unique utility effect, just on an ability that’s incredibly suboptimal for the kind of content you’d want to use it in.

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I get that, but it feels, psychologically, terrible to use MS or Cleave if Martial Prowess isn’t up. I’d rather just feel like I can press my abilities and get maximum value whether I pressed another ability first; cooldowns an exception OFC.

I’m not sure how you are saying that frequent MS and Cleave resets have no bearing on the GCD locking of the rotation. In regards to Tactician, I think the rage could be tweaked in other ways.

Anyways, I came here to give my feedback; I don’t like the frequent ability resets, I don’t like feeling like I have to rush to press Overpower before I press MS/Cleave (at all, not just sometimes). That’s my feedback and that’s that! Cheers

Not to diminish your concerns, but I think you’re thinking too hard about this, and building it up into a problem that doesn’t really exist. Don’t track Martial Prowess, there is absolutely zero rotational need to - just let it play out passively. You’re not even supposed to use it at 2 stacks, it goes to 2 only to ensure that you can never overcap and waste a stack (at most, you can only cast OP twice between Mortal Strike’s cooldown).

The reason that mechanic exists is precisely so Mortal Strike can be more powerful, while still giving you a reason to use different buttons. Similarly, the reason Fatality exists (which is functionally just backloaded Mortal Strike damage) is to let Arms punch up during the Execute phase while still allowing the buttons you press from 100-35% to matter.

Because if Enduring Blows doesn’t reset Mortal Strike, you just press Slam instead - it’s cheaper and incurs the same GCD. The APM is completely unchanged.

If it procs enough, Enduring Blows actually makes you (slightly) less GCD locked, since you will be spending more rage (30 on MS instead of 20 on Slam) and therefore be more likely to rage starve, resulting in dead time in the rotation.


In my Honest opinion from looking at the Warrior side of the talent tree i feel like the thunder clap and blood and thunder/crackling thunder node should swap places with the Shockwave and Rumbling earth node. The reasoning behind it is cause it feels forced to take the Storm bolt node just to get access to thunderclap and the corresponding node with thunderclap. I think the flow of the tree would be in a better spot if shockwave and thunderclap switched spots cause in raids there is no reasoning to have storm bolt but thunderclap is but it seems forced to take storm bolt just to get access to thunderclap. For protection warrior it makes sense to have storm bolt be so high in the tree but for arms/fury it makes less sense. Having storm bolt for M+ and open world content isn’t bad but for raid it is less than ideal and feels like a dead talent in a way.

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Oh sorry, didn’t notice that pathing there. My bad.

I already did get the best gear I could from the vendors.
And it’s not the shorter duration of enrage that causes that feeling.

I guess the real test would be when I can copy my existing live character over to the beta servers and test it there.

Wild Strikes is useful for Thunderous Roar because haste increases DoT damage. And Cruel Strikes is useful for Champion’s Spear because Champion’s Might increases Critical Strike Damage.
So it makes more sense for these to be bundled together.

That’s the thing, there are cases where I don’t have enough rage for Rampage and Raging Blow, Bloodthirst and Execute are not available. Normally in these cases I use Whirlwind as a filler in both single target and AoE (though thanks to using WW in AoE rotationally anyway it doesn’t happen very often).

I know I can now use it as a single target filler in place of WW, but does Blizzard expect me to do so?

I defer to most of what Archi said, and agree, and just wanted to say to the fury rage complaints, this is literally said every new expac, our gear and stats are much lower and it’s the flow of the spec.

Outside of acknowledging Archis points thusfar, I will say fury feels quite good/similar and fairly strong and I’m currently happy with the direction, especially once the AM/BS bug is fixed; feels kinda nice to have bladestorm again haha.

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Also this final season of Dragonflight is giving us some of the highest overall stat levels we’ve seen since Icecrown Citadel. Going back to beginning of expansion levels is certainly going to feel drastic, but I agree that fury feels mostly fine to me from that standpoint with the beta template.

