Feedback: Warriors

There has been some steller feedback already, but I’ll throw my two sense in from a pve/pvp player.

For the first time in a while, I’m actually excited for my warrior.

Some pain points I want to address:

I feel the way the tree is designed now, I can’t really get things I want in terms of buffing BT or RB. If this is intentional, then it is fine I guess. But it be cool to be able to path down to Odyn’s fury and not feel like I’m being gimped.

Im terms of Mountain Thane, any chance we can see rend added to the base tree, or simply change the talent blood and thunder to apply rend for fury as well? (Or I guess add rend to the base tree assuming other changes are made)

Bladestorm for fury, hell yes! Can we have bladestorm enrage us? Or extend our enrage?

Arms: MS imo feels like it does way too much of our damage. It be cool of we could remove some of the buffers to allow other skills to do increased damage ect. Or so ms can not feel as bad to hit when you don’t have all the buffers up. With emphasis on crit and somewhat bleeds, I’d love to see our crits apply a dot maybe. Or maybe for certain abilities? Overpower for example.

General tree:
Can Tclap become baseline?
Can we replace spear with something new?

We already have a ton of throughput nodes in our tree. I’d love to see something to affect our shouts more or maybe bring in some banner play?

Maybe something makes battle shout have a cooldown when used in combat (or just a new shout in general) or a way to enhance our shouts more. Example, the pvp talent battlefield commander enhances the shouts to add new functionality. It be fun to have something like this in the general tree somewhere.

Banners I think are so fun and fitting. Skull Banner in pvp is fun to use. I’d love to see maybe a redone version of our banner from SL return so we have a little more group utility.

Thanks for reading. I am really looking forward to the next expansion.

If you take the Deft Experience 2-point talent and Unhinged then Bladestorm will extend existing Enrage.

True, but I don’t like idea of forcing talents like that just so bladestorm can function better in the kit. But, it is better than nothing I suppose.

As previously stated, a fresh Enrage is long enough to cover the entire duration of Enrage. Bladestorm also generates a ton of rage (especially now that it casts 3 Bloodthirsts on top), which will give you enough to Rampage again once it ends.

So Rampage -> Bladestorm -> Rampage works perfectly fine as is. Talented Onslaught or Odyn’s Fury can also be used instead.

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Using the Slayer tree for Fury I see a couple problems, the most concerning being that Reap the Storm only procs from bloodthirst. IMO this talent should read as “Bloodthirst and Raging Blow have a X% chance to cause…” The way it is currently is a problem because there are multiple nodes in the Slayer tree that buff raging blow greatly, and if we chose to play with raging blow and talent into in with our class tree, then this node as it stands in the hero talent tree (which seems mighty powerful and like the whole point of this tree) becomes useless since we will not be pressing bloodthirst. This hero talent makes it feel like you HAVE TO run bloodthirst and choose all the bloodthirst talents in the class and hero tree, or you just lose out on this uber important ability. Idk why all our hero talents and class tree are still split between bloodthirst and raging blow. We should not have to be choosing between the 2 anymore, every choice node is either buff raging blow, or buff bloodthirst. The big problem here is the hero talent tree is basically making you pick bloodthirst, because if you don’t we won’t be pressing it. And in turn you can’t take raging blow talents which makes raging blow useless, and now were back to just spamming bloodthirst. Idk how there hasn’t been a fix here. ALL DF this was a problem and it’s just getting built on top of with these hero trees. The mountain thane tree is just a mess. We are fishing for lightning strikes with bloodthrist to get Thunder blast (which is super underwhelming btw) yet most of our talents have to be to raging blow. So half the time we are hitting an ability which does way too little damage just to hope for a proc, while ignoring raging blow which we have tons of talents into. Fury is such a mess I’m close to saying its unplayable unless big changes are made

Not related to the talents themselves but is there some plan to make slam an ability that feels good to use? Even if you use it to dump rage its boring and doesnt feel like youre using an ability called slam. At this point it might be better to just give it a cooldown and have it do some relevant damage.

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A lot of what your saying is based on the assumption that Bloodthirst continues to be the relatively weak ability it was in DF. It has been significantly buffed throughout the alpha cycle and now actually does more damage than raging blow baseline. So, without consideration for anything else, spec or hero tree, we are incentivized to hit it more often.

