Feedback: Warriors

BG PvP feedback
as Arms Colossus

Had no trouble hitting Demolish on players but you have to wait for the moment sometimes. Survivability felt high and the new Bladestorm healing debuff PvP talent seemed really powerful in zergs. Actual damage is middling compared to the usual ranged domination like Hunter, but Bladestorm can effectively healing debuff the entire zerg group.

Came back from near death a few times with the new Second Wind, it may be unintuitive for the enemy who targets a low health warrior only to have that last bit of health not be so easy.
I liked the overall gameplay as I enjoy being tanky in pvp.

In early WoW expansions Warrior took a lot of damage in berserker stance. Most people don’t roll a big plate warrior to run in and die so it didn’t feel good. Wrath in particular comes to mind there. Pretty big contrast between back then and how it feels now.

Precise balance vs other classes/specs is almost impossible for me to grasp at the moment.


Obviously the resto druid analogy is rhetorical. The point is warriors should not be healing better than hybrid classes. It’s absolutely ridiculous how much warriors are healing right now. You’re a class with no magical prowess and a sword. Shouldn’t be healing to full every minute. Needs nerf

I think you mean hyperbole, but…

… this part in particular is unfounded. You’re an overgrown lizard who has been in a coma for twenty thousand years (side note: why does everything in WoW need to have such a ridiculously non-sensical timescale?).

I feel like you’re just looking at a prot warrior on the healing meter without mousing over and seeing most of it isn’t actual healing, it’s damage prevented with ignore pain. Given warriors still don’t heal a ton in pvp I’m not understanding why someone who plays warrior would be upset that the tank spec heals itself some like all other tanks in the game do.

If you’re meaning you’re seeing a dps warrior heal more then a hybrid I’ve no idea what data you’re looking at. I’m always dead last 5th place in keystones even with mildly high uptime on ignore pain, decent leech rating. Same on retail with the survivibility fire ring.

Can you provide some screen shot data of healing meters to back up this so I can get a better idea what you’re talking about?

Nope! I meant analogy. Thanks for the concern though. Nerf warrior healing in pvp please. Thanks.

A couple things, tuning hasn’t been done yet. So if warrior dps is high then healing is high, unless it’s ignore pain at which point blizz will adjust accordingly.

Hybrid tax has been long gone for awhile now. If you want warriors to have bad/no healing then classes that can heal would have bad/no dps is basically what it would boil down. There is a reason they removed hybrid tax and it should stay that way.

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Also for constructive feedback, which spec was it? What setting in pvp (2’s, 3’s, SS, BGs)?

I have 30 different max level characters. 4 Warriors. Prot, Arms, Fury, and “Fury”. “Fury” has been my main since Vanilla, and the only reason I made the Fury in the first place was so that I can play as if it’s a job and not have fun with it, like used to be the case when I used to be a semi-hardcore raider. And “Fury” is also the only character of mine with an offspec (Prot).

I don’t WANT to play my other Fury Warrior, but I feel I HAVE to play it to be allowed to raid, which is BS.

If Blizzard is gonna continue to keep SMF a part of the talent tree in the first place, they need to balance around it as well as everything else, or else remove it entirely and give us the transmog option.

Rita Repulsa was trapped for 10,000 years and then was finally free to conquer Earth. It’s not without precedent.

That’s still not really what rhetorical means, but ok.

Don’t think Power Rangers lore has anything to do with World of Warcraft, and it’s still an unnecessarily unrealistic timescale regardless.

The Reap The Storm effect isn’t a bladestorm, and doesn’t break roots or snares.

Demolish only provides immunity to Stuns, knockbacks, and forced movement effects. That is far from CC immunity. You can still be interrupted with disorient, and incapacitation effects.

The only class/specs in the game that don’t have an instant cast way to stop Demolish are non-enhancement Shaman, and Evokers.

We can cover every 2nd(ish, depending on CDR) demolish with Berserker Rage to become immune to most incapacitate effects. However, the following classes retain an instant cast ability that will CC us and cancel the effect:

  • Death Knight
  • Demon Hunter’s (if they take Detainment)
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
  • Warrior

It would be pretty nuts in Bladestorm applied Sharpen Blade for its full duration as well as 10 seconds afterwards.

The healing reduction in PvP from the new Storm of Destruction is 25% with a 10 second duration (the same as Mortal Strike). Sharpen Blade is a 50% healing reduction with a 4 second duration.