Let me preface this by saying that I play almost exclusively protection. The largest problem I see with the talent trees is the number of required talents is greater than the number of talent points we have, by required I mean you have to have them to remain competitive with other specs of the same role in terms of damage output, utility and survivability. Or in some cases the class/spec just doesn’t even function properly without certain talents.

More feedback:

Fury Warrior:

Bloodthirst: With the current TWW changes, Bloodthirst has a greater priority than Raging Blow in our new rotation. However the fact that it generates less rage than Raging Blow runs in contrast to its new priority.


**Slayer’s Malice **: the hero talent Slayer’s Malice for Fury warrior feels pretty boring and a tad bit pointless because we now use Raging Blow less than we used to in Dragonflight.
Changing it to buff the damage of any of our other builders would feel more impactful.

Imminent Demise is a talent I’m slightly concerned about. Right now in DF with our current level of haste, the Sudden Death talent procs very often. Wouldn’t Imminent Demise during late TWW when our haste values are high cause Execute to be a little too dominant in our rotation?
Fury’s DF season 1 tier set worked because our haste values were still relatively low at that point, and it was about casting execute as much as possible.

Death Drive: the talent seems very weak and all it does is give us a little more self-healing, which we already have sources of. If you want to increase our self healing just increase the amount Impending Victory heals us for.

Okay, now that I got the chance to try out my main (finally managed to copy it over), the rotation still feels good.
So I retract my original statement.

EDIT: Also I noticed some of my abilities do less damage, especially Raging Blow.
Exact character as in live, yet mousing over Raging Blow in live and mousing over it in beta shows reduced value.

With my main character it’s better. But I find we need a little up for more rage generation/gain for the arms, just need a little something more to be good.

We need to do something about the cost rage for Execute because it consumes too much rage sometimes.

I disagree with this, theres a 3 hit animation for Demolish and the third swing has you swinging the weapon like a mace with the big impact. Seems satisfying to me. I would like for them to add the old racial animations to mortal strike randomly, some of the races/sexes already do their old animations (Fem draenei do it on slam, Male Tauren on MS.)

More Arms Feedback

Storm of Swords

With the rage economy as it currently stands, Storm of Swords feels near-worthless. You simply never rage starve in AoE situations while using Cleave on CD, weaving in OPs, TCs, and the very occasional WW in between.

Even during MBG when you drop OP and just spam Cleave/WW back to back, you don’t need SoS. You’re always rage capped coming out of Bladestorm, and Ravager generates the rage for you, so regardless of which version of MBG you’re using you do not run out of rage at any point during the window.

This has the odd final result of SoS actually being more of a defensive node than an offensive one. The only benefit you gain from SoS is not more damage, but the ability to press Ignore Pain and not rage starve in AoE. While I don’t have any issue with defensive nodes being on a tree, it is unintuitive for something so deep in the tree to only give you real value if you are A. playing with IP and B. using it on CD or close to it.

The big kicker to that is that in higher-end content, you do need to be doing both of those things, and that makes IP effectively a 2 point talent for higher M+ since you have to take SoS to be able to afford the rage cost.

Test of Might

Still dislike Test of Might. There have been a few effects like this one across the game where you gain some big benefit after your cooldowns end, e.g., Assasination Rogue DF S2 set bonus, and I have universally hated them every time. I just do not think it is good design, let cooldown windows be cooldown windows.

I am especially apprehensive of there ever being a tuning change or something that makes playing Spiteful Serenity + ToM the way to go, and having some real awful (imo) gameplay of holding back your TRoar + Ravager for a full 20/26s CS to wait for the massive ToM at the end.

Dance of Death

With the changes to Unhinged (among other things), this talent might finally see play! And…I hate that. I’m as big of a fan of Bladestorm as the next guy, but locking into spinning for 9 seconds almost feels like a punishment. Obviously, with Ravager the duration increase feels good as its not locking out of anything, but even in the case of Ravager I don’t like the way the effect is triggered.

I would strongly ask that this node be redesigned, replaced, or just outright removed.


