- Everyone was rubber banding and Teleporting on my screen not a normal running also input delays
- as far as i know Everyone even people in my group was complaining
- i did 2 STV Event yesterday
- North area near Helmet camp
- The Middle altar - The time was GMT+1 on my area so its :
- 8:00 PM GMT+1
- 11:00 PM GMT+1 - WildGrowth-US
Beta Thread
The core engine of this game isn’t designed to run this kind of event it sounds like?
Is blizzard going to spend the entire length of this phase trying to fix something that will become pointless when the next phase is released?
You betchax
crusader strike us - literally unplayable every single event.
3pm 2/25 → 4 of us in one layer, 5th person stuck out. At ZG altar. Entire group relogs, now a new 5th person is stuck out in their own layer, repeat 10-15 times, cant fix it. Event starts, 5th person layers into our layer, and the lag instantly starts with a literal 5-10 second delay between every cast and rubberbanding everywhere. Terrible experience.
6pm 2/25 → 5 of us trying to play. 5-10sec delay and rubber banding everywhere. Game lagging so bad that at arena I didnt even get blood for any kills and couldnt cast on people that looked like they were right in front of me.
Please just revert every single PR you’ve done since the original launch and start over. Every single “fix” has made this event worse. It is completely unplayable now.
Make it pure free for all. you guys cleary said on a Q/A vod, you will punish grouped members,. i haven’t seen anything about this being done as of yet.
Feedback wanted… excellent.
Reconsider the hunter nerf. Start at 15% reduction and go from there if needed. It’s fine to bring us in line, but tune with a scalpel not a chainsaw, maybe??
Sunday, Feb 25 at 3:00 pm server time on Crusader Strike US, STV was completely unplayable due to lag. It was only during the last 3 minutes of the event was the lag tolerable.
Upon death and running to my body, I would sometimes be unable to rez. Players would be completely skipping around the screen. This was north central STV.
I realize this might not be helpful as it’s “I was lagging”, but this particular time was horrendous.
I wonder if lag could be better if this was changed to a queued event? For example, just a large battleground where we are instanced via a loading screen rather than layered. I’m assuming the mass layering to one single layer is similar to an instanced state, but just offering a tidbit that, if it fixed the lag, I wouldn’t care if I had to go through a loading screen to get into STV.
Basically almost like a battle royale where we pic where to spawn and we load in around that general area.
8:40 AM Wild Growth NA. Everywhere I go on the entire map (every zone!) appears to be one layer. There are bots everywhere killing everything in sight. I saw a multiboxer running at least six characters. Questing is impossible.
Please for the love of all things holy bring back the layers as they were a few days ago. This is unplayable.
Thanks for telling us after we ran around in STV solo while the 4 other people were in the same spot but couldn’t layer. I ran out of STV and back in and took a summon. Literally wasting my time with this nonsense that you could have communicated BEFORE changing. Another failed communication by the dev team. Just learn to be transparent and communicate before you change stuff. If you are worried people are gonna complain then maybe it’s not a great change or get over yourselves.
It’s a 10% dmg reduction and the last 4 bosses are getting armor reduced to = 10%, so you’re still on top. Stop crying.
I don’t know what you guys did but the lag today was like 10 times worse.
Man. There arent enough layers now. Every layer im on is 80% botters now
Layering is a disaster now. There are no materials anywhere. It’s an absolute swarm of bots. Go look at shimmering flats tomorrow morning on Lone Wolf. It is almost comical if it wasn’t so depressing. You can’t quest, you can’t farm, about the only thing you can do is farm honor off the bots.
Lone wolf US server
Tried bloodmoon at 3pm server time and it was much much better. Nobody in our team got layered and lag was minimal.
A few things about the Blood Moon event in STV in it’s current state:
The current meta of group fighting near an alter with Blood Loa in proximity draws the bulk of players in each layer to one, central location. This creates a significant amount of graphical clutter and completely dissolves what would be fun, small group PvP. It likely contributes to the horrible input lag and stuttering people are experiencing.
An idea? For starters…spin up additional layers leading up to the event start time. The players that have chosen to ‘opt out’ of the event should be sent to their own layer so as not to add to player counts on event layers. This also removes from confusion among players that see an enemy, kill said enemy, and receive 0 blood not realizing that player had opted out.
The Drained of Blood debuff is a nice QOL implement, but in current form has a lot of shortcomings. It is currently possible to grief respawns with non-targeted AoE slowing effects (Frost Trap, totems, etc) and players may also find themselves feared or caught by frost novas while trying to reposition or meet up with their group. Please change this to a simple immunity much like Paladin’s Divine Shield and all of these nuisances go away.
Keeping with the Drained of Blood debuff, some class abilities work in prep for next engagements while others do not. It feels very inconsistent. Example for Warriors; I can stance swap into Defensive Stance from whatever my active stance was when I died, but I am unable to swap into Battle Stance or Berserker Stance. This leads to typically a 1st action stance swap once the Drained of Blood debuff has worn off. I’m sure other class/spec have examples of inconsistent application of what can and cannot be used while under the effects.
Can we just nix the alters and add a special action button ‘Pray to the Blood God’ that players can use anywhere in the zone? That is a 5 sec cast that converts the blood to blood coins? Just a thought…
The biggest issue currently plaguing the event is the horrible lag. This lag is not as persistent in non-peak hours or not present at all…so clearly it is the servers struggling with the number of players and calculation requests occurring during peak hours.
While alter bombing can reward 400+ coins to a melee hunting killing blows during peak lag fest, this same type of struggle can award a mage or other AoE proficient spec many times more. That being said, non-peak hour melee cleaves have awarded me 1400+ coins where the fighting is more localized, tactical, and not hindered by server performance.
Can confirm that people have been camping spawns with Frost Traps.
Add that to the hundreds of reasons why everyone hates hunters.
Personally, I can’t think of a scenario where packing hundreds people on a layer makes the game better in any way. Before this change, the layers felt like ancient Vanilla/TBC - which is cool, but I think it was too few. After this change, it feels like there’s too many - making whatever your objectives are harder to achieve.
The gameplay experience on a single layer with 100 players and 5x spawn rate is much less enjoyable than having 5 layers, with 20 players each, at 1x spawn rate.
You could make the argument that more layers equals more inflation from bots, but I personally feel it would be better to make the gameplay experience itself the priority - and manually deal with the bots on Blizzards end.
Just my opinion.
How about you fix the classes before fixing the layers? How about you make a way for solo players to actually get blood in the event more than a single drop from grinding mobs 1 at a time and then losing it all diving to the altar anyway. How about you do that and then think about fixing the layering.
Oh warlock is even worse. You can swap into meta form, but you can’t put up armor, so first cast out the gate is wasting half your mana to try not and die in 2 hits. So you already start at a disadvantage vs every melee class. Then there’s the sh*t burst so you can’t last hit anything anyway, and you end up with an event entirely biased against a single class.
GJ blizz with runes, here we are with retail 2.0 everyone has everything but Warriors and Rogues kind of still feel like era but suck a lot more now.