Feedback: Warband Conversion -- June 18

  • For any achievements that are newly account wide, did they combine correctly across your characters?

Some specific achievements I tracked from the PVP subsection:

Deepwind Gorge Veteran - YES, progress is combining properly across all characters and the wins are adding up when I log in a newly transferred character.

Market Dominance
Well Gorged
Cruisn’ For a Brewsin’
A Good Start

These four have no progress at all on any character, I assume that’s a result of the transfer to beta altogether.

Veteran of the Horde II
Seething Shore Veteran
Temple of Kotmogu Veteran
Silvershard Mines Veteran

These four achievements are not updating progress with alt data, every character just sees the static number my main character (the one with the most progress) has on live.

None of the battleground blitz achievements are sharing progress - unsure if it’s a feature of beta or error that needs looked into.

For reputations: The only 2 dragonflight reputations that transferred over on my main are Glimerogg Racer: professional, and Winterpelt Furbolg: Exalted; no other dragonflight reps/renown are listed; when I go to the Valdrakken Accord quartermaster she tells me my renown is 0 as well. Alts in the warband are not showing reputations either; the first character I logged in is max rank with all dragonflight renowns & reps -

Decreator - Reputation (

Thank you,

Amended my update as some reputations went down and were not carried through.

Reminder to bring the warbank costs to acceptable achievable goals for the wider community. A price build up to a 500k last tab (total cost 750k-1m) would be a real challenge for most players but still within reach, as opposed to 2.5m last tab and 3.1m total cost.


I copied exactly this character over to Beta about 2-3 days prior to this test being announced. I believe it was June 14th or 15th that I copied this character over.
Definitely do NOT have my Dragonflight reputations copied over from Live. In Live I am 23/24 Valdrakken, and in Beta it is 0. I forget what all my reputation numbers are, but they are almost all maxxed out. Just thought I’d confirm here that “known issue” of DF reps not copying over.

I do have all of my DF flight paths. I have not yet checked other continents to verify those from past expacs.

I initially purchased the warband on a fresh Beta alt rather than my main that I copied over, so I’m wondering if that was or is the issue? Maybe one needs to be careful which alt they use to purchase the warband on, rather than just randomly picking an alt and purchasing the warband?? Maybe I missed some preparation step?

Furthermore, I am unable to transfer ANY currencies via Warband transfer to another alt. Or visa versa for that matter (I went and got some Sightless Eyes in Dalaran Sewers on a brand new alt and tried to transfer them, but I cannot). The transfer option is greyed out. Clicking on a currency does nothing but show the option to show a reputatino bar, to show the currency on my backpack, and I can see the transfer option, but it is greyed out unable to perform any actions.

I have not yet looked through my achievements to validate. Will do so at my next login.

Logged in multiple times now on several characters (I’ve copied 5 over) and their transmog collections are not making the transfer. They show up on the initial warband screen in their transmog but once I log in they look like circus clowns and 3/4 of the looks I’ve collected are gone and their saved looks are screwed up. In addition, achievements keep popping up and it wants me to redo old quests such as the allied races quests.

Pretty sure only the achievements thing is working as intended as I’ve yet to see the same one pop up on multiple characters

I just logged on the PTR for the 1st time after copying my chars and it just shows the 6 beta chars I created, not the 20+ chars I copied on the PTR from retail. :cry:

Aside from some currencies not being shared (Tol Barad commendations as an example) I love every feature of Warbands ingame so far save for one…The Login and Character selection screen and here is my long winded selfish reason why…

Over the years I have collected 50+ alts across 6 “connected servers” for various reasons. I like playing different race/class combos, I enjoy the tidy, organized look and feel of my characters listed in each server screen (Horde and Alliance together and classes organized in the list) and I use different servers for various reasons but mainly for guild bank alts and name availability purposes. I’ve also spent a lot of money over the years on server transfers and other services to get my account right where I want it and quite frankly the Warband character listing will appear like pure chaos on my screen lol

Having said all that please consider a toggle option between the new format and the classic character lists currently on live servers. I realize this is a cosmetic complaint but I spent a lot of money to combat my OCD as it relates to my WoW account lol If you guys can make a “Arachnophobia Mode” you can surely provide a toggle for warband/classic character selection screens for OCD weirdos like me :stuck_out_tongue:


If you drag whatever four characters are in the “Favorites” section of the character list
below it (or leave it empty), you can hit the yellow “-” on that section and it will hide the warband screen entirely. Though, currently, it will keep expanding upon logging in/out of the game (hopefully this is simply a bug).

When you go to realm selection, there’s a tab at the bottom for switching between beta and PTR.

