Feedback: Shadowlands Personal Loot

I’ve been having okay luck, but I still hate seeing my friends go night after night with nothing more than jack and :poop:. Especially seeing as I can’t trade my stuff with them, half the time…

Youre looking at it all wrong. The primary ssource of loot for the expac is your weekly chest. One piece a week. You do content to fill the chest with options. By the end of the patch you will be fully geared with BiS stuff and youre ready for the next patch.

The gear you get randomly in the dungeon or raid IS the supplementary gear. It supplements your weekly chest item.

I don’t see anyone in this thread who states their expectation to be fully geared after 6 dungeons and a raid clear.

Yeah, this was poorly implemented. Covenant armor is up to ilvl 177 and the highest ilvl I’ve seen from a World Quest is 174, which automatically makes all of those slots non-starters. I’m still being offered ilvl 158 weapons and I’m ilvl 176. My lowest ilvl item is my 161 neck so what the heck would I use a 158 for? Maybe some players are having luck gearing their offspecs from World Quests or something.

If they’re going to offer gear rewards from WQs, the gear ilvl needs to stay relevant.

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It’s all an issue.

Why are they even having an iLvl system when it’s completely off-kilter with the actual quality of the weapons.

I just got a weapon that’s 9 ilvls above my current weapon.

If I equip it, I lose 8.3 damage per second, strength, stamina, tons of critical strike, haste, and mastery (everything is lost except versatility and the gain is minimal).

So another quest completely wasted and a chance to up my iLvl but why bother? It’s the most frustrating and empty experience I’ve ever had in the game with armor/weapons. It’s infuriating. Upgrades aren’t dropping. Downgrades are dropping. Who came up with this?

I at first looked and it’s like sweet! I just grabbed an upgrade.

And then I scrolled down the list “Damage per second -8.3, -4 strength, -10 stamina,” etc. I almost wonder if the devs are just angry at people complaining and intentionally doing this s—. Isn’t that what an elitist would do to a whiner (even though elitists are the consummate whiners)? They’d just say, “Welp, no upgrades for you. Here’s a downgrade masked as an upgrade.”