Feedback: Warriors

Fury Warrior Slayer:
Again I’d like to point out that the spec desyncs our Recklessness and Bladestorm.
If they are not meant to always be used in conjuction, then Bladestorm can have a shorter cooldown as it did back in Shadowlands.

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I have to disagree here. It doesn’t solve the issue of the other talents feeling good. It just makes the other talents more appealing since this was nerfed. But, they still feel meh.

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I mean, they still haven’t fixed slayer at all from what I’ve played, so still untestable

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The word hybrid is a meme thrown around. Hybrids were almost never real. Quick trip down memory lane…
Only hybrid that ever properly existed was druid iirc, paladin was meant to be a hybrid but instead acted more as a healer or buff bot.

Tank wasn’t even a real role in vanilla, every “tank” is just a highly geared warrior that equipped his shield and a top tank build was fury/prot iirc. Burning Crusade “hybrids” if you can call them that were a mess then they added DK the best class at everything during its expansion and that was the end of anything resembling the hybrid meme.

No one hearing it knows what it is meant to be, no one can define it themselves, no one can point to in game examples except some old druid specs in the jurassic era of WoW.

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DK’s tank spec back then was Frost. I was a sad panda when they changed it to Blood.

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ARMS general:

The removal of whirlwind when taking cleave was a huge step in the right direction.

For colossus and slayer, we can improve on this further as the bloat is still there.

I am looking primary at the interaction between Rend, skull splitter and thunderclap w/ blood and thunder regardless of hero specialization.

I would remove blood and thunder entirely leaving T clap as largely a defensive sort of option of Arms for the AOE slow in the main tree, albeit not as strong as piercing howl.

I would then move blood and thunder aspect of spreading rend as a different passive node in the ARMS tree so when you overpower you spread rend to all nearest targets if you have Rend on your primary target.

I would remove Skull splitter entirely. I would modify the bloodletting talent node so that when you blade storm or ravager it does what skull splitter did causing targets to bleed out faster. Pure single target you probably taking ravager anyway and for AOE blade storm.

Rage regeneration tuned in mind of all this with rend cost going up.

Fury general:

Maybe some love to Odyn’s fury as an option.


Demolish feels good so the tree itself is fine. Class fantasy of a big chunky hit is good while monitoring stacks and timing.


Just needs some tuning.

Mountain Thane:

Just further tuning.

Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I hate the ravager animation and it doesn’t make sense as we don’t use magic besides the lightning imbued aspect for thane.

What would make more sense is if you had an animation that slammed your weapon into the ground at the target like the actual weapon you are using and then you do a series of bursty attack swinging viciously with another weapon you pull out from behind your back like a whole animation sequence.

Also, for thane the avatar should be larger or more noticeable and for colossus I would drag the animation further into the ground, so the attack feels even more weighty.

You’re remembering wrong. DK’s had the concept of having both tank and dps available to all specs, so you could Blood tank, Unholy tank, and Frost tank. It’s just that the “stance” that enabled tanking was Frost Presence, and it was available to every Death Knight.

That later got redesigned into Blood being the tank spec. Part of that was probably that it became the best performing spec by the end of Wrath, and the idea of using “a different type of tank” who was more about self-sustain appealed to Blizzard. People still used Frost spec in Frost Presence to “tank” certain encounters in Cataclysm despite being a dps spec, for fights that required kiting. That solely came down to being able to use Howling Blast from range to apply quick fast threat and slow mobs at the same time.

Druids were also a heal bot in Vanilla, outside of perhaps PvP and soloing.

Although to be fair, Warriors are hybrids too. Just hybrids that don’t have a heal spec. Any class with multiple roles is a hybrid class in WoW, which essentially goes back to the actual English definition of the word “hybrid”.


Please add attack speed ramp up for Single Minded Fury talent node for Berserker theme.

Oh. the season 1 war within warrior tier set like last season of shadowlands should have the face blotted out in black besides the lightning animations.

Warcraft faces have always looked a little goofy and it would make the set look a lot better over multiple race.


I would prefer they reduce bloat but can also leverage existing ability like our shouts to be more impactful crowd control wise.

I would love to have Mountain Thane Avatar animation be slightly bigger. It finally makes Avatar look good. I would also love to have some Avatar changing glyphs even if behind some sort of chain quest like Warlocks keep getting for greenfire and pets in DF.

Imagine having HotS Muradin’s Avatar animation! So awesome.