I say this knowing full well that there is absolutely no chance of any changes of this scope coming, soon or possibly ever, but I’ll say it anyway. Cataclysm Arms, while absolutely not perfect, does a few things so much better than retail Arms, and it is so saddening to see the spec take such clear steps backward in my mind.

The biggest 2 examples:

  1. Every button you press in Cata does a ton of damage, and none of them feel bad. Even Slam, despite having a cast time (which is awful), does a ton of damage and feels good to use. Overpower competes with MS for overall damage. Compare that to now where Slam feels absolutely terrible, and OP is a glorified buff button.

  2. Off-GCD Heroic Strike gives you so much agency over your rage. You only ever feel rage starved if you over-use HS, and then it’s just a skill issue. Conversely, when rage gets really high such as after a Bladestorm or during lust, you have the agency to use an inefficient ability between GCDs to dump it.

Compare that to Retail Arms where we are at the mercy of rage tuning, and have little to no agency at all. We just spent an entire expansion being completely incapable of spending our rage, and while TWW looks a lot better, it’s still something that I have not had to really think about at any point in my testing outside of the Execute phase. Any time I want to press a button, I have the rage to do so. The rage bar is still cosmetic outside of Execute, it just fluctuates a bit instead of being a solid red bar.

The gameplay is just so much better when rage is coming in a bit more than you can spend it with your GCDs, but you have the ability to weave in oGCD spenders to dump it at the right times without starving yourself.

To be clear, Retail Arms is still overall good and fun to play, but I feel very strongly that a modernized version of Cata Arms (Slam cast time removed, Warbreaker added, stance dancing removed, etc.) would hands down be the most fun spec in Retail, whereas Retail Arms is beaten out by quite a few specs for me as it is.


This isn’t really an issue due to the way PPM works. In my best test, I’ve gotten 23 procs over 5:31, which is a decent amount, but pales in comparison to the amount of Thunder Blast procs that Thanes get in the same amount of time (51). If it isn’t a problem for Thanes (who also have higher rage generation and therefore use Rampage more as well), then I don’t think getting half as many procs is a problem for Slayer.

  • Imminent Demise only increases SD’s proc rate by 30%, from 1.7 → 2.21 PPM. By contrast, DF Fury Season 1 increased it from 1.7 → 4.25, so there’s still quite a gap there. Plus, casting Execute more isn’t really a bad thing, especially given your previous complaints about having to potentially fill with WW/Slam if you run out of RB charges. More Executes would only help with that.

The real issue with Imminent Demise is that Slayer’s Strike requires Sudden Death procs to consume Marked for Execution, yet the two proc independently. This means you’re very likely to get one or the other, but not both when you actually need them - as evidenced by the extreme inconsistency in this graph.

Notice the long streaks without Sudden Death procs in which Marked is already at 3 stacks and additional procs get wasted, as well as the double Sudden Death procs when there are no Marks to consume.


Preface: I primarily play DPS warrior, so I will be centering my feedback entirely on Fury and Arms, specifically in PvE scenarios.

I’ve included headers for each main topic, but obviously the class is one cohesive unit and some things will blend, so there will be mentions of issues regarding Mountain Thane for example in the Fury or General Class section as an example.

Class Tree

I mostly want to echo here a lot of the sentiment that has been discussed in the broader warrior community regarding the general class tree. For all of dragonflight, it has felt as if warrior has had considerably less interesting options available to them than other classes. Unfortunately, this continues to be the case in the current iteration and I hope to see some changes to alleviate this, either in future builds, or more likely over the course of the War Within.

It continues to be true that in order to reach nodes like “Reinforced Plates” and the subsequent “Armored to the Teeth”, we have to path through nodes like “Shockwave” or “Thunder Clap”, which are potentially useless to us in specific builds depending on the chosen Hero Spec. It would be better to provide pathing that permits more generally useful options.