What part of Thunder Blast do you find underwhelming? In terms of damage, its actually extremely strong. In you find the visual underwhelming, I recommend making sure to spec into Crackling Thunder on the spec tree as if makes the visual pretty exciting.

I highly recommend you pop over to the warrior discord and take a look at some of the recommended builds to update yourself on the changes the spec has received and take a look at some recommended talent builds. It sounds like you might still be playing a lot of raging blow talents and that might be affecting your impressions of the spec as bloodthirst as you’ve pointed out is far more synergistic and with its newfound strength, pairs better with the hero specs.

In general, speccing further into bloodthirst has actually resolved a lot of the issues we had with being completely one-sided towards raging blow and completely ignoring bloodthirst. We now prioritize bloodthirst, but frequently weave in raging blow making the spec feel a lot less one-dimensional in that regard.

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I’m inclined to agree, but the developers have made it pretty clear that they want Bloodthirst to be the core of the Fury rotation again, not Raging Blow. You’re absolutely right that this makes Raging Blow talents unattractive though, and essentially distills all Fury builds down to the same base playstyle.

This is where you’re a little off base and calling it unplayable is a major stretch. Thunder Blast averages about the same damage per cast as Bloodthirst (almost double untalented Rampage), and much more in AoE (if ST builds could talent Meat Cleaver for that juicy +25% damage, it’d be better still). With Flashing Skies, it also procs a guaranteed Lighting Bolt, which pushes its damage per GCD higher still.

Lightning Strikes have an equal chance to proc from Raging Blow, Thunder Clap, or Execute, so I don’t think “all our talents have to be Raging Blow” is quite accurate. In fact, you will have better results not taking any of the Raging Blow related talents except Bloodcraze (which should really work with Execute) and Slaughtering Strikes.

I do wish there were a build that leaned into fully RB and a different build that leaned fully into BT, if only for the sake of gameplay variety, but the one we do have works a lot better than you’re giving it credit for.

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So i made a new warrior, I understand this is more for max level feedback but it seems so odd to me that fury warriors don’t get a way to spend fury until they get rampage. Rampage should really be switched with Enraged Regeneration or just be given baseline at the point. Just remove slam from fury, it costs no rage and could just be called strike it’s so generic, it does literally nothing.

It also feels really bad that Seismic Reverberation and Barbaric training are in the warrior tree now and are so far away from each other in the tree. Crushing force should just be a 1 talent point node. I don’t know why we still have so many 2 point nodes left in our trees it feels pretty bad too.

TLDR: Low level fury warriors have no way to spend fury until level 28 and it feels bad.


^Does any other spec in the game have this generic “strike” move? I mean I guess you can count basic spells like “Smite” but they have a cast time.

The target dummy in Stormwind got kept in execute phase for a bit this evening. Playing Slayer Fury when you aren’t having to deal with the awful RNG of Sudden Death to consume procs.

Slayer feels real, real, real good in that scenario. I love it. Hopefully there is a reasonable answer to fixing the RNG issue outside of execute range.

Also bonus points: Execute was actually my top damage ability in execute phase. Slayer delivers on everything I want it to be in this scenario. It just needs to also work outside of execute phase (plus some bug fixes)


I finally got to play more normally now that the server has less issues. Some of my keybinds aren’t working but the actual gameplay feels mostly good to me.
I think a lot of my personal gripes can be boiled down to visuals and related issues.

  • Colossus and Slayer being way too similar to each other

  • Colossus and Slayer being way too similar to how Warrior already is, compared to Mountain Thane adding lightning to the class

  • “rogue in plate” style feeling when I want something slower

Animation changes would go a long way. Gameplay itself feels decent enough at the moment. I enjoy really having a channelled spell (Demolish) instead of another instant ability. Not going to try and get my head around actual talent balance and choices.

Even at 2000 arena rating I don’t even want to know what’s going on in some of these talent comparisons and suggestions in here. I think we have the most posts of all the feedback topics right now. It’s hard to get a feel for big fights and how stuff like rage gen and gcd lock will feel. But I think it will probably be an improvement on DF at least?

  • Presuming you’re talking about Fury, try talenting Powerful Enrage instead of Furious - that’s precisely what it’s for.
  • Arms doesn’t have the same haste inflation, but you can also take Test of Might instead of In for the Kill.

