Feedback: Shamans

Is there any way to refund the new expansion? i am literally not gonna play it :joy:


I’m already being supportive by paying them my monthly subscription fee… as a customer… who’s paying…

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Can request a refund through support. Explain that you’re not happy with the lack of communication from the dev team alongside the lack of any meaningful changes coming to the class you enjoy playing and you want your money back.

Barring that, if you never plan on playing WoW again, file a chargeback through your bank.


i got the expansion as a gift from a guildie, is it still possible to refund it?
prob no right

Ahhhh probably not. Can still put in the ticket and see if they will send your guildie their money back, but when it comes to gifts I am not 100% sure.

Hi Wowdev, can we get a simple public statement about the state of TWW for Shamans? The community is drowning in pessimism over where the class is at the moment.
Can you just say clearly if:

  1. There is something coming for shamans soon
  2. If you think there is no big changes needed for shamans beyond tuning, please let us know why you think that.

Don’t leave us dangling on a hook. I can only speak for my experience but Totemic is horrible to play on enh and it does not push any fantasy of totem based combat. Also can you add some QOL by turning windfury into an aura or giving enh some benefit or fun when dropping it (ie less of a chore).


I don’t play shaman, but wanted to comment this 100%.

My buddy is a shaman main and has lost all excitement for the war within because of the lack of communication/changes.


Why make a feedback post for shaman if you’re not making any changes, or even acknowledging the class exists?


I put this in the warlock feedback, it’s both feedback for warlocks but also a message for devs <3. Just gotta slide these into all the other feedback forums lol.

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Here’s my feedback: fire the community manager. I don’t care at this point if there are no updates, the complete lack of ANY form of communication is negligence on a profound scale.

The mismanagement is absolutely mind boggling. And yes, I am salty.


More video people make fun shaman wow lol


More people complain in video


They do read the forums but to say they care more about feedback specifically from the forums is a wild take. I’m not saying they don’t look at the forums but it’s a stretch to say that the stuff posted on the forums is the main driver of changes implemented in this game given that a large portion of people’s feedback is given without any consideration of other players who focus on different aspects of the game, people of different skill level, how their suggestion will impact areas of the game, or consider if their suggestion/feedback is grounded in reality. Hell, most people lack the verbal expression to effectively describe why they are having the feelings and opinions coherently.

A slow fall using wind would be nice.

Also the biggest thing they could really add, though wouldn’t really add anything new to the Shaman experience per se is adding a LOT more Wolf Form and Spirit Wolves glyphs. I don’t want just raptors and/or wolves!

Agreed, I’d rather be rejected than ghosted.

Also I’ve been playing Enhancement since the rear-end of BC, I’d really like to ENJOY THE SPEC, I just like how it feels and the idea of being a magic-based, melee DPS feels fun. The totems kind of added something unique.

Please don’t make me regret being a progression raider, Blizzard.

I can see it now. a mini tornado around your lower half. Ugh, that would be so sweet.

Also, not a complaint about you, but it’s pretty sad when a feedback forum turns into a pipedream forum because of the lack of communication.


I posted in the general discussion forum hoping to get some more visibility there but it hasn’t caught traction yet, trying not to catch a “stop spamming” thing. I was thinking about how the prepatch notes had very little for shaman changes at all and I was like, eep, that means optimistically we might not see changes til the launch patch at the soonest at this rate.

And even then, to change shamans literally on the day the expansion launches or early release? Seems like a dicey idea with no iteration. I’m really hoping I’m wrong, and I’d love to learn how wrong I am, and that we won’t be the only class without so much as a talent clean up for war within, but it’s really feeling BFA (Ey) in here.

I wish you all the best of luck.

I have found my once beloved Ele-shaman to be massively unenjoyable to play in DF. The scripted gameplay of “cast this spell which buffs this spell which buffs this spell unless you have stacks or a proc of this spell in which case cast THIS spell instead” absolutely ruined Ele for me.

I … hate … the … electrified shocks … buff … especially.

I was hopeful for some War Within changes (as I always said if they opened up Shamans to elves I would main an ele shaman in a heart beat) but DF killed that to the point I tried AGAIN last week to get my shammy going, did LFR and 1 key, and benched him again.

Such a beautiful and rich class fantasy completely mis-managed by the development team.


Electrified shocks and great sundering are terrible talents. Off the top of my head I don’t know any other classes that need to use a st spender to increase their aoe spender. Just make earthquake fun to press by itself. :confused:

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I really think a change that would help would make a talent that can use your whole maelstrom bar and does more depending on how much you pooled. I know for elemental shamans specifically we area always capping on maelstrom and our spenders feel more like a dump than a cool moment.

It feels like they wanted to have this 30 second mini cooldown loop but it makes the rotation and the feel very static, and since our 3 minute cooldown is only good for one half of the tree we’re really lacking in oomph.

Quick Update!

Seems to have gone unnoted or said anywhere, but tempest is now being reduced with it’s cast time, I think the damage could still use some tuning but it doesn’t jack up the flow of your rotation anymore which is super helpful. I wish they’d have posted that somewhere lol.

Still doesn’t benefit from mastery or any of our things like stormkeeper as far as I can tell but the cast time helps. It still doesn’t benefit from the talents surge of power, power of the maelstrom, or master of the elements (surprisingly) .