This problem occurs once again in being forced to choose between “Intervene” and “Stormbolt” in order to path to “Thunder Clap” when those talents may not be necessary for some specs that utilize “Thunder Clap”. I believe the intent here was to force a choice for Mountain Thane Warriors so that the “Storm Bolts” vs. “Storm Shield” node in the Mountain Thane tree didn’t go to waste, but unfortunately, this reasoning has neglected Arms Warriors in AoE scenarios who are interested in “Thunder Clap”, but may not necessarily be interested in “Storm Bolt” or “Intervene”. This also holds true for Protection Warriors that opt into playing Colossus.

One of the primary criticisms of the class tree has been the overabundance of damage nodes making warriors feel as if they just don’t have the points to spare for utility. While this has been alleviated so some extent, I do believe the problem still persists. It may be appropriate to reconsider whether “Overwhelming Rage” and “Crushing Force” should be brought down to 1-point to alleviate this issue and open more choice for Warriors. I think this would be a good change, but I am conscious of the fact that even if this were to be implemented, the problem of lacking interesting choices to actually put points into remains. Its not entirely an exaggeration to say that if Warrior were capable of talenting into every single node in the tree outside of the bottom level, it would not really be all that much more powerful or “utlity heavy” than it currently is now, because most of the choices are largely inconsequential and very niche in the vast majority of scenarios.

I love the change to “Intervene” now also countering spells. To further aid this change, “Intervene” could probably be turned into a choice node between two options, one that retains current funtionality and another specifically aimed towards DPS warriors in PVE that removes intercepting melee attacks to allow warriors to more easily intervene tanks to perform Taunt-Reflects without all the risk that comes with modern spell-queing often making it unclear what bosses are about to do when trying to taunt-reflect.

“Thunder Clap” should be baseline. This is not a new request, but its becoming increasingly obvious that this change is necessary given the talent point economy (Or lack thereof) of certain hero specs like Mountain Thane.

The glory days of “Rallying Cry” are unfortunately behind us and while it remains a decent raid cooldown, it has continued to be a largely “meh” cooldown in other areas of the game, particularly Mythic+. Some have suggested that it should receive the “Darkness” treatment and receive a buff to its potency in 5-man groups and while this would be a good start, I actually think the problem with Rally in 5-man content is in its frequency more than its potency. I think reducing its cooldown and increasing its potency in 5-mans would be appropriate, but I’m not sure how feasable that is. Alternatively, Rallying Cry could be a choice node with something new like a “Mass Spell-Reflect” style effect to give DR to the group and allow aoe spell reflecting to occur, acting as both a group-wide DR and a unique form of AOE stop where you kind of just let certain casts happen for a moment.

“Intimidating Shout” should be uncapped. In the modern game, target capped CC just kind of doesn’t really work out that well. Priests have essentially the same ability, uncapped and on half the cooldown. I’m not saying the cooldown needs to come down, but on a 1:30 cooldown, being target capped is pretty horrendous.

“Bitter Immunity” needs help. This spell feels pretty useless on a 3-minute cooldown and while Warrior doesn’t need much help in the defensive department, this is a point that is really difficult to justify investing into. It was less egregious when it could remove bleeds, but I understand why you guys want to avoid taking away such a defining weakness for Protection Warriors. That being said, this has made this talent extremely lackluster.

The gateway nodes into the third tier of the class tree need some serious rebalancing work. Archimtiros has talked extensively about these issues, so I won’t say much in this regard, but I will say that the position of “Endurance Training” in the tree needs to be looked at as it is simply impossible to ever take in the current iteration of the tree.

“Uproar” should be adjusted to reduce the cooldown of “Thunderous Roar” to 45 seconds to more naturally align with the rest of warrior cds.

This is not part of the class tree, but it applies to all three warrior specs now that they all have access to “Ravager”. One of the biggest complaints about “Ravager” is that we don’t really have very much control of it once its actually on the battlefield. “Ravager” follows its targets, which should address this issue, but it doesn’t actually work that way in practice. “Ravager” is satisfied with its pathing as soon as it is hitting at least one target. This often means that in AoE, if the pack is moved slightly, “Ravager” will chase until it hits one target and then just hang out at the edge of the pack, barely hitting most of it and effectively wasting a good chunk of its damage. I recommend a solution similar to Shadow Priest’s new “Entropic Rift”, which glues itself to a target at the center of its hitbox. This should largely get rid of this issue.