In terms of feedback for Prot:

  • Disrupting Shout should be a silence and not just an interrupt to be on par with other tanks ability to disrupt aoe packs.
  • Spell block could have its CD increased to 2mnts and being added to Anger Management cdr.

I still don’t like our capstones, Shield charge, Ravager and BSV. Dance of death and Storm of steel might as well not be there. I wish ravager was moved up and we would get a totally new spell as a capstone on that side.

Fury feedback:

With Raging Blow becoming a filler ability it could be nice to have some changes to it.
Remove the cooldown and charges from Raging Blow, slightly reduce its damage and rage generated and have the 20% chance be to do extra damage and generate extra rage instead of reset its own cooldown.
This way we will have a proper spammable filler.

Restore the rage cost of Slam and increase its damage, and make Rampage replace Slam. So while leveling, fury warriors will always have a rage spender.


I mean I dont even play fury but Slam…

And whirlwind too honestly, forcing GCD lock with these filler moves sucks imo but maybe people who play the spec disagree

Being GCD locked is one of the prime things people like about Fury, stemming from a time where it was a lot less common for specs to be. Even though it isn’t exactly unique anymore, Annihilator already proved what people think about even the potential for an unfilled GCD, however rarely it happens in practice.

Whirlwind became a much poorer filler in Dragonflight due to shifting its rage generation into a talent that you won’t always take. Prior to that, it helped fill the rotation by generating a little bit of rage to help you build up to the next Rampage - now it’s just a trivial amount of damage and Slam is no better.

I don’t mind the charges, because even if it should rarely ever be an issue, it gives you something to think about while playing through the rotation. Your idea of proccing bonus damage/rage is interesting, but I feel like it’s too passive - it’s not anything you’re ever going to watch for or concern yourself with when you have no control over it. Being too strong could also introduce failure states where RB is a better button (than something else) when it procs but a worse button when it doesn’t, which just feels like a poorly designed lottery.

I doubt we’ll see too much at this stage, but personally, I would consider increasing Improved Raging Blow to a 30-35% chance to reset, with Wrath & Fury pushing that to 50% (for niche builds focusing more on RB), and changing Hack & Slash into a new effect that better aligns with the intended gameplay. Slam and Whirlwind should also generate a token ~5 rage.

  • This would retain the current rotational flavor, while making it less likely you ever actually starve out of RB charges unless you’re actively over-using it, without actually making it too static.
  • Introducing a new talent is always tricky. There are several things Hack & Slash could do, though they need to be weighed against how much the player is expected to prioritize the talent and ensuing point tax within the tree. Push comes to shove, it could stay how it is for the time being though, since it isn’t exactly in the way of anything.

Guess I just don’t understand the appeal and that’s okay then


Honestly, recognizing that not everything needs to be personally relevant might be the most mature piece of feedback in this entire thread.


I’m sorry, that is too funny. Makes it hard to think you all could test well…

30%, wow

  • Arms
    • All ability damage increased by 30%.
    • Overpower damage increased by an additional 20%.
  • Fury
    • All ability damage increased by 30%.

It’s not that crazy. Both Arms and Fury lost a tremendous amount of power in the game-wide armor reduction, which didn’t affect other classes offensively. Arms also lost a lot of universal power in the Torment changes making them more circumstantial effects, and Fury’s power has been pretty hard to gauge due to the AM/RA bugs.

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As a warrior, I can say I’m filled with rage at the recent changes. Just kidding, I can’t even say that because rage generation in TWW is down bad.

While certainly a numbers tuning in our favor, the oversight in utility remains and it makes me want to charge into a wall head first that we cannot get this right.


Rally is cheeks compared to evoker / mage in 5 man content. Give us a choice node to compete. Give us lust. Give us a bleed cleanse for our party. Man just give us any utility that makes bringing a warrior worth a damn.

Here are some examples of good utility, then the warrior class.

Shadowpriest - PI, Mass Dispel, Soothe, Cure Disease, Shackle, Mindcontrol, VE, uncapped fear

Mage - Lust, Mass Barrier, Spellsteal, poly, Dragonsbreath, Blastwave, Decurse, perma slow as frost, mass slow, mass poly, ring of frost, mass invis

Ret - Freedom, Battle Res, BoP, Sac, Lay on Hands, blind (uncapped btw), hoj, wake of ashes stun, cleanse poison, WoG

Warrior - stormbolt, shockwave, TARGET CAPPED FEAR, 3 minute rally


Really happy to see AM change was reverted. Slayer fury is looking really fun next xpac.