No it doesn’t warrant a nerf. You need to learn to play better instead of coming here to the beta feedback forums and in bad faith demanding nerfs to underperforming classes because you suck at PvP.

Again, warriors do ZERO healing. Only self-healing, and they need that self-healing, it’s a big part of their core kit.
Evokers have a ton of self-healing as well.


Evokers have the worst self healing of each class actually. That shows me you know nothing of the situation if this self healing crisis we have. You simply want to keep your second wind overtuned and your crazy active and passive self healing. No dps class except a hybrid should be healing like this. Demon hunter is the same way. Give evoker second wind and impending victory and heal to full effects like everyone else if this is what’s going to be allowed.

youre arguing with someone who pves almost exclusively about pvp.

pvp isnt tuned yet. wait til they start tuning because rn no one dies anyway. second wind does seem problematic

Please I’m begging you undo this change Blizzard this feels terrible and Blademaster Torment now feels dead, if you want lower the time of Bladestorm or lower the damage but please this makes Avatar and the flow of arms feel terrible please undo


Why should a hybrid class self-heal better in practice than a non-hybrid class, especially when said non-hybrid is traditionally an endurance brawler?

In your context, “hybrids” are “hybrids” because…

  1. they have on-demand healing (in addition to or in place of some part of their obligatory/“free” self-sustain), and
  2. they can use that on-demand healing on others.

But that’s it. It’s an addendum to or capacity siphoned from self-sustain.

And if you’re not willing to waste the GCDs to perform that additional healing anyways, why should, say, a leather-wearing caster, or even a rabid cat, out-endure a “too angry to die” plate-wearing Berserker?

Every class uses magic in some form.

  • You do not near-instantaneously leap 35 meters while wearing 100 kgs of armor without some degree and form of innate magic; else, you’d be able to do so repeatedly until having exhausted yourself in general (which, funnily enough, would then function all the more like Mana does on a classic caster).
  • Nor can one cause earthquakes, create sonic blasts capable of inflicting immediate and severe hemorrhage, reflect spells, or heal oneself by hitting others… without, again, some degree and form of innate magic.
  • Hunters, meanwhile, pull traps out of their butt cracks, have infinite ammo, and fire flintlocks at over 4 shots per second, can turn “camouflage” even without cover, and can vault backwards off of thin air.

I have never seen “magic” brought into a question of capacities except out of self-serving bias. It’s irrelevant. Different specs have different niches. Warrior’s DPS specs’ are the 5-cap brawler.


Honestly I disagree entirely. It’s just shifting which talents you play. Personally I like the change a lot, and it makes me feel like I can play other for single target or blademasters for very obviously cleave matchups or depending on affix’s in M+

The very high uptime on sweaping strikes if played right is much more enjoyable then a send and forget baby bladestorm.

It’s better to just ignore this guys posts. He’s been trolling on and off for a few days. It’s very likely the only reason he jumped into another class-sections forums before blizzard is even close to done with beta/numbers tuning (Which is traditionally what they do near the last few weeks not the start of beta.)

That or he’s just very likely very in-experienced in PvP as his achievements suggest. It happens with a lot of people newer to pvp that see something as “Overpowered” when they can’t beat it. We’ve all been there, bad Cooldown choices at bad times, poorly optimized use of defensives, bad cc setup so on.

My experience with the new warrior talents and hero talents have been pretty positive. I am happy to see distinctive and different play styles for the hero talents and I’m happy to see the hero talents are mostly passive in effect and don’t change what a warrior feels like.

My only major issue i have with warriors is the lack of added group utility. In a game where meta determines who the masses invite to their group based on major group utilities (combat rez, blood lust, mystic touch, chaos brand, anti- magic zone, etc) warriors bring the least group support out of all the classes currently and thus if you don’t tank you are less likely to be invited to groups. Our one real support we offer with rallying cry seems to be over shadowed by mages mass barrier. I would love to see warriors get some kind of group utility making them more valuable to a group. Give them a war cry that gives blood lust, a debuff to enemies that increases group wide damage, a healing hook chain that acts like death grip like they have in sod to provide some added control. Add a talent that buffs rallying cry to reduce damage coming to all affected. Just something that fits the theme.


The discussion was not just about PvP. Vokej demanded to nerf warrior self-healing in general.

And I quote:

And then proceeded to LIE to further their point:

Also warrior self-healing in PvP was already gutted, warriors heal less in PvP than in PvE.

Wait until Vokej does some solo shuffle and encounters paladins (1% to 100% heal in a gcd), maybe that would change their minds about warriors self-healing too much.