Finally, please, I beg and plead, either remove “Champion’s Spear” or turn it into a PvP talent. Replace it and subsequent nodes with “Blood of the Enemy” from BFA. If we’re married to the idea of this ability remaining part of the warrior kit, please do away with “Champion’s Might” as its largely where the hatred for this ability comes from. It has never made sense to me why classes like Warrior that are almost advertised on the virtues of their unique forms of mobility should be restricted in their ability to move around. Not to mention the visibility problems spear creates (though that has improved with all the blinding blue being gone).


One of the biggest complaints about current Arms has centered around button bloat, particularly in AOE situations. It has often felt like Arms design has centered around creating two variants of every ability, one for ST and one for AOE. This is obvious in “Mortal Strike” / “Cleave”, “Rend” / “Thunder Clap”, and “Slam” / “Whirlwind”. I think this is generally fine, but I don’t think it makes for interesting gameplay when this happens for what are largely filler spells or maintenence buffs/debuffs. I’m speaking specifically about “Rend” / “Thunder Clap” here where it feels like these abilities have two seperate keybinds for no particular reason. I think an appropriate solution to this would be to remove “Rend” as a talent and migrate a slightly changed (to not require Rend talented) “Blood and Thunder” into the Protection and Arms trees in its place. Essentially passively making “Thunder Clap” apply “Rend” when talented, without the need for “Rend” to exist as an independent button. In combination with making “Thunder Clap” baseline, this would resolve a lot of issues in one sweep for both the general class and Mountain Thane, which is heavily restricted in its talent economy.

Expanding on the topic of button bloat, there were a number of changes to talents to further integrate “Cleave” into the spec. I think these changes were fantastic, and while they attempt (and largely succeed) at addressing some of the bloat issues, they don’t completely remove the issue. In DF “Storm of Swords” turned “Whirlwind” into a big AoE rage dump and this was changed in conjunction with the “Cleave” changes to create a rotation where “Cleave” and “Whirlwind” were mutually exclusive. However, due to the nature of Cleave’s cooldown and talents like “Merciless Bonegrinder”, “Whirlwind” is not entirely removed from the rotation by speccing into “Cleave”, essentially necessating that Warrior’s maintain two seperate keybinds for these abilities to be optimal in the event they have to play with “Merciless Bonegrinder”. I think it may be necessary to make “Cleave” replace “Whirlwind” entirely when talented to prevent this issue.

Alternatively, “Cleave” can replace “Mortal Strike” when talented to achieve the same reduction in keybinds, but this suggestion has been made ad nauseum, so I won’t speak too much on it, but I do implore you to consider making either change for the betterment of the spec.

“Ignore Pain” could probably have its rage cost removed, shield buffed and its cooldown increased. It’s not a huge deal, because we have the rage economy to sustain it but I think between current “Ignore Pain” and “Defensive Stance”, Warrior feels like its often trading damage for defense in a weird way that I don’t think is necessary on two seperate abilities.

“Spiteful Serenity” should really not have a nerf appended to it or at the very least, this nerf should be reduced.

“Bloodborne” should be reduced to a 1-pointer. It largely changes nothing in most builds, but in a few builds, it would open up more options.

“Fatality” has caught a lot of flak recently. I’ve always found this particular talent to be pretty underwhelming since it kind of changes nothing for us from a gameplay perspective for a capstone talent. I’m not as vitriolic towards it as some people may be, but I do think I would prefer if it was replaced with something a bit more exciting.

With the change to “Battlelord”, “Dreadnaught” should probably be tuned up a little bit as it represents a oddly small portion of our damage in AOE following all the changes.

Thank you for changing the pathing at the bottom of the Arms tree back to its DF equivalent. However, some problems remain, particular in regards to the “Bladestorm” / “Ravager” node. For Slayer in particular, all builds incentivize taking “Bladestorm” for obvious reasons, but this naturally restricts the ability for Arms to fully invest in Execute nodes. Given that Slayer’s identity is intended to emphasize both Execute and “Bladestorm”, it seems like an opportunity is being missed here. Archimtiros has made some suggestions regarding how this pathing could be changed to alleviate some of these issues and I encourage you to consider that feedback.


