Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

Please massively buff Mountain Thane for Fury warrior.


So Iā€™ve had the opportunity to play Arms and Fury specs, trying out thane and slayer hero specs. Hereā€™s what I think:

So, off the bat, there doesnā€™t feel like an awful lot that differentiates the two DPS trees beyond single and multi target abilities. Yes, furyā€™s got rampage and bloodthirst, while arms has mortal strike and overpower, but aside from the general aesthetics of those abilities, they feel very same-same. What Iā€™d expect from the two specs are:

  • Arms: Heavy hitters. Powerful strikes but slow to swing. Arms should want to boost their haste to increase their attack speed, to get more of those powerful blows in. Abilities would be things like colossus smash and armor reduction like we used to have way back when. Executes that actually feel like youā€™re finishing someone off, not simply hitting them for another small chunk of their life. They parry better because theyā€™re skilled with weaponry.

  • Fury: Fast and bloody. This is where Iā€™d expect to see rend. Fury abilities should boost and extend the timer for bleed effects. Hit them fast, hit them a lot, spread the cuts and bleeds all over the place. Fury warriors should focus on boosting crit, increasing the amount of DoT damage they dole out, maybe high leech bonuses to keep them alive as they drain their enemiesā€™ blood.

Thatā€™s how I feel like the two specs should be. Once upon a time, warriors got to pick talents that let them focus on certain weapon types, and it actually mattered. Axes were slow and hit hard, swords were fast and hit less hard, maces were in the middle but had a chance to stun. You took that all away and homogenized the weapon damages, making it not matter, and that took away a lot of the flavor of warrior specs. So instead, Iā€™d say speed and power should be the difference.

Hero specs:

  • Thane is quite interesting. The whole lightning aspect is enjoyable. Maybe building off of it a bit more? Lightning strikes is great when they randomly happen. The explosive power of the thunder blast is very satisfying. That said, I feel like something a bit less random would add nicely to it. As it is, we rely entirely on RNG for the benefits of the thane spec. Yes, that RNG is supposedly high, but we still have no control over it. Maybe having a charge meter that builds up the more times our lightning strikes occur, and ultimately allows us to fire it all off in one massive hit that chains lightning through any nearby enemies? Thatā€™d be incredible, and really give us the feeling of control beyond when thunder crash triggers.

  • Slayer: Oh Slayer. I guess my big question is: why do slayer talents focus on raging blow/bloodthirst and mortal strike/overpower? Those kind of boosts could just go in the spec trees themselves. Having so much of the hero talents be about mild boosts to pre-existing abilities just feels ā€¦ lazy, honestly. It doesnā€™t feel ā€œheroicā€, and they certainly donā€™t say ā€œslayerā€ to me. I donā€™t even know what I would do to change slayer, because thereā€™s so little to it. The left side of the tree works, I think. Slayer strikes + marked for death + the boost to bladestorm. They play well off each other. Something more of that? Because as it is, the opposing sides of the tree are at odds with each other. Boosting MS/OP or BT/RB at the same time as execute and bladestorm means one trigger is waiting while you use the other. Thatā€™s wasted potential. Iā€™ve got a sudden death waiting to be used but Iā€™m in the middle of mortal striking because that just popped or Iā€™ve got a boosted rampage but Iā€™m currently in an extended bladestorm. Iā€™d rather have the two sides of the tree play more off each other, like Thaneā€™s does. And honestlyā€¦ aesthetically, thereā€™s nothing to Slayer. No bolts of lightning arcing from out of nowhere or exploding from the ground like Thane has. You donā€™t get a sense that anything is happening. Could we get some sort of visual representation of some of the things that trigger in slayer? The little skull that pops up over somethingā€™s head when itā€™s marked for death is a good start, but easily lost in the chaos of battle.

These are all just my thoughts from having played now for several weeks.


Honestly agree with you, i really wish mountain thane had more single target burst, i really do. I like the way fury plays but i like bigger hits so i kind of have to play arms for that, which is sad. I love lighting animations so much

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Add some Avatar effects to Colossus Warrior. Either random procs or on demolish use. Can incentivize being able to chain together long extra avatar windows with demolish CD reduction.

Demolish should also avoid all interruption.

It is kinda weird overall it doesnā€™t gain any extra Avatar effects as a Colossus.

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