If you’re looking for something even slower still… I don’t think you’re going to find it in Warrior (and the slower melee specs are only marginally so), though it’s important to note that neither spec actually got any faster in TWW - if anything you should feel much slower due to the dramatically lower amount of haste on gear relative to Season 4 Dragonflight.

I actually agree with this wholeheartedly and it’s been a major part of my feedback since Alpha began. I think Colossus and its emphasis on Mortal Strike is generally fine, but Slayer needs more Executes above 35% to diversify its rotation (otherwise it solely focuses on Mortal Strike as well) and especially better parity between Marked procs & Imminent Demise consumption.

I really wanted Fury to have Thane lean into Raging Blow and Slayer into Bloodthirst in order to create more diverse playstyles and talent builds, but the developers have been pretty clear that they want Bloodthirst to be a core part of all Fury rotations and that’s fair - there is value to making it easier to reducing the learning curve and making it easier to swap between the two subspecs. I still think more Executes and better proc-parity would help immensely though - as Artunias noted above, Slayer feels really good once it hits 35%, but the rotation can be a bit bland up until that point (especially compared to Thane).

If you’re interested in talent comparisons and build advice, feel free to stop by the Warrior discord - there’s frequent discussion and the FAQ has extensive notes for playing all four hero variants in both single and multitarget.

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Im not, don’t even play Fury.
Haven’t touched Fury since legion. I couldn’t even tell you the basic rotation anymore.

I briefly tested Mountain Thane as prot. Talking almost entirely Arms feel and fantasy.

I will skip the discord invite although thank you anyway, I spend way too much time on this game and thinking about it already. And a lot of balance isn’t final yet.

So I know it is a touchy topic, but I want to comment on single minded fury.

This imo should just be baked into fury regardless so it doesn’t feel like a wasted talent. Or can we have the option to mog 1handed weapons as fury?

I may be biased, but I really have some cool 1handed weapon mogs I wish I could utilize as fury.

Also to add, is SMF actually meant to be viable? If so could we have the buff it gives be baseline and improved? Maybe also increases stats by X%?

If not, please just let us mog 1handers instead and make it basline so a new talent can be added

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For Slayer, what about changing Slayer’s Dominance that instead of applying a debuff on an enemy it applied a buff on the player that stacked up to 3.
And changing Imminent Demise so that instead of increasing the proc rate of Sudden Death, it would proc Sudden Death whenever 3 stacks were reached.
This would solve the RNG problem that Archimitros mentioned, and also prevent cases where we apply the debuff to one enemy and end up using execute on another.


Fury warrior

Slayer single target
The rotation feels great at open, sometimes you can run recklessness for upwards of 40s, however it does feel a bit janky trying to find an “opportune” time to use bladestorm without feeling like you’re wasting a lot of rage and a lot of recklessness time.
Slayer being tied to bladestorm instead of Ravager is I’m guessing for balance, does feel a bit lame though, but i do understand that being able to freely attack rather than be tied to an animation might lead to a bit of a damage problem. I feel like there’s no real reason to take Odyn’s fury though, I feel like I’m more pushed into:

  • Anger management + Unbridled

  • Onslaught + Tenderize

  • Blade storm + Unhinged

And for single target, idk. Something feels off about not being able to take, what essentially looks like to me, a single target based ability, it feels like it offers too little in comparison.

I love imminent demise, I think it’s a lot of fun, seeing the damage numbers tick faster is pure dopamine, overwhelming blades however, feels a bit like a “more” modifier, it just feels… i don’t know about unnecessary, but it does make thane feel worse in comparison, because you’re going to get a 10% extra damage modifier just from picking slayer, let alone all of the other things slayer gets.

I feel like there’s not too much to say about the rest of the tree, it functions well, it feels nice to use, I’m a fan of it overall.

Sorry if it’s formatted horribly, don’t really post often here, and just figured, I’m in the beta, might as well share some of my thoughts for my main and how it feels to play this spec, I might post more, but I’m open to discussion on anything anyone else might want to say in regards to what I’ve posted

Also, don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but using anger management and bladestorm, the cooldown will go down, but bladestorm won’t be usable, until, i’m guessing, it’s normal cdr goes down

I love this idea.

Also would love to have a tanking dummy in stormwind, unless there already is one and I’m blind, but just similar to what we had in boralus