“Single-minded Fury” - Just kidding, I’m not touching this topic with a 10-foot pole.

One of the biggest issues Fury has suffered from for a very long time is the 5-target hard cap in AOE. The relationship between Fury’s ST and AOE has always been problematic and this topic has been discussed extensively, so I won’t add much, but I will state my belief that Fury should always, at least in its current design, be tuned to be the single best spec in the game at 5 targets at all times. If this isn’t consistently possible to achieve, it may be time to consider changing how fury approaches AOE, whether that be by raising the cap or other means.

I like a lot of the changes that have happened for fury regarding “Bloodthirst”, and in the course of playing it, I think Fury is feeling pretty good all around. Some minor nitpicks are that very rarely, there are moments where bad raging blow RNG occurs in pure single-target and you end up with nothing to press other than “Whirlwind” as a filler (at least as slayer, not an issue for mountain thane). I don’t think its extremely important, but with us finally moving away from the complete dominance of “Raging Blow”, I think it might be ok to integrate a third charge of “Raging Blow” baseline to alleviate this issue at least a tiny bit. In most scenarios, this changes absolutely nothing about the power of the spec, but it does address tiny roadbumps in the flow of slayer.

“Improved Whirlwind” should probably be made baseline. I doubt there are many specs in the game that lack their baseline AOE functionality unless they talent into it, but for me, this is like having to talent into “Sweeping Strikes” in early dragonflight. It just doesn’t really feel good to waste a point on something that should very obviously be part of the base kit.

I love “Fresh Meat” as a talent, but it can often be difficult to take due to its competition. I think “Improved Bloodthirst” being a 10% damage buff to BT and nothing else is fairly lackluster and I think these two talents should probably be merged into one.

“Vicious Contempt” should be reduced to a 1-pointer in order to open up more options.

“Odyn’s Fury” needs a buff. In a perfect world it should always be the go to option in AOE and “Onslaught” the go to option in ST.

“Depths of Insanity” went completely unused throughout Dragonflight and will continue to be unused for all of TWW. This talents needs desperate help in order to be viable.

“Storm of Steel” went completely unused throughout Dragonflight and will likely remain that way for TWW.

“Reckless Abandon” should probably grant one charge of “Bloodbath” and one charge of “Crushing Blow” rather than one or the other because “Anger Management” is poised to dominate for almost all of Fury’s builds once the “Bladestorm” CDR reduction bug is fixed. This change may help to bring the two talents more inline with one another.

Fury has been the same for a pretty long time and I would have preferred larger changes to its core functionality, particularly to address the ST and AOE problem I previously highlighted, but I think its probably too late for that. I hope that in future changes to the class beyond the release of TWW, these concerns are taken into consideration.

Mountain Thane

I’ve included some spec specific stuff in the Arms / Fury sections regarding the hero specs.

Atleast for Fury, “Thunder Clap” probably shouldn’t have a cooldown. It’s a little reminescent of “Storm of Swords” in Dragonflight putting a cooldown on “Whirlwind”, which a lot of people did not enjoy. I forsee this being a painpoint for a lot of players when they come to try out Mountain Thane Fury and I think it should probably be addressed now.

“Storm Shield” should probably give a larger shield for dps warriors as its pretty weak right now, but hopefully that gets addressed when tuning comes around.

Between talents like “Snap Induction” and Avatar granting two stacks of “Thunder Blast”, I’m concerned that in the event Bloodthirst is a higher rotational priority than “Thunder Blast”, it will be the norm to willingly choose to overcap on “Thunder Blast” charges. Not to mention that “Snap Induction” on openers, guarantees overcapping. I’m not sure how this should be addressed, but I find it to be clunky. Maybe “Thunder Blast” charges should cap at a higher amount or special care needs to be taken to ensure “Thunder Blast” is always the highest priority rotational button. Furthermore, with the addition of “Unhinged” to Fury, using “Ravager” now basically gurantees overcapping on “Thunder Blast” charges (especially true in the opener) as “Ravager” spams out “Bloodthirst”.