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  • Reps went in smoothly. Only thing I can’t seem to do is transfer currency between alts to test that option out.

Thank you very much. Never thought about this :slight_smile: :woman_facepalming:

Understood and I’ve already realized this by testing the beta. My understanding is when 11.0.x goes live the “Warband” character list will contain all WoW characters for that WoW account regardless of the server they are on. So my understanding is that the list will contain all 50+ characters I have on my main account. We cant see or test how this looks yet in the beta as far as I know.

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I just checked, as there are several PTR servers, and your character list and the favorites around the campfire are per server.

So really the lists have not changed, it’s all still per server, it just has a new display layer on top.

OK, this is weird. I just logged into my character, highest M+ score on my account of 1456, and I have the achievement for Keystone Hero Season 4. What’s more is that I’ve got KSH for the first two seasons and I definitely did not make those cuts.

I logged into one of my warband characters and was awarded two KSH mounts even though I’ve never achieved that rating on a single character, I did have multiple characters with rating though for both seasons

Okay, I copied 36 characters to the PTR, including 10 level 70s. I am exalted with all major factions of Dragonflight, including Dream Wardens, on several characters. On the PTR my achievement list shows that I have ‘Champion of the Dragonflights’ achievement however, none of my characters is showing any reputation for Dragonflight at all, with the exception of Glimmerog and the Winterpelt Furbolg which show up on one character. Dream Wardens show up as ‘Faction Locked’.
Some of my Dragonflight achievements have carried over but some are missing, and it’s honestly too long a list to compare here, but all six of the major factions are missing in the 100 exalted reputations achievement. I am currently 97 / 100 on Live and 91 / 100 on the PTR.
None of my reputations from any of the previous expansions reflect the Warband, each remains as it is on Live. All of the points made in the OP are present in the current PTR. Essentially, the only major change I’ve noticed as far as Warbands go is shared transmog and access to the Warband Bank.
I would appreciate a blue post soon regarding the unrealistically exorbitant Warband Bank costs, and whether the current PTR cost will remain as is when the expansion goes live.

Speaking of receiving unearned things. I got the white scales for my Windborne Velocidrake, only that one. I do not have the white scales in the current game. I have not done the quest.
On the other hand, very few of the customizations I actually do have were transferred.

After a quick check of my 20+ copieds chars, here my 1st observations (I concentrated mainly on achievements and transmogs in the 1st step):

All transmogs from the trading post are missing - which results in some very funny appearances of the chars. The achievement for “12 months trading post” is missing as well. Speaking of transmog: All saved templates for mogging are broken.

The FoS for the legendary weapons (Thunderfury etc.) only appear when logging on the char, which earned the weapon originally. Some other achievements popped up when logging on the char, which earned them, some (“long, strange journey” i.e.) appear when logging on a char which def NOT earned the achievement originally.

A short question: In reatail I’ve some (mostly garrison related) achievements earned by a long deleted char (shown as "Earned by " "). Will I lose them with the conversion, since I cannot log on the char in question?

Warband bank seems to work as intended, but the costs are - as mentioned by many posters - absolutely ridicilous. “Deposit alll warband items” only pulls the items from the chars bank, but not from the bags.

Amongst my toons I copied over, I see all ‘recent’ achievements seem to be Draenor ones rather than actual recent ones, with the date of login rather than original achievement date.

Mount count between toons is inconsistent, despite having checked ‘collected’ and ‘unusuable’ which means it should be the same. I’ve seen numbers from 460 to 467 depending on the toon. Discrepancy exists even on toons copied today (copied 2 to test).

Warband bank seems to be working amongst the toons. Cost is prohibitive, especially given the sheer amount of crafting materials out there, the tab would quickly fill up, needing to buy more tabs which frankly, make one want to go to the effort of making a bank guild.

The items I most mail between toons is crafting materials and rep items, both of which were plentiful in DF and seem to be equally plentiful in TWW. As it stands, the Warbands bank is a minor convenience for the price of the first tab. After that, I’d be back to using mail anyway as more cost effective.

Not everyone is a gold farmer. Before SL had to scrape up money to buy flight for my alts. If you want Warbands to be considered, other than the cosmetic login page, please reconsider the pricing.

Many of these have already been reported, but here follows what I’ve tested:

Currency: Working OK, I can successfully transfer them between my characters (transfer from other characters to the one I’m logged on, and having the new amount updated on both characters).

Warband Bank: Seems to work as intented, could transfer items and reagents between characters. Was able to also deposit and withdraw gold between them. I also checked that some reagents were availiable to use from the Warband Bank (haven’t tested a lot, but some old ones were availiable).
Don’t know if it’s only for organization, but I assigned a tab for Reagents and Other for Equipment only for current expansion, yet I was able to deposit anything on them and for any expansion (except for soulbound items, which were correctly locked).

