Feedback: Scalecommander in The War Within

The ICD on the proc is 2 seconds regardless of how many players are hitting the target, so while it’ll potentially proc slightly closer to that cap with more players, that’s not making a significant difference.

This honestly would be great, I doubt they’ll do it but it would be awesome.

They did just change the graphic for Engulf for flameshaper so there’s a chance.

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Makes sense, I appreciate the clarification.

Tried devestation scalecommander the other day on beta (m+ and raid). Its either me, or the spec feels like its underperforming a fair bit in single target scenarios. Currently sitting here watching arcane mages do twice the damage of everyone else, not just scalecommander.

I assume it’s because we’re being scaled down to a specific ilvl and Scalecommander feels like they’re pretty dependant on decent stats.

Curious if anyone else had a similar experience.

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We’re a ways away from meaningful damage tuning, I’d try to concentrate more on the kits as whole and not how much damage they’re doing on beta.

Not sure if it’s been fixed since I last touched beta, but I believe several interactions with the Scalecommander kit haven’t been working as intended.

Generally the true tuning pass comes just before pre-patch.

Fair point

I feel flameshaper works better for devast, while scalecommander has been designed for Aug. The only +20% to black spells benefits a lot more aug, compared to devast that has only deep breath

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It benefits both deep breath and bombardments, but yeah I do agree.

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saying it benefits bombardments is weird cause you cant have one without the other. We could have just gotten a better talent than a boring 20% black damage node, and just buffed baseline bombardments

Or +20% on red spells for devast and 20% on black spells for Aug.

Unless something drastic happens, no one playing dev will want to be SC anyhow.

Hopefully the tuning pass at least makes it viable in some way.

The kit makes it seem like the superior ST option, so hopefully adjustments will be in that direction.

I hope you’re wrong, I NEED to be able to play the spec that calls in my dragon twinks to spit on those nasty bad boys

I’m certain that you’ll be able toplay it either way, but if you care about maximum output it may not be the play.

It hopefully won’t be so underwhelming that your can’t play it in most content.


All the feedback about the wonky steering deep breath and its inclusion into the burst rotation and they just did nothing about it.

When i was testing the disintigrate cleave was not working so couldn’t really test that properly.

The heavy focus on deep breath makes me sad… its a poor skill to start and is basically being forced onto the entire tree. I rarely ever use it and now the whole tree is focused on it??? Just feels useless for dev.

Every hero tree is pretty clearly designed for one of the two specs that can play it, and SC was clearly not made with dev in mind unfortunately.

Oddly, SC is currently worse for both specs, with the exception of playing Aug in a group full of 90sec coolie classes.

While I agree that the ultimate talent focus on Deep Breath is a bit disappointing, I know I will definitely go Scalecommander in TWW just cause of bombardment, its such a fun spell both visually and sound wise.
Since I play 90% for fun, thats whats I gots to pick.

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Plus we shouldn’t support them recycling Pyre’s explosion animation copy paste for Engulf instead of actually designing a new visual.

I would like it if the deep breath maneuver talent gave it absolute QOL instead of slight steering which I don’t see the point of.

Just make it a channel and we have normal movement and it’s just breathing on the ground below us so we can move however we want and insta cancel it as soon as we want by casting something else.

Would actually be cool if it could have breath put Bombardments mark on everything hit for like 4 seconds or something instead of the boring dot.

I wanna go swoop in with breath followed by 10+ dragonbois doing drivebys right after

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