“Keep Your Feet on the Ground” grants armor. Since armor is technically a Strength boost through “Armored to the Teeth”, this makes this talent a potential hard-lock over its counterpart in the choice node for both Arms and Prot.


I’ve included some spec specific stuff in the Arms / Fury sections regarding the hero specs.

Honestly, this Hero spec owns. This is the one I’ve run into the least issues with. I do think with the addition of “Demolish”, the Arms button bloat problem in AOE continues to grow and I’ve discussed that extensively in prior sections. Addressing those bloat issues would pretty much close any potential complaint I have about this particular Hero spec. Some people have also suggested potentially making “Demolish” replace “Colossus Smash” / “Warbreaker” in the same way “Hammer of Light” replaces “Wake of Ashes” for Templar Retribution Paladins. That might require some re-thinking of some parts of the Colossus tree and also would require an equivalent ability to Colossus Smash for Protection. But I leave that to you, with a reminder to please consider dealing with the AOE button bloat issue.


I’ve included some spec specific stuff in the Arms / Fury sections regarding the hero specs.

Archimtiros has spoken extensively above about the issue with Sudden Death proc rate not syncing well with “Marked for Execution”, and I want to reiterate that feedback.

“Reap the Storm” currently only procs off “Mortal Strike”, which is going to create issues in AOE builds. It should be made to proc off “Cleave” as well, similar to the treatment that was done for Colossus’s “Colossal Might”.

“Death Drive” is extremely lackluster and pretty weak, it also potentially does little if the user is already at full health. This is exasperated a bit by the relative lack of sudden death procs. It’s been suggested in a few places, but in Shadowlands, “Condemn” applied a shield to the user any time it was used. This should be brought back either as a replacement for “Death Drive” or as a choice node alongside it.

Bonus: General Wish Fullfillment

I wanted to include this section, because if I’m being honest, over the course of a lot of the alpha builds and dragonflight, my general reaction to most of the Warrior changes was largely apathy and to some extent disappointment that more sweeping changes weren’t occuring. A lot of warriors and I feel that Warrior has been in a largely stale spot for a very long time now. The most recent removal of “Hurricane” and change to “Unhinged” was unironically the first time I was genuinely excited about the changes Warriors were receiving as these changes addressed a painpoint (Removing “Hurricane”) that many Warriors had frequently asked for. I think changes in line with these long-term gripes with the class are the easiest ways to foster excitement about the direction of the class, because it demonstrates unequivocally that our feedback is being heard.

Stances could probably be consolidated into a single toggle button if technology permits. Most warriors these days are just using macros to achieve this exact functionality and it would be nice if this was just baseline.

“Anger Management” should reduce the cooldowns of all offensive CDs. It used to work this way in the past and it was amazing. I don’t like how modern warrior design has shifted towards some amount of desync just being the normal state of things. I have always believed it to be rather unfun when CDs don’t naturally align.

“Second Wind” and “Leeching Strikes” could honestly probably be merged into one node, as the new change to “Second Wind”, is still not massively powerful. This change wouldn’t make it more powerful, but it would make “Second Wind” less of a node to consider skipping, which I think is appealing. Largely not important, but something to consider if there are plans to add more interesting choices later down the line.

Bring back Legion’s passive “Sweeping Strikes”. Please and thank you.

“Reckless Abandon” and “Anger Management” at the same time. Just think about it, please. :stuck_out_tongue:

Final Note

I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff I’ve forgotten to mention and I’ll be sure to write about it as it comes back to me or as I discover new problems.

Thanks for all the changes so far. I look forward to further improvements being made.


It’s very different outside of PVP. Intervene where it’s needed often gets you killed by Elite’s auto attacks or bosses. Stuns and have no effect on bosses and some special types of elites. No CC is long enough to interact with incorp’s affix in M+, we have an intererupt every class has that. Every other class that has a tank spec is leaps and bounds ahead of us in utility when it comes to pve. You can’t really compare it to PVP because things DR and overlap each other and it ends up putting most classes on a level-ish playing field.