Also, cost is somewhat expensive, I’m no money farmer, but I could only purchase 4 tabs, and after I transfered the gold from my alts into my main. Feel like it’s a little too expensive, since reagents would easily fill up these tabs, or maybe I should only fill it with more usable reagents, like the Primal elements from BC, that aren’t exclusive to a single profession.

Flight Paths: I lost flight points that I already had, instead of merging the ones from all characters (Known Issue).

Reputations: l lost all Dragonflight reputations, but all my older ones are intact (Known Issue)

-Collections menu-

Appearances: Many sets and appearances have been lost. I’ve even had some items on my bag, that I previously had collected, that now shows that I still haven’t collected the appearance, and from all armor types (plate through cloth) and weapons.

Toys: lost a lot of toys on the transfer, and also lost the tag of favorites on every one of them.

Pets: Lost almost every one of them, the only ones I’ve had were either from personal achievements from that character (Perky Pug for example), in-game shop or promotions/events.

Heirlooms: Lost all of them. I was only able to obtain one of them again when I copied a character that was using one of the heirlooms.

Mounts: Seems that every one of them is here, even the ones from Pandaria Remix that I’ve recently aquired before copying the characters.

–End of collections menu–

Map: The map was fully explored on my main, that I previously had explored with as well.
I also don’t know if trivial quests, like from Outland, also count as Warband Completed Quests, but if it does, I’m still seeing old completed quests that I’ve done on an alt before.

Achievements: I “re-earned” some old achievements, yet lost some others that I already had that were unlocked in my account. For example:

  • Explorer Achievements: I had the Kalimdor achievement unlocked in my main as an account wide unlock, missing only Explore Mulgore. That was reverted, and now it shows that I haven’t completed that achievement, missing only Explore Mulgore. This happens with other types of achievements, such as Quests and Reputation Achievements. I also lost the Explorer title because of this.
  • Heritage and Allied Races: Missing allied races from Alliance that I’ve unlocked, and all the Heritage achievements for all the allied races.
  • Tranquil Master: Like the previous, I had unlocked through alts and lost it on my main now, but I also lost some progression. In retail, I had defeated the Sha of Doubt, Despair, Violence and Anger. On PTR after copying, I only killed Doubt and Anger.
  • Bloody Rare: I hadn’t unlocked this achievement on retail, but lost progress as well, killing over 11 rares on Retail but only having 3 of them on PTR.

Some of these achievements were “re-earned” after entering with a character that had earned said achievement, like Exile’s Reach and “Heritage” of an allied Race. But others that had account-wide progression such as Quests Completed didn’t get all the progress. I had 7067 quests completed on Retail and 3273 on PTR . I didn’t copy every character that I have on retail, but the number didn’t change when I copied a new one for testing.

I also tested earning the appearances on old content, which I don’t know if it’s needed for this test, but it is a Warband feature to earn every appearance on every character, right :grin:? Below are my results:
Earning appearances: Working OK. Most of my appearances were lost as I said before, so I was basically collecting new appearances every instance I went on. Tokens are also working correctly, being Warbound and able to be transfered and used on alts.
The test was done as following and for testing the tokens for each expansion:

  • Siege of Orgimmar (Normal, used skip to Garrosh) - Essences from Garrosh
  • Icecrown Citadel (H25, Deathbringer Saurfang) - Marks of Santification from bosses
  • The Eye - Armor tokens from bosses
  • Blackrock Foundry (Mythic) - Armor tokens from bosses and Essences (Quest item) from Blackhand

Whenever I acquire a new appearance that doesn’t belong to my armor or weapon proficiency, I’m not sent to the appearance tab when I click on the “appearance unlock” pink textbox, like I can when I get one from my type of armor/weapon. Also, sometimes when I learned a new appearance from a set that isn’t from my class/armor type, it would show in my Sets tab, but without changing the class on the new filter that was added (e.g. a Paladin Set but I still was on my Rogue filter). It’s not a problem for me, but maybe it’ll confuse some people when seeing the set/items.

Anything I previously reported still stands, but I took my mage into Sunken Temple to test adding appearances of other types. It was closest to her Stonard portal.

I was able to add a mace and a shield, along with whatever grays dropped. Items dropped from bosses were added immediately, and the grays required I equip them- yes, even the non-cloth! Or they got added when I vendored them.

Has anyone been able to test the transfer of currencies? I have a Main with Tons of Currency and an alt with Tons of Currencies. Both copied but when I try to test them it shows nothing is available for transfer.