Most of your feedback is on point and mirrors my own, though just to address a couple points:

I don’t think this is actually a problem. Thane gets plenty of Blast procs throughout the fight, so Ravager wasting potential procs isn’t much of an issue. It’s kind of like complaining about overcapping rage during cooldowns wasting potential Rampage casts - technically true, but you get more than enough of them to fill the rotation anyway.

The main benefit of Unhinged triggering Bloodthirst is that it allows the talent to interact with a wide variety of effects for both Thane and Slayer, which is worth preserving far more than the one or two potentially wasted Blast procs (you can also desync Avatar and Ravager slightly to play around that if you really feel the need, but they only line up a couple times per fight anyway). If I were going to suggest changing anything, it would probably be the auto-procs from Avatar of the Storm, since that is contained to Thane rather than also affecting Slayer.

For what it’s worth, my most recent test cast Bloodthirst 123 times and Thunder Blast 51 times over 5:36. Discounting the 6 guaranteed procs from 3 casts of Avatar, that’s 45 / 123 procs, which is 36.6%, slightly higher than the average 35% proc rate and suggesting extremely little to no wasted procs.

Allowing RA to proc 1 and 1 would be a fine solution, though it is general damage inflation. You can also play around this very easily by simply using BT -> RB -> Rampage -> Bloodbath, instead of pressing Rampage immediately after Bloodthirst.


I don’t know how to reply to specific sections haha. On the note about Thunder Blast, yeah, honestly, I just always hate resource waste in general. But you’re right that it generally doesn’t matter too much in practice. I do still think it’s odd that Snap Induction is kind of just wasted anytime Recklessness and Avatar align however, so I would at least want to see a change to address that, like with your suggestion regarding Avatar of the Storm.

I will try your suggestion regarding the Reckless Abandon rotational change. I do still think it might be a good change to make even if it is damage bloat just to bring the talent a little bit more in line with AM, which already looks like it could be stronger and barring tier sets or talent changes in future patches of TWW, will only continue to get stronger as haste increases.

Sort of? It’s similar for the want of unique utility but more along the lines of basic quality of life utility for M+ to make warrior seem on the same playing field as other classes/specs in M+ specifically.

There’s no reason at all to bring a warrior tank over another tank, not because they’re not unique in how they play or the party buff they bring. But in the fact they cannot easily interrupt or force move packs of mobs over a mild spread like the Nokhud End boss intermission I explained. They cannot interact or help with most affix’s, particularly incorp in this case as I don’t think warriors need or ever should have a (non-themselves) de spell with afflicted. We lack any longer form of PVE CC where every other class has this for scenarios like this and it’s just scaled down to be brief in pvp.

The huge one is certainly intervene still making you direct hits to yourself as a DPS outside of PVP. It makes the talent nearly completely useless in M+ or Raid without you being a very high risk to dying as you 9/10 will just get auto attacked once or twice and die to something the tank should be eating. It would be nice to see a choice node bringing Safeguard to pve and removing the attack re-directs, just letting warriors reduce a % of the incoming damage for a few seconds while staying moderately close.

The only thing warrior tanks or DPS can do in keys is “Do damage and interrupt.” Where other classes have tons of ways to either displace packs or singular mobs, longer crowd control, despells, purges, Blessing of Sac, full on immunities and so on. Warrior by far in dungeon related content has been gradually falling further and further behind over the years i’ve been playing it to where it has the problem Windwalker did (And still sort of does) on Alpha/beta, where if it wasn’t overtuned in damage, aside from class unique party damage buff, it brings nothing. at least windwalker got an enraged despell and some AOE slows now.

Much of the things I suggested in my very first post exists through other classes (minus safeguard). I’m not asking for unique things, i’m asking for things that at least don’t make me feel like all I can do is damage and stun things. Warrior very much just feels like a class to be carried unless it’s overtuned damage wise.